
Jul 23, 2008 05:02

Title: Soporific
Series: Something that starts with "S", part thirteen.
Characters: Jack & Ianto, Martha, Gwen
Rating: NC-17 (bet you never would have guessed that).
Summary: The weevil problem is getting worse, but Jack & Ianto have time for what they do best first.
A/N: for horizonssing day 23.

The Torchwood team collected in the conference looking with horror at the charts displayed on the main screen. They had intellectually understood that violent weevil activity had steadily increased over the past four months, but there's quite a difference between knowing something and having hard facts displayed in a bar graph. Since Jack's pregnancy had effectively removed him from the weevil hunts, he was the most stunned. He'd skimmed the reports that either Gwen or Ianto wrote on the missions, but not being part of the action meant he didn't really have a first hand grasp of the situation. Right there on the screen, in clear detail showed just how much danger his team was facing. Jack suppressed a shudder knowing that Ianto had personally been responsible for probably ninety-five percent of all weevil terminations and that must weigh heavily on him. "As you can see, above-ground weevil activity has increased over one-thousand percent in the past four months," Ianto took a deep breath before continuing, "from an average of two weevil events per week to over twenty. Its also become apparent that they are significantly more violent." Ianto changed the display to a report showing the previous two year's worth of weevil terminations versus the past four months, "as you can see; for the two year's prior to the dock incident, our average weevil termination rate was only two percent, that has increased to one hundred percent." Ianto looked at the team, trying not to show his pain, "none of our attempts to subdue a weevil since that time have succeeded; its almost as if they are in some sort of heightened state where all of their aggressor responses are increased." Ianto held his tongue, he had a theory, but didn't want to bring it up in front of the entire team.

Jack frowned at the data and looked to Martha hoping for better news, "Martha, any progress on a new spray that might help?"

"Sorry Jack, I don't know what's going on. The new formula worked fine on our captive weevil population; but it has no effect on the feral weevils other than to enrage them. I'm collecting blood samples from all of the terminated weevils before disposal now to see if there's been some sort of infection spreading. If need be, I'll start doing necropsies on all of them;" they all cringed at the thought of dissecting that many weevils. "I'd suggest we capture one for study, but I'm afraid that whatever is affecting them might pass to our captive population, and I don't think any of us want to be forced to put them down because of our mistakes." Martha thought of Janet, and the other unnamed weevils in the vaults. Janet had been in captivity since Jack brought her in right before Ianto started at Torchwood and she was mostly docile. Ianto could easily collect blood samples from her, so it was from those samples that Martha developed the spray, but she didn't have the heart to test it on Janet- it was always the unnamed captives that got dosed.

Gwen turned away from the statistics, "Jack? I think its time we called in help. With only three of us in the field, its too much. We can't keep this pace up much longer- we're going to start making mistakes." Gwen looked at Ianto and tried not to remember how Ianto's gun jammed a few days before with three weevils bearing down on him. Gwen had never been so scared as she was in those seconds as she lined up her shots to take the weevils down- if she'd been off by an inch it would've been Ianto she hit. She'd cleanly taken down two and hit the third in the shoulder, which gave Ianto enough time to get his other gun out and take it down. They'd just looked at each other for a minute after that and Gwen knew that they'd forgiven each other for everything with those bullets. And with the breathtaking kiss Ianto planted on her after he walked over the weevil bodies; Gwen no longer had any doubt what it was Jack saw in him. For his part, Ianto's thanks came in the form of jaffa cakes with every cup of coffee and (thank goodness) taking over responsibility for weevil care. "Even if its nothing more than a UNIT squad taking calls a couple nights a week, we just can't keep this pace up and expect our luck to hold." Gwen had already quietly checked with the regional UNIT commander to confirm that they could give Torchwood a squad for three days each week barring a major UNIT action. The team was based out of the Caregan camp in Cowbridge, about fifteen miles West of Cardiff, so response time would be acceptable. For once, Gwen wasn't just thinking of herself; she could see the stress starting to take its toll on Ianto and Martha, and especially Jack. Knowing the team was in the field while he was back at the hub could only be driving him to distraction, and after Ianto's arm wound (which hadn't been a weevil, but a wire fence) Jack had nearly gone into full blown hysterics. "This is getting too big for us- we all know it. After the Daleks, the agencies agreed to work together, its time." Gwen looked at Ianto and seeing his eyes flash with respect made Gwen swell with pride- amazing how much things could change so quickly.

