(no subject)

Dec 06, 2009 14:00

AUTHOR: Hokuto-sama/A(R)
Summary: None. Theres no actual Story yet =_= Dont grammar Nazi on me yos XDD

Chapter 4: Ice and Snow

"WHY are you still here?" I said in frustration. I had given up asking though. It was obvious I couldn't do a thing about it. The gods were giving me a punishment for disobeying my parents. One bad thing kept on leading to another, I don't know if I'll be able to stand this until Friday, when I would finally be allowed to go home. I know I could go right now, but I think for the ticket to the US I would have to sell my soul and self to pay for the ticket, and I was not about to resort to prostitution.

Chansung just layed there, with his feet up, rudely, on the plush white bed and sheets, and watching the TV as if he owned the place.

Why was he here again.
"RUN FASTER!!!!!" I yelled gasping a bit, trying not to crash into a sign for a food restaurant. They all ran behind me, him included. He had no choice though. Alot happened in between the moment I hit him with the orange and now. As soon as it had hit his impeccably white shirt, he turned around and glared at me, his eyes burning in anger.
"You little--" he had started, but he didn't have enough time to finish the sentence.
"Hwang Chansung? from 2PM?!??! omg!" we all heard, turning to three ladies sitting nearby. He turned to look at them with a quick glance, like the idiot he is, which was his mistake since as soon as they recognized him they ran up to him, asking for autographs. He did as they asked, signed and then expected to walk away, but it wasn't as simple as he would've thought. As soon as he was done with one, some more came, and then soon after some more joined them. He couldn't possibly have thought they wouldn't follow him now would he? running out of the store as if no one would spot him. It was a crazy scene. I turned on my heel and started to slowly back away from this all too familiar scene. Min, Alma, Sam and Emily stared at the scene in annoyance and freight.
"what do we do?" Emily said, shakily.
"Should we help him?" I hear Alma say, with anguish.
"NO!" I yelled almost automatically. Turning around again.
"I dont wanna die either, i think he can manage" Min said.
"But we can't just stand here and watch" I heard Sam.
"I know what we can do..." I told them. I actually didn't know though, all I know is that I wanted to get the hell away from here as soon as humanly possible. All four of them turned to me in anticipation.
"theres only one thing we can do...."
"what?!" they all said in unison, as we were being pushed a bit to the back by the arrival of some more fans.
"RUUUUUUUN!!!" I yelled, and I turned around as if dodging a bullet, using all power of my legs to leave the crazy familiar scene. I didn't bother to turn around and just kept running. No way am I going to get caught up on this again, I had thought. Why is this happening, I also thought but its almost as if I wouldn't be allowed to have any peace. Turning the corner, almost knocking down the sign of a restaurant, them running along side me, I turned around for a bit and to my shock and horror, HE was also running behind us. Chansung caught up quickly with us of course, a long legged guy running for his life should be able to get ahead. I wanted him to run in front of us and keep running until we could no longer see him, but when we all halted, far away from the scene, he was still there. We all gasped for air, Min actually collapsing to the floor, Alma, sitting down next to her, Sam grabing a bottle of water from her bag and Drinking a bit before passing it to Emily and then around. I looked at him accusingly. I wanted him to go away, because him being there was doing something strange to my stomach.

"WHY are you still here?"
"I was obviously running. Are you blind?" he answered, fixing his cap.
"that doesn't mean you had to run along with us!"
"well, why the hell were YOU running? it was me they were chasing" He said. Smug aren't ya bastard?
"Well thats none of your business anyway! you didn't have to tag along with us" I said back in anger. Is he deliberately trying to make me angry?
"Why are you so mad?! You should be happy. A thousand girls would kill to be in your place!" He said in anger.
"I would kill to NOT be in my place right now" I said back, trying not to let my nervousness over his words take over. Why did he make me nervous?! I was angry at myself for betraying my anger.

"Are you sure you two haven't met before?" Alma interrupted our argument. I turned to my friends. I had completely forgotten they were there as they all stared at this dramatic scene. I sighed in horror and stress. He should definitely leave before they start getting the wrong idea. So I turned up to him.
"Well, they're gone, so you can go now." I said calmly. It was finally over afterall, nothing was stopping him from leaving. He kinda stared a bit at me. I felt a pang in my stomach when the look on his face seemed a little sad. Why did he look like that? I wasn't the only one that noticed though.

