Title: Reflections, part ten
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: none.
Summary: While making upgrades to the hub, Jack & Ianto come face-to-face with decisions past.
A/N: Part Five in the Horizon's Sing generated AU Something that Starts with "S"; written for the new
redismycolour challenge, day ten.
PART NINE Ianto held tight as Jack returned to life; paying little heed to the flailing, instead he concentrated on his upgraded doppleganger. He thought for a moment that ice water poured down his spine as he heard his own voice, flat and lifeless speak. In the post-resurrection haze, Jack frowned at Ianto because he'd never purposely say something like that; but then Jack followed Ianto's gaze to the hatch and the figure standing there. "Oh hell."
The cyberized Ianto grabbed part of Gwen's metal superstructure and began dragging her down the hallway; variables such as a duplicate of himself and the Captain were not addressed within his directives, and therefore they were ignored. The disabled sentry was part of his directives, and that which was once Ianto Jones always cleaned up- no questions asked.
Jack managed to get his feet under himself and stand, while Ianto watched the activity in the hallway with his gun drawn. He stepped behind Ianto and rest a hand over Ianto's gun to avoid an autonomic response. Ianto still flinched and went to lift his gun, but registered Jack's presence and relaxed slightly. "I really don't want to be here Jack." Ianto's words sounded lifeless, but his eyes were showing Jack everything he needed to know.
"Me either- where's the hatchway on this floor?" Jack was now scanning both directions down the hallway, noting areas where bare stone and earth were visible when steel used to encase it. He could see flashes of what looked like lightening at the far end of the hallway, and the legs of the downed cyberman disappear in the same location. He looked at Ianto, "No; let me guess." Ianto just grimaced and checked his gun again. Jack straightened up and stepped into the hallway, "Come on. No point waiting to see who comes next. Unless you have a triple mocha latte with extra creme hidden on you." With resignation, Ianto followed Jack down the hallway.
The level was a combination of short term containment cells and equipment storage and the cyber invasion had obviously taken advantage of that combination. With horror, Jack and Ianto looked in the containment cell and saw a weevil disfigured with cyber components. The hands had been fitted with scoops while the arms had been given some enhancement, from the looks of several dead weevils littering the floor of the cell; it appeared that the components were being recycled as each weevil died. It was Ianto that finally spoke, "It almost looks like excavation equipment. Like the weevils are being used as digging machines."
Jack silently agreed with Ianto's conclusion and was about to say something when his own voice carried from the next cell, "So you've suddenly figured out how to talk again Ianto? The cyberbitch losing her touch?"
Ianto's back stiffened as both he and Jack peered into the next cell. Ianto had to turn away from what he saw in the cell; but Jack looked on with pity at himself. It was the caged Jack, suspended from the ceiling by chains with a myriad of cables inserted into his veins that broke the silence. "Hey there Jack, mind cutting me down?"