
Jul 25, 2008 04:55

Title: Sangfroid
Series: Something that stars with "S", part fifteen
Characters: Jack & Ianto, Gwen, OFC
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Will the answer to the weevil problem be the death of Ianto?
A/N: For horizonssing day 25.

The UNIT commander looked as if his head would explode. The gears in his head were so loud Ianto could hear them broadcasting over the videophone to his seat at the conference table. "Explain this to me one more time- just take it really slowly, okay?" Ianto didn't know how Jack was going to get through the explanation again, especially not with both Martha and Gwen barely containing their laughter as they sat at the UNIT facility with the commander.

Jack took a deep breath and closed his eyes, 'this guy either has no imagination, or he's a damnable eunuch.' Jack's eyes sprang open at the soft squeeze he felt on his thigh under the table, he looked over to the calm-in-the-face-of-incredible-adversity Ianto before grinning and starting to yet again to explain in small words to UNIT what was happening. "Okay, one last time. We have ample evidence that weevils have some level of interconnection- either telepathic or empathetic we're not sure. We have first hand experience with our captive weevils reacting to pain inflicted on others." Jack noticed both Ianto and Gwen twinge at the memory of Owen and the weevil fight club, "if they can share pain with each other, it isn't a great logical leap to think they might share pleasure also. As you've seen from the video, moments after our captive weevils appeared to collectively experience overwhelming pleasure," Jack paused to see if anyone snickered, "the weevil in captivity at UNIT broke into a fit of rage. We did a CCTV scan and confirmed that several weevils were seen on the docks ripping into each other at nearly the same moment. The timing is too close to be a coincidence." Jack let his breath out, and gave the UNIT man a hard look.

The commander just shook his head again, looking down at the report in front of him and at Martha and Gwen waiting to see if they suddenly said 'just kidding.' When he did not get a punchline, he held the bridge of his nose between his fingers for a moment before continuing. "So, its the opinion of Torchwood that the dramatic increase in weevil violence is because the feral weevils are enraged at your captive ones wallowing in ecstasy?" The commander looked to the Torchwood team in his office and at the video phone just waiting.

It was Ianto who finally answered him, "yes Sir. That is our professional opinion."

Covering his eyes with his palm, the commander asked, "do you perhaps know what exactly is, ahem- exciting, your captive population? Is it something that can be gotten under control?" He was almost afraid to hear the answer considering it was Jack Harkness he was speaking to.

"The cause is Torchwood classified commander, there's no need for you to know." Jack answered swiftly. The commander waited for the rest of his question to be answered. It was Ianto that quietly answered.

"We'll contain the situation."


Ianto was going to put his fist through a wall soon. After discovering that it was his and Jack's sexual escapades in the hub that ignited the weevil problem, Ianto had placed a very firm lock on himself- and by extension- Jack. While Ianto could maintain his cool professional exterior through most provocations; Jack was an entirely different story. Jack had just crossed into the sixth month of his pregnancy, and when he described it as geometric he wasn't kidding. Ianto had expected Jack to suddenly grow a giant belly like a woman, but it didn't happen. Even with genetic manipulation to allow pregnancy, male musculature just wasn't designed to expand in the abdomen like that. So while Jack did gain weight around his midsection, he didn't expand out the front- more side-to-side. Since he didn't look pregnant, Jack was able to move about outside the hub without notice wearing his greatcoat, or on occasion a lighter weight jacket that was loose enough to hide the extra width.

Seeing medical scans continued to boggle Ianto. He'd look at the crisp images of the baby (or devil spawn, as Jack called her) and it was like a cold steel clamp on his scrotum. It was really happening; the woman Branwen, who came from the future to protect the past, was currently growing right before his eyes. He'd be responsible for this child's safety and happiness- and how do you do that at Torchwood?

He could feel the deep seated need to protect her and knew he couldn't place all the blame for that on Jack's bear trap pheromones. The same pheromones that made him loose his marbles and nearly kill Gwen, become so primal that he needed to have Jack nearly all the time and oh, accidentally sent all the feral weevils mental from sexual frustration. While his emotions may have been running amuck, Ianto kept the perfect ninja-butler persona running at full speed- even if most of the time he was thinking about taking Jack over or against the nearest surface.

