Title: Reflections, part twenty-eight
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: none.
Summary: While making upgrades to the hub, Jack & Ianto come face-to-face with decisions past.
A/N: Part Five in the Horizon's Sing generated AU Something that Starts with "S"; written for the new
redismycolour challenge, day twenty-eight.
PART TWENTY-SEVEN Jack held a hand out for Ianto, who pushed it away and got to his feet on his own. "Thank you, I can manage." Jack shrugged and continued towards the now very dim light source while Ianto looked around for a moment then caught up. "You know, it's about time we got to take a little trip down your memories Jack. I'm getting a bit tired of revisiting mine." Ianto saw Jack's lips quirk into a smile at the quip but he didn't speak. Ianto looked around again at the darkness and the one dim point of light in the distance. "This really doesn't look like sub basement five, any idea where we are?"
Jack finally looked at him, "I have an idea, but you're really not going to like it." Ianto noticed the worry lines marring Jack's features and ice ran down his back.
Ianto moistened his lips, "Just spit it out Jack, I don't think I can handle cryptic at this point." Jack looked away for a moment, took a deep breath in his oxygen mask then turned cold eyes to Ianto.
"The Daleks. The reality bomb went off- nothing survived except that beacon there."
"Every Torchwood employee must understand the importance of maintaining temporal continuity." The lecture hall at Torchwood One was filled with all the new hires; from the most promising field agent to the man who replaced the tanks on the water coolers and one junior researcher named Ianto Jones. The man standing at the podium was some senior scientist so far up on the totem pole that Ianto would never see him after today, but this was a required symposium and Ianto was taking notes.
Jack and Ianto looked up at the seats, filled with young people just starting at the Tower of Babel known as Torchwood One. Ianto saw himself up towards the top, head bent scribbling furiously on his notepad and his eyes wandered to the row of senior staff sitting behind the lecturer. He nudged Jack and pointed, "Hartmann always sat in on these seminars. She'd make eye contact with every single newbie; just to say she has a personal investment in all of her staff." Jack snorted at Ianto's description of Yvonne Hartmann and her managerial style which caused Ianto to roll his eyes, "Of course, her personal investment is nothing compared to yours Jack. Imagine how busy you'd be with 800 employees."
They both allowed their attention to wander back to the lecturer, "Every Torchwood employee must understand the importance of not disrupting the proper flow of time. While Torchwood enemy number one feels it's his right to constantly interfere with historical events; you must never forget that each and every Torchwood employee is bound by the same principal."
Yvonne rose from her chair and took over the podium, "Any employee thrown forward or backward in time, or witnesses someone or something obviously out of their time should remove such threat to linear time and if need be, end their own life to protect the proper flow of events." She drummed her nails on the podium and gave the now wide eyed audience a grin, "I expect every single one of you to remember this. We do not interfere with the flow of time- ever. Even if you have to live to the natural conclusion of your life in a nursing home in some distant past or future- you don't interfere."
Ianto looked at Jack as he continued towards the light in the distance and then down at his own shaking hands. He balled them into fists and clenched his eyes closed for a moment before exhaling, "Damn."