"Whats wrong Chansung-ssi?" I heard Emily ask him.
"Nothing." He answered seriously. I felt bad know, but I had no reason to, I did nothing. He looked back at me, that same look on his face.
"What?" I said. I'm shocked. I couldn't hide that.
"I'm gonna go now" he said. And then he moved ahead and past me and started walking away. What had just happened?
"whats wrong with him?" I heard Sam ask me. I had no clue though so I didn't answer. Suddenly, Alma in her bluntness started sprinting after him.
"Chansung-ssi!" she yelled a bit, only audible to us I suppose since is was pretty empty around the park we had ended up in. He turned to her.
"Say, are you hungry?" she asked him. What was she doing?
"I'm a little hungry yeah, why?" he asked before fuly turning around. Then a smile appeared on his face.
"Do you have food?" he asked her, that smile of his spreading all over his face. He's such a kid I swear.
I wanted to punch myself for thinking his sudden brightening was cute. I never denied that he was a good looking guy, but his personality really kills it. He walked along with Alma back to where we stood, which wasn't far. All of a sudden I didn't care. I gave up trying to be mean to this guy. He really can't seem that bad a person. Maybe he's just hungry and that made him cranky. But as soon as I remembered he called me a stalker, my hatred came back. Yep, I have a grudge.

"What do you guys say we treat Chansung to some food, eh?" Alma asked us. I didn't care anymore but I wasn't happy with it either.
"Its fine by me" I heard sam say a bit shyly. Oh gosh.
"I dont' mind either" I hear Sam.
"Let's treat him to something good!" I heard Emily say, Min nodding with her. They all turned to me as if saying, if you don't say yes, youre not eating.
"I don't care." I said and gave an indifferent look. I already knew I was destined to have a horrible time either way so now I didn't care anymore.
"Great!" I heard Alma say, turning to him with a smile. He smiled back at her before she started walking away, him following a bit. He really isn't so bad, I thought, feeling bad that I had misjudged him again. Suddenly he turned to me, a smug evil smile on his face.


"I thought it was pretty funny on the episode of Wild bunny where you ate Wooyoungs...erm "food", was it really that horrible?"

"Yeah, he doesn't know how to cook. Guys food doesn't taste good and they all suck at cooking" he said, munching on a bit of Kimbap we had ordered rom room service.
WHY was he still here? We went to eat to the nice restaurant of the Lotte after that.....creepy smile which still lingered in my memory.

He ate six plates of Rice, Kimchi stew, A bowl of gejang, marinated crabs in soy sauce and plates of various banchan, and Tangpyeongchae, a dish made with nokdumuk (a mung bean starch jelly) and vegetables. How can he eat so much?! my stomach had hurted a bit from seeing how much he could eat. Min had given him a face mask so he wouldn't be recognized, which had worked since no one seemed to know he was a korean idol. Maybe its his total lack of ettiquete and class that said that. During dinner, he had
told us a bit on himself, on what he liked and answered all the questions my good traitor pals had asked him. I couldn't figure it out though. He had ran away from his other fans, yet he didn't run away from us? Why? I wondered what he was thinking then.

Which leads us back to this scene, He lying on Sam's Bed, with his feet up, and resting an arm behind his head. He had discarded his white shirt and was just in a wife beater he had worn under, as if this was his house, flipping the channels to see what was on TV, munching on kimbap, and answered the question I didn't even pay attention to who had asked. Before long My traitor friends had snuck out without my knowledge.

But was was worst about this situation is that it felt completely unreal. There he was in all his long and slim glory. His hair covering his left eye a bit, his skin almost too perfect for this world, and even his chewing was charming. Why did he have to turn out to be like this? I had to question myself a bit though, I didn't know the guy, only from the websties and shows, but even on the shows, his personality was there. I sighed in frustration.

"Are you just gonna stare the whole time you stand there?" he finally spoke, breaking the silence. We were alone this time, since Alma and Min had gone to their room and Sam and Emily had gone to check out the rest of the hotel, so they left me here to baby sit. I hadn't said anything to him, since I was waiting for him to show a bit of shame and leave to where he was supposed to be, but that didn't look to be happening any time soon.

"I'm just wondering why you were still here. Sorry you got the wrong idea." I said finally. I could be blunt when I needed to be and he wasn't getting the picture so I figured I should just be honest about it. He laughed a bit and then sat fully on the bed, shaking his head so his hair could be out of the way.
"I thought I told you I was gonna spend some time here" he said. I sighed in desperation. Why arent you leaving?! I looked at his arm, it was muscular and toned and smooth. He should put that shirt back on for his own safety.

"I don't see why that includes a free stay at my room" I said. Please, please just go away already. I was nervous, I admit that.
"I don't see your name on this room" he told me.
"Wel, see thats where youre wrong. Both rooms are under MY name." I said matter of factly. He looked at me confused before he laughed a bit again. I hated when he did that. Then he stood up and walked over to me.
"I'm hungry"

You're kidding right? I thought.