Jack didn't have that luxury. If Jack's normal sexual behavior was considered impressive, the increased hormones running through his body made him nearly insatiable. He gave up even trying to hide his near-constant arousal and all the subtly of his advances had flown away like a pterodactyl with a welsh lamb. Jack was the sexual equivalent of an active volcano- ready to erupt and flatten everything under the explosion.

After weeks of the tension in the hub, it was Gwen that finally snapped at Jack and Ianto. "Bloody hell! I'd rather deal with the rampaging weevils than you two! Just go away and jump each other already!" Gwen threw their jackets at them. "I order you both to take the next couple of days off. Leave Cardiff, go someplace secluded and get on with it. Don't come back until you're smiling and walking bowlegged!" Ianto just stared at Gwen dumbfounded before he broke into a fit of laughter. Jack had the decency to look embarrassed for once while Gwen just threw a ball of wadded paper at Ianto and started laughing. After they subsided, Gwen looked at them seriously, "I'm not kidding; you can't function like this. The weevils are calming down, and we've got UNIT coverage for three days. Martha and I will be here- just go away and relax. Its probably the last time you'll get a chance to for say, the next eighteen years." Gwen pushed them out the blast door and hollered, "and I'm locking your codes out- so don't think I'm kidding," as the door rolled shut.


Jack felt Ianto's finger's threading through his hair. "Close your eyes and point," Ianto whispered in his ear. Jack smiled and put his finger out in front of him, feeling paper against the tip. Jack opened his eyes to see the map. "So, that's our destination then."

Jack kissed Ianto, "I don't care. I've seen the sky- lets just drive, leave all this behind for awhile and go." Jack ran his hands down Ianto's chest, enjoying the heat rising from his skin and the steady rise and fall of his breath. "We should get going or we'll never leave."

"Tell me where we're going again?" Jack was sitting in the passenger seat with the window down.

"You pointed, we're going to Anglesey." Ianto was watching the road, trying not to miss the turn for their cottage in Newborough. Something flashed in the sky off to Jack's side.

"Stop the car!" Jack bellowed and was looking intently out his window. Ianto sighed and pulled over. They could see the coast, how the blues and the greens of the sky and sea blended together as the the flash faded. "We should check that out. It could be trouble."

"Jack, it was just a falling star or ball lightening; if its anything to worry about Gwen will contact us. Besides, the flash was probably miles out to sea. Now get back in the car- we'll be at the cottage in a couple of minutes." Ianto ran his hand slowly down Jack's spine and was rewarded with a shudder. "Come on, no weevils, its you and me."

They arrived at the cottage, not overly fancy but secluded and theirs for the weekend. They barely had the bags in the door before Jack was tearing Ianto's clothes off. Ianto could only groan at the contact and let loose of his carefully restrained urges. "God, I was going to explode if I couldn't have you soon!" Ianto bit at Jack's mouth as they both pulled the remaining of clothes from their bodies so they could press warm flesh to flesh. Jack ran his hands down Ianto's chest, catching his fingers in the hair while Ianto's nails dug into Jack's back. Soon, they were pulling each other closer by the waist as their erections bounded against their bodies. Ianto let loose a small groan at Jack's jump from the intimate contact they'd been denied for weeks. Jack reached between them and harshly took hold of both of their cocks and roughly began stroking them against each other. "I need the edge off now or I swear to all that's holy we'll never survive the weekend!" Jack gasped as he pumped faster and held on tighter. Ianto could only rest his forehead on Jack's shoulder and hold on, trying desperately to keep his legs underneath him. He knew he wouldn't last long after abstaining for so long, but that didn't mean he wouldn't let Jack feel him. Ianto grabbed tight to Jack's waist and could almost sense the bruises form underneath his fingers. At Jack's sigh, Ianto opened his mouth and began sucking on the juncture of his neck and shoulder with abandon.

