Name: Christi, but call me Chrissy
Age: 22
Favourite Subject at Hogwarts: I’d have to say Potions because I really enjoyed Chemistry back in high school. I could see myself spending hours mixing random ingredients together just to see what would happen.
How do you spend your leisure time at Hogwarts?: Probably hanging out with my friends, reading/writing under a comfy tree and torturing first years (why? Because I noticed in high school that the freshman seemed to get shorter every year and I’m wondering if the same is true at Hogwarts)
If you could store one memory in a Pensieve, what would it be? Hm…I found my father’s body when I was 7, and that still haunts me to this day. I would gladly put that memory in a pensive so I can try to get over it and get on with my life.
If you were to face a boggart, what would it turn into?: This is going to make me sound like a two year old, but it would turn into a clown. I am terrified of clowns, have been ever since I got lost at a circus when I was a kid and I was surrounded by clowns.
What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?: I never got to say good-bye to my father. I would see myself with him one last time. Five minutes is all I ask
What advice would you give to a younger version of yourself? Spend more time with Blake because dumb ass Bush will send him off to war and you’ll never see one of your best friends again. That and I’d tell my younger self to slow down, life is too short to rush through it.
Would you have put your name in the Goblet of Fire?: Hm, I don’t think so because I don’t have the physical strength to survive the challenges that would have been set before me.
Harry Potter: Hero, Attention-Seeker, or Normal Kid in a Bad Situation? And Why? Normal Kid in a Bad Situation. It seems that every time Harry had to fight Voldemort, it was sheer luck that he survived. Being lucky does not make you a hero. Heroes are selfless and think of others before themselves and Harry is just a teenage boy who just happened to get stuck with a life he never wanted.
Voldemort: Evil, Genius, or just plain Misunderstood? And why? Genius, well misunderstood genius anyways. I look at Voldemort the same way I look at Hitler, they both had some good ideas, but had completely mental ways of going about achieving them. Voldemort had a hard life and planned to take revenge on those who had wronged him and it just got a bit out of hand.
Under what circumstances would you use an Unforgivable Curse?: I could see myself using the Cruciatus on small animals when I got bored. I mean I was the kind of kid that would pull wings and legs off of bugs just to see what would happen. If anyone threatened anyone I cared about, no matter who they are I’d whip out the killing curse so fast that their head would spin as they died.
What single quality goes the furthest in defining who you are?: Ambition. No one in my family has ever graduated from college. I plan on being the first to do that, even if it kills me. My own mother has told me that I won’t make it, that I’ll drop out and move back home. I plan to prove her, and the rest of my family wrong. I have an associates and am working on my bachelor’s. I just keep telling myself that I’m almost there and to just hang on.
What makes a person respectable?: The ability to be themselves not matter the situation.
If you had to choose between your family, your friends, and your own beliefs, what would you do? My friends. I have a small group of select people that I consider friends; the gang is like family to me so I’d have to go with them
What do you look for in a friend? : Someone that won’t stab me in the back, someone with a personality that’s as all over the place as mine and can keep up with me and above all, someone I can be myself around without worrying what they think. Someone with a very odd sense of humor that wouldn’t clash with mine, I need someone who won’t be insulted if I totally ignore them because I’m in a mood. Friends should never betray friends, so I need friends who will be loyal to the end no matter what they’ve seen or what they know.
Put the following words in order of importance to you: Duty, Family, Friendship, Honor, Justice, Power, Tradition Honor, Power, Justice, Friendship Tradition, Duty, Family
If you could have either a well paid easy job that did not task you mentally, or a lower paying job which gave you the freedom to pursue your interests, which would you choose? Well paying easy job simply because if it’s as easy as you say it is( which to me means 9-50, I would use spare time to pursue my interests.
What qualities do you possess from each of the four houses?:
Gryffindor: I am stubborn as hell when I set my mind to something, I blame my Irish roots.
Hufflepuff: I am loyal to those I care about and will defend them, and the things they care about until the end
Ravenclaw: I love reading, writing, and just learning in general. I have an odd sense of humor that tends to go over people’s heads at times, much to my displeasure
Slytherin: As I said earlier, I’m ambitious and will do anything I can to achieve my goals. And, well, I once wrote up a plan for world domination with a friend of mine
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: I come off as snobby to those I’ve just met, but I’m not. I’m really shy until I get to know someone and then I’m my loud, who cares what they think, self. I wish I could be that way from the beginning.
If you were an animagus, what would you turn into? (Assuming that the animal reflects the person, it is not chosen.): Possibly a fox because they’re sly and able to slip out of trouble easily. They are also able to survive just about anywhere and because they are typically solitary animals, I would only have myself to look out for. Well, that and they’re cute :D
In which house do you think you belong, and why? I’ve been put in Slytherin more times that I can count, and I can totally see it. I’ve also be put in Ravenclaw a few times and I can see it too. I think I’m a good mixture between these two houses, which is pretty interesting. I see more Slytherin in myself because of my desire to succeed no matter what.
How did you find us? If it was from a post say where and who posted it.: random searching on LJ