I think we're all agreed that Hogwarts Hocus is a huge big barrel of sweet, delicious crack. But why? Because of the wonderful, beautiful characters we have here. Most of us are fangirling over characters and plotlines and pairings not our own, but it's difficult to express our love without disrupting RPs
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<3 Peace.
Oh, and Nny! We mustn't forget the original psychopath (Was Teatime before or after Nny?) Nny is just so awesome, I feel bad I haven't read the canon yet.
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Wolfram. I am all about the snotty stuck up possessive nightie-wearing love that is Wolfram. My burgeoning KKM addiction is all his fault.
Nny. Aargh I'm such a Nny fangirl it's embarrassing, and everyone knew that anyway because dude I write fic about him as a 12yearold so really this is all redundant BUT. Squibweapons! Sexiness with Teatime! Sweetness with Gogo! Messed-up Devi love and messed up Squee-protectiveness and OMG NNY IN A KILT.
Primavera. I luff luff luff Primavera and it makes me SO HAPPY that I get to interact with her. And I think that Gogo's getting a little sneakier due to Prima's influence. ^_^
Ron is love. I love his staunch Straightness, and his cluelessness, and his attempts to investigate and his loyalty. But mostly his cluelessness in the Prima interactions.
Obviously, I HEART the Prima/Ron stuff with the power of a thousand suns. Yay Guy!
Squee and his poor little broken brain. He's played perfectly. Ilove getting to freak him out. XD
Teatime is honestly THE CREEPIEST character I ( ... )
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And I love Arrested Development! What is wrong with me? Is it the flavored lip gloss?
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All of Remus's friends and enemies - Stephen, Sirius, Crowley, Tonks, Cooper, and Cox - are all wonderful. It's hard for me to pick a favorite incident, but Cox sending Remus a raw steak and Cooper's anti-werewolf campaign particularly stand out in my mind at the moment.
I also love all the Homestar characters, especially Senor Cardgage.
Ron and Oz are both terrific. "Stop ruining something pure!"
And, of course, MORFIN IS LOVE.
I'll think of more after I've slept for a while longer.
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The laconic wit that is Oz I also love. What other werewolf could call Cooper a friend? And the songs of hula-wolf Oz ... there are no words.
GOB provoked me by his sheer hilarity to go rent Arrested Development and now I'm hooked.
Charlie Pace is such a woobie!
Ichimaru Gin is deliciously villainous. *quacks*
I want to see more of Kweh the Chocobo...
Stewie Griffin is snarky love.
And. Last but not least.
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