Jack sighed- Gwen was right, they were running themselves ragged to keep the weevil's under control and still there were injuries and deaths. "Alright; I'll make the call. I don't want any of you getting hurt because your exhausted- physically or mentally. Martha, let's call in some of those favors from UNIT and get a feral weevil captured and let them take it for quarantine; that gives you access to study without accidental infection. Gwen, talk with the Constabulary, maybe we should get their tactical squad trained to deal with Weevils as well, just in case things get overwhelming. Ianto;" Jack stopped for second, "create a dossier for UNIT and others who might have to deal with Weevils, we need to arm them for what they might encounter and the proper protocol for disposal." The team all nodded and began to leave the conference room; Jack grabbed Ianto's arm after the others had left, "I think we need to talk, we're both thinking it and we need to test it somehow." Ianto just froze looking at Jack, then nodded. "My office in fifteen."


Ianto was not looking forward to the discussion with Jack so he headed into archives to pull the mostly completed weevil protocol he'd started long before the recent upsurge. As much as he wanted it not to be true, the timing was just too close for a coincidence. He tucked himself into one of the small alcoves that littered the archives and closed his eyes as he tried to regulate his breathing. There was no worry about showing up on CCTV- Ianto had the CCTV layout in memory and this was a dead space- so he allowed himself to slightly break for a few moments.

"It is what you think Ianto. But I can help; we can defuse this before it explodes." Ianto nearly jumped at the quiet voice- if there were ghosts at Torchwood, why did they have to pick on him? "Ianto, its not your Toshiko, but I am a Toshiko and I want to help." Ianto felt his pocket watch vibrate and he withdrew it from the safety of his vest. "We need more privacy, lets head for the switch room." Ianto knew he was tired, but taking orders from a talking pocket watch? "Branwen told you I'd help when you needed me- but we need privacy. We only have ten minutes before you need to meet Jack." Ianto pushed himself from the brick wall and headed for the old switch room. As a defunct mechanical systems room, there was no need for monitoring, so it was no only private, but the noise level from the old steam pipes made it nearly impossible to eavesdrop. Ianto opened the door and closed it with some effort at which time an eerie likeness of Toshiko Sato shifted into existence. Ianto stared at the hologram and wanted to weep. The mainframe's Tosh persona had captured Toshiko at her most beautiful and strongest. Ianto suddenly remembered his imaginary friend from childhood, it brought a smile to his face that only Torchwood could take the idea to this extreme. "Hello Ianto, we don't have much time, so I'll just get right to it. You and Jack are right, its Jack's pregnancy pheromones that are making the weevils hyper aggressive." The hologram crossed the room to a control interface and appeared to rest its hand over it. "But think about it for a moment. The weevils here in the hub are unaffected, the weevils out there are- what's the difference Ianto? If its pheromones, why are the weevils that are exposed docile, while the feral ones are aggressive? Use all that information you collect and sort it- find the answer." Ianto looked at the Tosh hologram and thought back to all of his conversations with the real Toshiko- she had an uncanny ability to direct his thoughts into certain patterns to solve problems in a way he himself never could. She had explained once that it wasn't a secret, she merely thought of his vast knowledge as a computer database, and given the right query, an answer was easily found. This Tosh had the benefit of all of the original's genius, plus the resources of the Torchwood mainframe- he couldn't even imagine what she might accomplish. Ianto sorted through his head, sifting the data found there through finer and finer meshes until the answer was so obvious. The Tosh holo smiled at him, "I knew you could do it Ianto, now work the problem before it reaches critical mass." Tosh stopped, acting as if she was listening to voices in the distance, "need to get going Ianto or you'll be late. Mustn't keep Jack waiting- there's work to do." Tosh smiled at him as she walked over and brushed an insubstantial kiss on his cheek before fading away. Ianto touched his cheek, wishing with all his heart that the real Tosh was here right now, but there was no time to dwell on losses so he set his shoulders, fixed his suit and started to Jack's office.

"Work to do."


Jack just sat at his desk looking at Ianto in utter amazement. Ianto confirmed what they both thought, that Jack's pheromones were the root cause of the weevil violence, but Jack was flabbergasted at how wrong he was in the mechanism. When Ianto laid it all out, it made perfect sense; but how in the world did he reach the conclusion so easily? Now the problem was coming up with a solution. "We need to discuss this with Martha, maybe move one of our weevils to UNIT for observation to confirm the hypothesis. If it holds, then we have to figure out how to clear the air so to speak." Jack rose from his chair and walked behind Ianto, resting his hands on his shoulds, "but not tonight. We all need some rest- UNIT is on call this evening so we all have a night's rest- or maybe not." Ianto squeezed Jack's hand and made to stand up.

