Closed RP: A present for Byakuya~!

May 08, 2006 21:03

Gin waited outside the Great Hall, a little pensive behind his usual smile. Byakuya seemed to be having some very strange mood swings lately, and he rather hoped that Byakuya was still on the 'happy' side. It would be nice, anyway. It might be worth investigating later, what sort of curious magic had caused Byakuya's sudden change of character ( Read more... )

byakuya kuchiki, rp, gin ichimaru

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noble_shinigami May 9 2006, 04:35:43 UTC
Following Morfin's underwear announcement on WART radio, Byakuya headed to the Great Hall in case someone actually found his missing pair. Not that he planned to ever wear whatever turned up -- mostly he was curious. When he noticed Gin, he smiled and waved very cheerfully.


noble_shinigami May 10 2006, 05:39:59 UTC
"Maybe I want to hear you say it~"

Being pinned so abruptly and hard knocked his breath out of him, and he didn't relinquish his hold, but tightened it. His body betrayed him, and he started to laugh after he'd caught his breath, feigning embarrassment. "Oops! I guess my secret is out now."

Since he had nothing to lose, he pushed them both away from the wall to give himself more room in which to maneuver. He hooked one leg around Gin's waist, followed by the other, locked at the ankles. "That wasn't very nice though. Maybe I won't ever let go now."


perpetual_smile May 10 2006, 05:56:12 UTC
"Heh," Gin smiled, trying not to choke. Byakuya's hold was getting a bit too tight for comfort.

"Perhaps we should go back to your room instead of mine this time," he suggested, taking a couple steps with Byakuya on his back. "Since I haven't gotten fresh sheets yet."

The other man's weight was a bit much in this kind of awkward position, but it wasn't unmanagable. He smiled, as sweetly as his smile ever got (not that Byakuya could see it from his position), and added, "After all, I think I have a favor or two to return, along with the underwear."


noble_shinigami May 10 2006, 06:46:36 UTC

"You're not still using the dirty sheets, are you?" He had to question Gin's hygiene at that point. But, then, Byakuya was perhaps slightly obsessive about cleanliness. He sniffed Gin's hair. "When did you last bathe?"

At length he considered the suggestion, but couldn't decide if it was a good idea or not. There was something he was supposed to do... that didn't involve playing 'horsey' with Gin. Something he'd discussed with Stephen. It took a while for it to come to him. "Hmm, I don't know. Senbonzakura wants to play with you, too, and it would be a little difficult in my room."


perpetual_smile May 10 2006, 07:25:11 UTC

"But, ah, wouldn't you rather it was just the two of us?" Gin said, voice still saccharine, smiling. "I'm sure we don't need to involve your zanpakutou in this. It might be a little awkward."

He hoped Byakuya would let go, soon. Between the added weight, headlock, and mention of Byakuya's sword, Gin was suddenly a little uneasy. Maybe it would be better to just give the man his underwear and get some distance from him for a while.


noble_shinigami May 10 2006, 08:06:34 UTC
Byakuya was content to stay right where he was, though he did gradually loosen the headlock. "Oh, I don't want to hurt you. Not like that, anyway." And it was the truth. He kissed Gin's ear, the gesture playful. "But you do need to be punished for picking that poor child up by his head, I think. You know better."


perpetual_smile May 10 2006, 14:39:10 UTC
Gin recalled that incident. He'd been in the middle of a wonderful conversation with Nny and then that loud little child had burst in...

"His head was abnormally large, so it seemed like the easier way to move him out of the way," Gin smiled, not denying his actions. "But the school caretakers usually handle punishment, and it would be mean of you to deprive them of their fun."


noble_shinigami May 10 2006, 20:38:13 UTC
"We both know neither one can harm you, even touch you, unless you allow it. The responsibility falls to me," he said, as affectionately as one would sound reprimanding their beloved pet. No one had been seriously injured, so Gin's transgression was minor, but not excusable. "Perhaps you can suggest a way for me to punish you, if my idea wasn't entirely... suitable."


perpetual_smile May 10 2006, 22:52:37 UTC
There was an obvious suggestion to be made here, but Gin didn't really want to be the one tied up. Although it would probably be preferable to anything Byakuya had in mind with his sword.

"You don't think being made to carry you around on my back is punishment enough?" Gin asked, still in seeming good humor. "You're getting a little heavy, Byakuya."


noble_shinigami May 10 2006, 22:58:38 UTC
"Oh? This is hardly a punishment." Compared to what I have planned. He released Gin and got off him, standing beside him once more. He kindly patted Gin's hair back into place with a smile, and as he was lowering his hand, pulled at his obi casually. "My room, this time."


perpetual_smile May 10 2006, 23:08:48 UTC
Gin bent his head a little to allow the smoothing down of his hair under Byakuya's hand, playing along, and seemed happy enough to follow when the other shinigami pulled.

"Dare I ask what you have in mind?" he asked as they began to walk, his smile broadening just a little.


noble_shinigami May 10 2006, 23:51:25 UTC
"You won't like it -- that's the whole point, you know, and you have no say in the matter. Accept your punishment without too much complaint, and maybe I'll let you choose what we'll do afterward," he said, as pleasant as could be. "Or whenever you next visit me, which you should really do more often. You're so nice. It's too bad we're not in the same House, we could be roommates~! Oh, I wonder if we could be anyway..." On and on he went.

It might have looked odd to others, Byakuya pulling Gin along by his obi, but there were few people around to notice, and fewer still who would've cared to comment. One of the perks of residing in Ravenclaw, they were usually too drunk to be concerned about anything but themselves.


perpetual_smile May 11 2006, 00:05:50 UTC
"Oh, I won't complain. I am guilty, after all. And I know your insistance on adherence to rules and order so I'm sure you wouldn't do anything inappropriate~."

Making the occasional idle comment in between Byakuya's bouts of logorrhea, Gin followed along complacently, all the way back to Byakuya's room with a side look at the bar on the way past. Maybe they had sake. He might need some, after this.


noble_shinigami May 11 2006, 03:05:14 UTC
When they were within his room, door wisely locked to lessen the chances of being interrupted, the time for talk was past and Byakuya made good on the promised punishment. He invented some very creative ways in which to abuse kidou and keep Gin bound, and Gin's torment was thorough, unrelenting, almost cruel. Pleasure was, in fact, the punishment; he was brought to the very brink of orgasm several times, but given no relief. The purpose being to make Gin writhe, beg, as much as he was likely to, to make him helpless and incoherent with need, until Byakuya was satisfied and ultimately offered him release.

Perhaps the 'punishment' wasn't the best method of encouraging Gin to behave...

((A variation of a fade to black~))


perpetual_smile May 11 2006, 04:15:40 UTC
((That's quite the descriptive FTB variant, oh my! And could I possibly post even once without a typo? Argh...))

Moreover, once his punishment was over, Gin made it a point to be sure that he was very thoroughly and completely recovered from such excessive cruelty, with the assistance of Byakuya's surprising expertise and enthusiasm, of course.

Upon reflection, on his way out of Byakuya's room on shaky legs after a few very happy parting words, Gin decided that considering all the different ways he could have been punished, he could grow to become very fond of this one.


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