Oct 03, 2007 00:29
Name: Stephanie
Age: 19
Favourite Subject at Hogwarts: Potions. I love everything that can be done with potions, from love spells to sleeping draughts, and from deadly poisons to life-giving antidotes. The subject bewitches my mind, after all.
How do you spend your leisure time at Hogwarts?: I love to explore the castle, finding new passageways and finding out where all the doors lead. One of my other favorite things to do is just to sit around the dorm with my friends, laughing about silly things and talking about our lives. I also love to loll around down by the lake, maybe curled up with a book, maybe just feeling the breeze on my face.
If you could store one memory in a Pensieve, what would it be? It would be a moment of pure happiness that I could reflect on when times take a turn for the worse. For example, I might put in the night leading up to my first kiss (one of my favorites), or one of the nights I spent in Dublin, or just something simple like a Saturday afternoon in the fall with nothing to do but sit outside and absorb the wonder of life.
If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into?: I always try to avoid putting a concrete name to my worst fears (I don't like to admit weakness)...I dislike spiders, but I'm not afraid of them, I have an irrational dislike of feathers (not birds, just feathers), and I used to be afraid of uncontrolled fires...but I'd have to say that my boggart would turn into something masked and menacing that was chasing me and could somehow keep me from running away.
What would you see in the Mirror of Erised? Myself on the stage with a microphone, singing to a crowd that was screaming
my lyrics back at me. Or my true love. One of the two!
What advice would you give to a younger version of yourself? Hmm...I'd tell myself to throw my whole heart into whatever I do. You're more likely to look foolish if you do something half-assed because you're afraid of looking foolish. If that makes sense.
Would you have put your name in the Goblet of Fire? Absolutely. I'd have been afraid of not being picked, but I would have wanted to at least try for the glory.
Harry Potter: Hero, Attention-Seeker, or Normal Kid in a Bad Situation? And Why? Not an attention-seeker, for sure. He doesn't seem to relish the press he gets, does he? I think he was born to do great things, but that he didn't have to seek that destiny. I think he is a normal kid who realized a potential for greatness and became a hero.
Voldemort: Evil, Genius, or just plain Misunderstood? And why? Evil, no doubt. He may have been one of the greatest minds Hogwarts had ever seen, but any natural genius was warped and twisted by his thirst for power.
Under what circumstances would you use an Unforgivable Curse? I would use an Unforgivable if I was left with no other options in order to protect myself or a defenseless innocent.
What single quality goes the furthest in defining who you are? My most defining characteristics are my passion and my pride. They can come out negatively as aggressiveness, a quick temper, stubbornness, and a tendency to be slightly self-centered, but they give me my most positive personality traits as well: fierce loyalty, determination, confidence, warmth, leadership, and a huge capacity to love.
What makes a person respectable? A person is respectable if they are truly hard-working and ambitious, and if they stay true to themselves though all hard times. I can't stand hypocritical, lazy, or two-faced people.
If you had to choose between your family, your friends, and your own beliefs, what would you do? I'd choose my own beliefs. If I abandon those, then I lose my self-respect.
What do you look for in a friend? I look for humor, a sense of adventure, trustworthiness, loyalty, and a compatible personality.
Put the following words in order of importance to you: Duty, Family, Friendship, Honor, Justice, Power, Tradition Honor, Duty, Family (and I include tried and true friends in this), Justice, Power, Friendship, Tradition
If you could have either a well paid easy job that did not task you mentally, or a lower paying job which gave you the freedom to pursue your interests, which would you choose? The lower paying job. I would go crazy of I were stuck in a dead end job where I couldn't make a difference and was bored out of my mind. That's what an easy job would do to me eventually. I believe that if you do what you truly love, success will come to you.
What qualities do you possess from each of the four houses? Pride from Slytherin, Curiosity from Ravenclaw, Loyalty from Hufflepuff, and a strict sense of Justice from Gryffindor.
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be? I would eliminate my tendency to procrastinate. I think it's really held me back in life so far, and it's a tremendous obstacle in everything I attempt to accomplish.
If you were an animagus, what would you turn into? (Assuming that the animal reflects the person, it is not chosen.) I would turn into a leopard: sleek, fierce, intelligent, and strong.
In which house do you think you belong, and why? I really have no idea. I think probably not Hufflepuff, just because some of my other traits outweigh those that favor Hufflepuff, but other than that...I'm undecided!
How did you find us? If it was from a post say where and who posted it: I was doing an interest search for "Snape" and this was one of the results! I've always been curious about which house I would be in, so here I am.