With the sudden sharp pain of the fingers grasping him, and Ianto's mouth on his throat; Jack quickened his pace and slipped the dry index finger from his other hand into Ianto's hole. The shiver and gasp that he was rewarded with made Jack begin to work his two hands in counterpoint. As Ianto's self control began to collapse, his clenching of Jack's waist and biting of his throat increased. With blood pounding in their ears as if they'd run a marathon, Jack felt the telltale signs of both his and Ianto's coming orgasms and became frantic at his stroking. The friction of their rubbing cocks was only slightly lubricated by the pre-come they were both dripping from waiting so long. Ianto began to shudder against Jack and bit down harder as his orgasm overcame him. The feeling of Ianto's orgasm and the sharp increase in the bite was enough to drive Jack over the edge as well and the stood there, leaning on each other to support their weight as the last of the contractions of muscle passed through them. They slowly ran their hands up and down each others bodies, spreading the cooling semen around before Jack lifted a hand to his mouth and savored the taste of a finger. Ianto looked at this with lust and swiftly claimed Jack's mouth tasting their combined release on his tongue. "Shower. Then some rest after that drive."

They were laying on the bed, relaxing after the shower just skin touching skin with eyes closed. "Penny for them." Jack lazily asked Ianto as he started making circles in the hair on Ianto's belly.

"Just thinking- you know- you were mine all those times." Ianto mumbled.

"I'm always yours, you're very demanding Mister Jones." Jack smiled.

"But the weevils, how can you function in the hub if they are that in tune with your emotions? I mean, the next time you get angry, is our community going to turn violent?" Ianto looked at Jack with apprehension. The thought of the weevils acting as some sort of chorus to Jack's emotions was far more worrisome than it should be. Jack smiled at Ianto.

"I may have a high opinion of myself Ianto; but this time its not me."

Ianto was confused, "of course it's you Jack; your pregnancy- the pheromones, they've somehow given the weevils a link to your emotions, that's why they were feeding off your euphoria."

Jack lightly licked Ianto's lips before kissing them, "nope. Not me Mister Jones, its you they're picking up on. Look at the timing. It was once the bear trap sprung and your emotions started running high. For once its not me that's the drug of choice, its you."

Ianto's eyes grew wide, "cynch."

Jack laughed, some things didn't need translation. He pulled Ianto against him and began running his fingers through Ianto's curly hair, "don't worry; we'll deal with it. So, I pointed at the map; but is this our destination? I rather like the bed." Jack's eyebrows wagged.

Ianto wrapped his arms around Jack in a hug, "this was the closest place to stay, but you pointed at Ynys Llanddwyn- St. Dwynwen's church island."

"St. Dwynwen? Patron saint of lovers. That is oddly appropriate." Jack smiled, "we can visit later," he started to run his hands further down Ianto's body. "Work to do now."

Ianto leaned up to capture Jack's mouth when his phone started to ring. Ianto's head fell to Jack's chest while Jack's crashed back onto the pillow with a dramatic sigh.

"Hello," Ianto answered the phone without bothering to look at the caller id.

"Ianto, sorry to interrupt the holiday; but we've got something. How long will it take you and Jack to get back to the hub." Gwen was talking quickly.

"We're a bit far away, where do you need us?" Ianto was trying to remain professional even as Jack's fingers began to stroke his balls.

"Anglesey. We need to investigate strange sightings around the old lighthouse on Llanddwyn Island." Gwen was checking her data, "looks like it might be a downed craft."

Ianto pulled the phone away and buried his head in the pillow and groaned loudly before putting the phone back to his ear. "Not a problem Gwen; Jack and I will check things out- I'll call if you and Martha need to head up here. We're closer. Bye." Ianto threw the phone across the room.

"Problem?" Jack raised an eyebrow.

"No. No problem. I hold up a map, and you just happen to randomly point to the location where a possible alien landing just happened. What could be the problem?" Ianto got up and headed into the bathroom and slammed the door.

"Well, we wouldn't want to be bored, would we?" Jack said to no one in particular.

The story continues in Sanguine

horizonssing, jack/ianto, starts with s, fic, gwen, torchwood

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