Open RP in hallways

Aug 17, 2006 14:14

Fry, slouching along the twisty little passages of Hogwarts (all alike) finally comes to a stop, having paced the school's interior length EXACTLY 15 times by his count. He stops in the geometric center of the Great Hall, cups his hands around his mouth, and announces -loudly- to, well, ANYBODY who might be in range, "Okay!! I give up, Bender! You' ( Read more... )

tracy, fry, rp, god, all school

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Comments 40

goblindabeaker August 17 2006, 21:21:48 UTC
Tracy pokes her head round the corridor.

'Who wants to humiliate you?' she enquires. 'Cause I'm good at that.'


captn_yesterday August 17 2006, 21:24:46 UTC
Fry slouches, shoving his hands back in his pockets and pouting in the direction of Tracy. "Been looking for my best friend, but I haven't seen him since we got here. You haven't seen him, right? Big guy, yay high, probably rigging house-elf fights?"


goblindabeaker August 17 2006, 21:28:52 UTC
'Mate, you just described half the people at this bloody school.' Tracy says, rolling her eyes. She walks towards him. 'Can you be more specific?'


captn_yesterday August 17 2006, 21:33:01 UTC
"Sure!" He makes a sort of robot-shape with his hands, from over his head to down to the floor. "Big and silver, kinda chunky, has my power of attorney. His front chest door squeaks in the most adorable way when he sleeps, and he's probably got my bank card again... Hmm. No -wonder- I'm always broke."

Yes, Fry's brain is already wandering. He has trouble focusing on conversations that don't revolve around A) television b) himself c) Leela or d) how to fit thirteen naked coeds into a single mud patch.


godmodder August 17 2006, 23:33:37 UTC
God trails behind Fry as he walks and bumps, with exaggerated comedy, into his back when he stops. S/He bends halfway and peers up at him, eyes twinkling, a small smile on His/Her face.


captn_yesterday August 18 2006, 14:13:08 UTC
Fry blinkblinks at the totally hot little chick that just smacked into him and, grinning with embarrassment, offers a hand to help her back up. "Oh man, I'm sorry! You okay?"

((I'm stuck in an off-site meeting with no internet access today, so sorry if I can't reply more until this evening :/))


lilypotter60 August 19 2006, 00:29:52 UTC
Lily was wandering back from the library, her nose stuck in a book. She very nearly tripped over Fry, looking up in surprise. "Oi!" she said, frowning a little as her brain caught back up with her. Then, laughing in embarrassment, she grinned. "Sorry, mate. Wasn't paying much attention." Tucking the book under her arm, she held out her hand. "I'm Lily."

((OOC: ZOMG Fangirl!Squee! XD /random))


captn_yesterday August 19 2006, 03:16:54 UTC
"Hey, you're a redhead who doesn't pay attention to stuff too! Cool!" Fry shakes Lily's hand, "I'm Fry. Nice t' meetcha."


lilypotter60 August 19 2006, 03:23:12 UTC
Laughing, Lily nodded. "Pleasure's all mine, mate. Though I've never met anyone so chuffed to find out I'm a klutz." Looking around, she said, "So, Fry, what are you doing out and about? Not much going on in the Great Hall, yeah?"


captn_yesterday August 19 2006, 03:33:02 UTC
Fry kicks at the floor, dirty sneaker scuffling the old stones, giving Lily a hang-dog look. "Bored. SO bored and lonely without television. I got here with this friend of mine, right? But then he like. I dunno, wizarded himself to another dimension or something and now everything's really DULL. I tried to talk to those creepy little elf-guys, but all they ever want to do is -work- and they don't know any good ghost stories."


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