"You're kidding right?" I said voicing my thoughts once again. He just stood there, munching on the last bit of Kimbap he had.
"No, I'm not. Let's go get some food." he said.
"Why do I have to tag along with--" I started saying then sighed.
"Fine. Whatever." I said. I hadn't given up on getting him out of here though. As soon as I started to question on why I had to go, I noticed that once he was out of the room, I didn't have to let him back inside.
"Great, I know a great place around here" he said. Why was he so cheery? And why was he acting as if we had known each other forever?
"I thought you said you hadn't been here before. A liar overall." I said outloud, moving past him to get my bag and winter coat from the fine leather couch near the tallest window from Sams side of the room. The luggage bags were all over the place and we hadn't unpacked much. I can't believe it's only the first full day we're here. Why do I have such bad luck?
"Well hurry up!" He said, as he put his cap back into place, and the face mask that we had given him, his shirt finally on.
"I'm going! god! wait the hell up!" I yelled, Rushing to the door and then following him out.

"I'm not going outside Lotte world." I said fimrly, crossing my arms like a spoiled child. It was mostly for heat though. He was nuts. I had no money.
"But theres too many people here, why can't you just be nice, man?"
"I'm not a guy, dont MAN me. I've been nice enough already." I said.

The problem with the whole situation started mostly because Lotte world is so Damn huge, hence his freight of being recognized since there were alot of people. The Hotel itself was already large enough, why did we have to go out from it?
"Why couldn't you just eat at the restaurant? You seemed to have liked the food, since you ate six plates of it" I said.
"Why are you always picking a fight with me?" He said. I stayed quiet. "Because you piss me off?" I was tempted to answer but didn't.

"I'm not eating there again. And why were you looking when I was eating. Stalker" He said and started walking ahead. I followed him against my will, completely irgnoring the stalker comment, not giving him the satisfaction of winning.
"Look, Diva, I dont have enough money to buy you some expensive dinner so don't even think I'm paying."
"Its alright, I'll pay since you're being so stingy." He said, not turning back. I got mad.
"Is it really fun to piss me off?"
"Look girl, I don't even know you so why would I enjoy making you mad?" he told me.
"Girl? I have a name."
"well I dont remeber what it is so...sorry." He said turning a corner. I was a bit hurt, but I let it go quickly since I didn't want to give any kind of desperate attempt for him to know who I am. I realized then that we were now exiting the Lotte. Jerk. He better pay for his own food. There was a cold breeze outside, then I suddenly realized that He wasn't wearing a coat, even though it was freezing outside.
"Do you happen to own any jackets? Or are you deliberately looking for a cold?" I said. I was OCDin'g about that. I hate being sick, so I couldn't imagine someone looking for disease.
"Do you always have to bitch at everything?" he turned and asked me.
"Yes, yes I do" I said. He looked at me angry again. Why did he always do that?
"Remember just now how you asked if it was fun to piss you off?" he said, before standing on the edge of Namdaeumunno to flag down a cab.

"...Yeah?" I said.
"Well I want to ask you the same thing. Do YOU enjoy pissing me off?" He said, a cab pulling over quickly at the edge.
"And I'll answer you the same way you did earlier. I don't even know you, GUY, so why would I enjoy that?" I said.
"I'm paying for the food, You pay for the Taxi." He said before opening the cab door and getting inside.
"I never agreed to that!" I yelled after him but got in. Why do I always give in to what he says?

"Damn! this is too delicious!" he said outloud so only I could hear. I looked at my slice of Stone Oven baked Pizza and felt the repulsion of myself as I took a bite out of the Pineapple and Ham Hawaiian slice before I looked up and glared at him. Le Tre
Campane, Seoul's Best Oven Baked Pizza, was definitely way too far from the Lotte. But he just sat there, smiling happily, wiping his mouth with a napkin as he just took a bite from the large pizza we had ordered. I wished that stupid smile of his didn't make me all warm inside. And I wished I could stop wishing at that moment. Well that he had ordered. I despise anchovies, and he ordered one with Anchovies, Onion and Veggies. What kind of a monster is this guy? I took a sip of the Iced Tea I chose and bit again. It really WAS good. I thought this wasn't so bad.

