Trickster, Angel, and all around troublemaker ((Application, Gabriel, SPN canon))

Apr 02, 2011 13:41

Voices were heard in the Sorting Room well in advance of their arrival ( Read more... )

application, dean winchester, gabriel, sookie stackhouse, castiel

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Comments 99

lovereallybites April 2 2011, 18:10:46 UTC
There had been a few other sorting events since she had been here. This was the first one she was visiting her self. She came bearing small box of cookies. She walked over to Gabriel holding the box out to him, with a smile. She knew the idea here was to take bribes in order to sway someone to vote a certain way. But...she wasn't really that type.

" Wasn't sure if anyone Welcomed you yet. But welcome."


low_key_angel April 2 2011, 20:30:48 UTC
Cookies and a pretty blonde? Someone pinch him.

Gabriel gave her his most charming grin and sidled up to her, summoning a fat red longstem rosebud in his free hand. "Now this is the kind of welcome I could get used to."

He took a large bite of a cookie and groaned. "Tell me you made these. Then tell me who I have to thank for bringing me wherever this is."


lovereallybites April 2 2011, 21:24:28 UTC
" Well aint you a charmer." she said still with that friendly smile as she took the rose. " I just figured it would be nice to welcome you into the fold." She looked to the cookies, then to him.

" Yes, I made those. By hand no magic since I am not quite sure what would come of me trying to make things with magic." there was a little laugh from her " I am glad you like them."

" My name is Sookie by the way."


low_key_angel April 2 2011, 22:24:15 UTC
"And a Southern Belle to boot, how fortunate," he said with a grin, diving in for another cookie.

Gabriel didn't blink at the mention of magic, even if it was a little odd for a pretty, and by all appearances, ordinary mortal to treat it so casually. But he supposed he should probably figure out where he was. His trip director wasn't exactly forthcoming with the details.

He miracled up a plush couch and flopped down in a boneless sprawl, threading his fingers behind his head. "So, who did decide to bring me back?" He was fairly certain that it wasn't Dad, or any of his other family members, which was curious. There weren't many others out there that had that kind of mojo at their disposal.

Well there were. Just not many that were kindly disposed towards him enough to bring him back.


nerdofthelord April 2 2011, 19:46:24 UTC
Death had told him he might want to go by the Sorting Room before leaving on some mysterious errand. Castiel figured out why a few moments before he actually got there, a familiar (and very powerful) aura pinging off his own, and he stopped dead in his tracks in the hall outside. Not that this would prevent the new arrival from knowing he was there, but it gave him a moment to gather his thoughts before he entered.

Unless he missed his guess, life at Hogwarts was about to become a good bit more interesting.

He sighed and entered the Sorting Room, hands in pockets, regarding the deceptively unimposing vessel of his much-older brother with resignation.

"Hello, Gabriel."


low_key_angel April 2 2011, 20:59:22 UTC
He felt the presence a moment after he landed and rolled his eyes. Naturally. It seemed he couldn’t go anywhere these days without running into some member of the family. He had spent centuries on Earth undisturbed by his Celestial bretheren, but let one Apocalypse kick off and all of a sudden he couldn’t shake them. Even when a guy died he couldn’t catch a break and get away.

“Hey there little bro,” he said with an impish wink. “Well, well. Get a load of you!” He circled Castiel, eyeing him curiously. A snap of his fingers summoned up a leggy blonde and brunette, one for each of his little brother’s arms. “Someone recharged your batteries and popped a fresh coat of grace on those wings of yours. I am impressed.”

He tapped his chin with a finger. “And if they did that, it means those two chowderheads got my message and stuffed Lucifer back into his box.”


nerdofthelord April 2 2011, 22:46:42 UTC
Castiel turned to look curiously at one of the women and then the other, gently disengaged his arms from their grasp, and thereafter ignored them both ( ... )


low_key_angel April 2 2011, 23:18:56 UTC
Gabriel shrugged as Castiel shook off the women. With an exaggerated sigh, he waved his arm and they vanished. Most of the younger Host were wound a little too tightly for their own good.

“Looks like we were both restored, lil bro,” Gabriel said, looking down at himself thoughtfully. “But it wasn’t Dad. Weird.”

Speaking of which.. there was an odd thrumming of power coming off his younger brother. Power that wasn’t Celestial, but it was ancient and resonated somewhere down in his bones. He cocked his head at Castiel and came closer, peering intently at him. Personal space was never a concept angels were good with and they stood nearly nose to nose.

