Home Again. Closed RP for Sirius and Lily.

Aug 17, 2006 19:56

At ten 'til seven on Thursday morning, Lily was sitting at the Ravenclaw bar. Dressed in the jeans and black shirt she'd borrowed from Dawn, she had a two glasses of Firewhisky in front of her. Her fingers were curled around one, the other was for Sirius. She was sitting quietly, staring at some random spot on the floor. The room was uncharacteristically quiet and she hadn't moved in a while. There'd been no sleeping the night before and she'd actually been waiting in the common room for about an hour, trying to not talk herself out of this trip.

She was going to say goodbye. She'd been trying to get to this point for over two months now and it still felt surreal. Her hand tightened on the glass as she fought - for what seemed like the thousandth time - not to just go back upstairs, pull the covers over her head, and wish this all away. Because there wasn't any charm to fix this. She couldn't brew a potion or say an incantation and get her old life back. She had to move on. And this was part of it. She had to let go.

The only sound in the room was the clock ticking over the fireplace and Lily's even breathing. Her face was pale but determined. She had to do this. Not for Harry or the now-James or Sirius or anyone else. For her. For completely selfish reasons, Lily had to go back to Godric's Hollow and say goodbye. Not just to James, but to her life. To all the hopes and dreams and plans she'd made. To her marriage, her family, her mates. To the Lily Potter that was. Waiting for Sirius, Lily sat perfectly still, her hand gripping her glass like a lifeline.

sirius black, rp, lily potter

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