"Thats gotta be the best pizza I've ever had." He said that silly satisfied smile on him again. He took a sip of his Drink and looked outside, before he took out his phone to look at the time. He put it back on his pocket and took another sip and thats when it hit me. I had been staring the whole time.
"Are you just gonna stare the whole time?" he said. I snapped out of it. But I couldn't really help it. He was definitely handsome, who didn't know that already? But up close, he was even better looking, which I hated to admit. His skin was too smooth and creamy, his lashes, long over his eyes, his nose adding perfect symmetry to his face, even with the face mask on his lover chin at the ready for in case he had to cover quick, I could still get a glance at his long neck. I turned away. He made me nervous, but what girl wouldn't feel nervous around an idol? I didn't answer him, which he seemed to have noticed.
"I want to go now." I said finally. I really wanted to get as far away from him as possible, before I said or did something I would regret later. Last thing I need is a police file in a foreign country. He looked at me a bit, kind of sinking his view to have a better look at my face, which I refused to give him access to.
"You know something?" he said, breaking my thoughts.
"what?" I said.
"You have a poker face."
"Is that a compliment?"
"No, its not."
"Then why did you have to say it?"
He stayed quiet before exhaling loudly.
"Because I can't tell what you're thinking" he said.
"Then it IS a compliment. Never wanted you to know in the first place" I said fake-smiling at him, which he didn't react to.
"Ok I get it. You hate me. You dont have to be so cold though." He said. I was suprised at his blunt answer. I admit I was being Icy towards him, but for a good reason.
"You figured it out huh?" I said, but I didn't mean that. I didn't hate him...Much. He succeeded i making me feel bad, thats for sure.
"I don't like you either, so its alright if you hate me."
"WHY are you still with us though? WHY?" I questioned, pushing away my empty plate to the side. "I just can't figure that out"
"I thought I told you--"
"that doesn't make any sense though." I cut him off. My curiosity took over. He just sighed loudly, he was annoyed, I could tell that much. I hear a bell from the door as anothe costumer entered the already really small and packed restaurant.
"I told you. I need a break from everything. It's so stressful right now because of what happened with hyung."
"Couldn't you just do that at home?"
"No because theres too many paparazzi outside my house. It would be better if no one knew where I was" he said.
He DID look real stressed. Even talking about it sounded different from earlier.
"Why are yo staying with us though? I just don't get that" I said. I wanted an answer. A person doesn't just go along with strangers for such a childish reason.
"Because you guys are foreign. And no one would suspect a bunch of foreign girls in an obvious place." He said. I stayed silent.
"But you don't KNOW us. How do you know we're not gonna kidnap you and ship you in a box to America for the legions of 2oneday fans?" I said again. His logic made no sense.
"Because you guys look too innocent to do something like that."
"Oh please, looks can be deceiving" I said. Why did I say that?
"Are you admitting something then?" he said. I blushed suddenly. My thoughts left me as I stared at his stupid serious face. His stare was intensely gazing at me, as if he was trying to read what I was thinking. All I could do was look away, again and insist on leaving.
"Please, can we go already?" I pleaded, surprising him. His gaze changed to a little more sympathetic.
"Fine." he said, signaling a waiter to bring us the bill.
"You said you'd pay. So pay." I said still sitting. He got up, put the face mask all the way up in his face til it reached his eyes almost, and then to reach for his wallet. A male waiter came and handed him the bill.
"I know. Shut up." He said, as he went through his wallet. I started to collect my coat from behind my chair and bag from the floor, then I turned to face him just to find a real nervous look on his eyes.
"whats wrong?" I said. His face had gone even more pale, but he didn't say anything.
"what is it? God! say something!" I said. He liked pissing me off. He really did. He sat back down on his chair nervously.
"I don't have enough for the bill...." he said. I blanked out.
"WHAT?! You're kidding right?!" I whispered loudly (its possible to do that, yes.)
"No! I'm serious!" he said, fixing his cap a bit more. "how much you got on you?" he asked me. My heart started pounding in fear. I
knew I didn't have enough. I didn't grab all my money from my luggage.

"I only have enough for the ride back on Taxi"
"You're kidding! Stingy! give me a hand, I'll pay you later!"
"I'm not being stingy! I'm serious! I don't want to wash dishes to pay off debts, why would I lie?!?"
"who washes dishe-- Ok. Whatever. I know what we should do." He said. I got a chill, a bad feeling on his words emerging.
"What?" I said in freight. My heart was still pounding, and I got scared of to what he might be thinking.
"At my sign.."
"No. I'm not doing that."
"Yes you are, or you're gonna be on your own here"
"No I'm no-"
"GO!" he cut me off and then dashed to the door of the restaurant. I didn't hesitate and I followed right after, speeding as if My life depended on it, which I assured my self it would. I bumped into a large table and three chairs before reaching the door, hearing as people yelled at us to stop, the Cashier, moving and attempting to chase us. I could feel my heartbeat in my ears now as I ran as fast I could after Chansung, who was ahead of me by a mile long. He turned in his running.
"Hurry up! they're catching up!!!" he said, turning at an alley, the neon lights blinding me as I attempted to follow him. I couldn't turn back but I couldn't hear anyone behind us anymore. Why did I always end up in things like this when he's around?!

"WHY DO I ALWAYS END UP IN SITUATIONS LIKE THIS WHEN YOU'RE AROUND?!?!" I yelled at him before crashing into his back at the dark alley.

And even worse. It started to Snow.


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