“Oh, you found some kind of power boost. What did you..” he held his hand over Castiel’s chest, homing in on the power that was housed in an ordinary looking silver ankh on a delicate silver chain that resided in his pocket.

“I told you chuckleheads to get the Horseman’s ring, not try anything as hairbrained as getting her sigil. And how in the hell did you pull that one off?”


i_shot_a_dick April 2 2011, 21:30:27 UTC
Dean had not been by the sorting rooms in a while but today it seemed the stairs decided that was where he needed to go. He would blame the hat for setting this up when those stairs landed him and he turned to try and catch the next case, only to be stopped cold by a voice he was not all to sure he was glad to hear.

He turned back around and walked to that door "Heh, yeah we threw a couple wrenches in the works." It's a bit hard to hide the bitter note in his voice or the fact that he is rankled.

The hunter took a lean against the door frame, not entering the room "Guess the damn hat got bored, just what we need around here."


low_key_angel April 2 2011, 22:32:49 UTC
"Dean!" Gabriel turned, genuinely surprised. "Considering how often you and Stretch seem to fall ass-backwards into trouble, I'm have to admit, I'm surprised to see you still standing."

He didn't miss the bitterness in his voice, or the look in his eye. But for the moment, he chose to ignore it.


i_shot_a_dick April 2 2011, 22:35:09 UTC
The hunter gave a half smirk with a slight snort as he finally stepped all the way in to the room. "Still alive and kickin', not for lack of folks tryin' to kill me."

The hunter's look slipped in to more a grin "Looks like your the one ass backwards now. Welcome to Hogwarts, if you're lucky, the hat'll stick you in Hufflepuff, I'm sure you'll fit right in."


low_key_angel April 2 2011, 22:42:57 UTC
Gabriel smirked, "Well given your charming personality and uncanny ability to land your ass in trouble with every powerful being this side of Creation, you can see why I'm shocked." It was uncanny how much of himself he could see in the wiseass hunter. Also a little unnerving. Which is probably why he enjoyed razzing him so much.

"Still, no hard feelings." Although he probably was a little pissed off about the Mystery Spot.. With a snap, he summons up a leggy redhead for Dean.

"A Hufflepuff? Sounds like something you roast. Or deep fry. And what's a Hogwart?"


ugly_old_hat April 19 2011, 03:26:15 UTC
The Sorting Hat chose to announce its appearance with the sonic attack of a thousand vuvuzelas blasting in a triumphant cacophony. As the reverberating sound faded, the Hat declared, "Behold! I am Sorting Hat the Wise!" In a far more conversational tone, it added, "Do you have any of those leggy blondes for me? In hats?"


low_key_angel April 19 2011, 03:30:06 UTC
Well it certainly beat some of the multidimensional music he had heard back home. Good beat and you could dance to it.

Gabriel grinned and snapped his fingers. Two leggy blondes appeared, smiling invitingly. One wearing quite possibly the biggest, sparkliest sombrero imaginable, the second, in a flashy tricorner hat with a magnificent purple and orange plume.

"Too over the top? Nah. I get the sense you're a guy with style."


ugly_old_hat April 19 2011, 04:01:19 UTC
"Very nice, very nice indeed!" The Hat surveyed the sexy manifestations, unable to decide which it liked better. "So sparkly! So plumey! So sexy! I am indeed a Hat of style, and know it when I see it." The Hat levitated itself between the two blondes- or more accurately, between their hats. "A Hat can never be too over the top- that's precisely where they're supposed to go. And I am here to decide where you are supposed to go. . ."

The Hat's own thoughts were inclined toward keeping Gabriel with itself and exploiting his talents for an endless stream of sexy hats. A veritable harem of hats could be at its command! But, the Hat's ancient house-determining purpose ran deep within its fibers, and it knew that it would have to assign Gabriel somewhere. But in the meantime. . . "I don't suppose you can do a redhead in a raspberry beret while we figure that out?"


low_key_angel April 19 2011, 10:51:59 UTC
((The Archangel Gabriel - Hat Pimp!))

He snapped. "Would you prefer with sequins?" Another snap, "Bedazzled?" A final snap, "Or one with real raspberries?"


Hufflepuff! ugly_old_hat April 21 2011, 00:49:32 UTC
Your bribe is accepted! Welcome to Hufflepuff!


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