"I'll just take care of the weevils and Myfanwy, then we can lock up, I presume you'll send Martha and Gwen home?" It was a rhetorical question, Ianto was already heading down the back staircase making towards the holding cells.


The clock next to Ianto's bed read just after two in the morning. They'd only needed to change the sheets once this evening, but Ianto was behind on laundry, so they were using his incredibly old blue sheets. Between earlier exertions and the warm weather (and because a certain time traveling immortal sex machine's nasty habit of tearing certain clothing items off rather than just pulling them away) they were currently naked with hands entwined. Ianto's modesty had him pulling the duvet up to cover his lower body, but Jack was on display in all his glory beside him. Jack rolled over to look at Ianto with a small frown on his face. "Will you still love me when I'm fat?"

Ianto looked at him as if he'd sprouted another head, "I think we've established that I'd love you no matter what as long as you keep doing that thing with your tongue." Ianto replied in jest, hoping to avoid any heavy discussions while his brain was still so overloaded on endorphins that he'd be lucky to remember his own name. Jack smiled and pulled Ianto's hand up to his mouth.

"What thing? You mean this?" Jack slowly ran his flattened tongue from Ianto's wrist, up over his palm and then dipped it in between each finger while curling it up. "Or maybe this?" Jack proceeded to swirl the tip of his tongue around Ianto's nipple before lightly blowing on it. The combination of warm moisture and chilled air bringing it to a constricted point almost instantly.

"Hmmm. I was thinking of something you do a little further South." Ianto smiled with his eyes closed. Jack just licked his lips and slid down Ianto's body, dragging his tongue along the way. Just because he wanted to hear a small squeak from Ianto, he carefully bit at a whorl of hair below Ianto's belly button and tugged. As predicted, Ianto bucked up and exhaled sharply. Jack kept sliding down leaving a trail of freshly moistened skin in his wake before landing at his destination. Ianto sighed and spread his legs a little more to allow Jack room to work, but Jack was resting his chin on Ianto's inner thigh with his nose resting at the base of Ianto's fully erect penis. He twitched every time Jack's breath landed on his sensitive balls, and steeled himself for what would come next. Other than an occasional swab of Jack's tongue in the juncture of cock and balls, Jack wasn't doing anything other than breathing. Ianto pulled himself up onto his elbows and looked at Jack with a raised eyebrow.

Jack smirked back and said, "so, expecting something in particular Mister Jones?" Jack nuzzled against Ianto's erection.

After a quick intake of breath, Ianto growled back, "your tongue doing all those evil things to my dick that makes my brain pour out of my ears. Now."

Jack smiled with the tip of his tongue peaking out, "well, since you asked so nicely," and immediately flattened his tongue and dragged it from the base of his cock to the tip. Jack dipped his tongue into Ianto's foreskin and slowly ran it around the glans causing Ianto to squirm and grasp tightly at the sheets. With a slightly evil glint, Jack rounded his mouth to Ianto's head and quickly puffed several times making Ianto nearly launch from the bed. "Careful, you could poke someone's eye out with that," Jack chuckled, "I believe there was something you were expecting? Oh yeah, this!" With little warning Jack hardened his tongue into a sharp point and thrust it deep into the slit of Ianto's penis over and over. Effectively pinned down by Jack's body across his legs and his arm over his stomach, Ianto had no escape from the erotic torture. Ianto's breath went raspy as Jack slowly took the glans into his mouth and dragged his teeth from crown to tip before engulfing Ianto to the base in one stroke. Ianto could hardly make more than a mewling sound as Jack carefully bit his shaft at the base- just enough to feel the burn of each sharp tooth. Jack sucked hard and pulled off Ianto before diving again all the way to the root. He could feel Ianto's breathe come quick and his scrotum tighten so he remained with Ianto buried deep in his throat, waiting for that first telltale pulse. Ianto was fighting to hold back, but his body's need for completion betrayed him and as that first wavering pulse began, Jack quickly clenched his throat muscles down tight on Ianto like a vice. His climax the only thing in his mind, Ianto called Jack's name over and over as each pulse was matched by Jack's clenching throat. His release completed, Ianto tried to move, but found it impossible and he simply drifted into a post orgasmic sleep. Jack looked up at him thoughtfully, as he cleaned Ianto before pulling the worn blue-striped duvet up to Ianto's waist and sliding up to lie beside him. Unconsciously, Ianto's hand again reached for Jack and their fingers entwined. Jack kissed Ianto before whispering, "get some sleep Ianto, you'll need to be on your game in the morning."

Ianto smiled without moving, "no choice, can't move- you melted my brain."

The story continues in Semaphore

horizonssing, jack/ianto, starts with s, fic, gwen, martha, torchwood

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