Charming a telly to fly. Closed RP for Sirius and Lily

Oct 12, 2006 17:22

((Backdated to right after The emo and the sleeping and the charming of the telly.))

A flash, cold blue, in the distance.

People shouting, screaming, crying.

Figures running past, someone calling her name.

Glazed eyes staring at her, a body crumpled on the ground.

Too late. Again.

With a small gasp Lily jerked awake, eyes flying open. Steeler yawned his protest at his warm bed moving so suddenly and curled back up, lying half on her and half on Sirius. Sirius. Confused, Lily raised her head slightly. She was curled up against her friend, arm slung around his waist, head resting on his chest. A small smile flickered across her face and she laid her head back down.

Easing her mind away from the nightmare that had awakened her, Lily simply took comfort in sitting next to him. His heart beat was steady under her, his breathing slow and regular. He smelled good, too - fresh and clean. Thank Merlin she'd made him go shower. Sighing softly, Lily relaxed again. She hadn't meant to sleep at all, but, gauging from the shadows on the floor she'd been out for a couple of hours. The rest had helped; Lily felt worlds better than she had in a few days. Now, maybe, she could actually be there for Sirius - help him, somehow - rather than breaking down and forcing Sirius to deal with her problems. Sometimes, Lily was amazed at her own selfishness; she determined to focus completely on what he might need to help him start to heal.

Glancing back up at him, Lily considered moving, going to another chair and getting some studying done, but she didn't want to wake him. The fact he was sleeping, naturally, in his own form wasn't lost on her. Simply watching him for a moment, Lily absently scratched behind Steeler's ears. Sirius looked better - still sad, horribly so, and there was still the evidence of grief in the lines of his face - but Lily thought she could see a small measure of relief about him. Like maybe he was starting to claw his way up out of the despair that had overwhelmed him.

Another sigh and Lily turned her eyes away from studying his face. "I miss you, James," she thought, jaw clenching against the sudden ache in her chest, that burning sensation in her throat. "I didn't know I could miss someone this much and still be walking around, still be breathing, still have any desire to laugh and live and do anything but curl up in a corner and cry. But I'll take care of Sirius. Because you'd want me to, because he was your brother, because we both loved him. Because he misses you just as much as I do. I'll take care of him because you can't. And, somehow, we'll keep going. Like I know you'd want us to; like I'd want you to do if it was me gone instead. But, Merlin, James, I miss you."

Fingers stroking idly through Steeler's fur, Lily let her mind wander. Remembering things, moments, days of her life before. Her wedding - her so nervous she was sure she'd never make it up to where James waited, Sirius grinning beside him; days spent with books scattered across her kitchen table, Order members flowing in and out, laughing and drinking tea and ignoring the fact that when night fell some of them might not be coming back; going out to dinner, all of them, laughing so hard she could hardly breathe; quiet evenings spent at home in front of the fire, so domestic and normal that it made her grin at the silliness and ache for the loss. So many good things, so much she could never have again. Waiting for Sirius to wake up, Lily allowed herself to cry, just a little, for the absence of her husband, of the life she'd known before. A few tears, a small shuddering sigh, and she carefully maintained her composure. Once Sirius was awake, Lily fully planned on shoring up her own grief again; but now, for only a second, she let herself remember and mourn.

sirius black, rp, lily potter

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