Application: Sephiroth (The Final Fantasy VII Compilation)

Sep 06, 2010 01:15

(Sephiroth is taken post FFVII:ACC. His appearance in Kingdom Hearts I class as having happened just after DoC. His insanity is therefore at a mostly manageable level where he won’t attack everyone just for breathing. It also provides a reason for his appearing at Hogwarts without freaking. <3 Additionally I’m going with the theory that Sephiroth ( Read more... )

sephiroth, application, mello, china sorrows, raistlin majere, youko kurama

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Comments 85

serrulata September 5 2010, 17:28:48 UTC
Sometimes, having the greenhouses just below the sorting room was a good thing. If someone interesting or familiar showed up, Kurama could be there in a flash, no problem.

Rarely, though, there came a time when the location was a huge burden. Especially when, suddenly, all the magic went out. The lights flickered, his magical record player stopped working, and worst of all, the spell to keep certain plants growing in captivity went out, causing the instant wither of a few very important experiments he'd had in the works for months. This caused a small cactus that not only produced fabulous hallucinogens but also cured specific poisons to wither up and die like his libido whenever Karasu was in a fifty foot radius ( ... )


herlivinglegacy September 5 2010, 17:40:22 UTC
Flying cactuar were the last thing he expected.

He stepped backwards and calmly slashed at the air with his sword, watched the plant sail past him and land in little chunks. Not a cactaur?

He turned and glared at the boy who could have only been the source of the flying flora, pupils thin and cat-like. "Who are you?" The boy smelt like a different kind of magic, and that intrigued him a little. Older, more archaic and graceful all at once.


serrulata September 5 2010, 17:44:20 UTC
"Irritated at some idiot who interfered with my experiments," Kurama spat, matching Sephiroth glare for glare. The swordwork was notably impressive; he was almost as fast as Hiei, but even acknowledging the man's skill was far from Kurama's list of priorities now. He'd been working on that particular plant for months, and now his work was ruined. Yes, he could grow it back at a whim, but it wasn't the same as letting the plant grow naturally. There were standards.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" He demanded, arms folded, guarded but ready to dodge and fight if he needed to. Bravado aside, that sword looked sharp, and after Karasu's violent reawakening, he didn't need any more scars.


herlivinglegacy September 5 2010, 17:52:02 UTC
He'd come here for entertainment and it seemed to have found him quite easily. Though mention of experiments made something inside him flinch and turn cold. Outwardly his only reaction was a slight twitch of his lips.

The insults didn't faze him. He'd grown up in the army after all.

"Well," he said, gesturing with his free hand vaguely. "If we play by your rules, I am the one who just sliced up your experiment."

He was tempted to set it on fire now.


mello_n_choco September 5 2010, 18:47:30 UTC
"The Honeybee Inn? How charming," I say flatly, smirking at him. That magic nulling thing...that had been extremely uncomfortable. It felt like having a heart attack again. I pull out a chocolate bar. "And, knives aren't of much use against things that just explode."


herlivinglegacy September 5 2010, 18:53:07 UTC
Sephiroth had been trained to know fighters. This one was. Not military though, certainly not. His sword bust into green flame and disintegrated, ready for him to call her when he needed her. She could rest for now. This one was no threat.

He blinked at the blond, and then smirked. Just a bare lift of his lips. "Your point is?"


mello_n_choco September 5 2010, 18:54:21 UTC
"My point is you're useless," I say, my tone sweet. "Completely and utterly."


herlivinglegacy September 5 2010, 18:59:31 UTC
He chuckled lightly, then reached out to him, palm up. "Then come. Show me how useless I am."

Sephiroth was far from it. He knew so. The sole reason he would not die, time and time again was because he had a purpose. Purpose made one useful, and Mothers constant favour prove he was useful. He needn't explain such to a little thing like this boy.


soggynotecards September 6 2010, 04:14:20 UTC
Demyx recognized this man. There were... seemed to be differences, anyway, but he'd seen him fight in the Coliseum on missions to Olympus. And he knew Sephiroth was bad news.

He stared at him with mingled fear and surprise from across the room - not much safer than standing closer, he knew that, but it made him feel better, as did feeling the neck of his sitar under his fingers. He knew Sephiroth couldn't kill him, not on school grounds - there were wards, after all - but every instinct was still screaming at him to run. "You know, somehow I'm almost surprised you weren't here before now."


herlivinglegacy September 6 2010, 11:50:14 UTC
This one...he had seen. Heard about too, or his organisation, at least. They hadn't spoken, not once.

"I travel at my own pace," he allowed, turning towards the boy slowly. Leather creaked and Masamune sung as she moved through the air like a prowling cat. He kept the blade pointing away from Demyx for the moment though.

"And why would Organisation XIII be here?" He felt no Heartless in this world. The curiosity of Demyx's and his own existence here notwithstanding, this world was still locked as far as he could tell.


soggynotecards September 6 2010, 16:25:43 UTC
"The Organization isn't. It's just me. Only reason I still wear this is because nobody here recognizes it and it saves money on robes." The sword pointing away from him helped. "Anyway, this place pretty much picks its students."


herlivinglegacy September 7 2010, 05:54:19 UTC
Movement of the Organisation didn't concern him, really, so he hummed in slight disinterest.

"Is that so?" he asked. He had come here on a whim, noticing the thread of the passage to another world from Hollow Bastion. "Demyx, isn't it?"


chinasorrows September 6 2010, 12:42:01 UTC
China deviated into the Sorting room for nostalgia's sake, breaking off course towards the library. She had a book in hand, one detailing minute details of arcane magic, black leather and sigils decorating its front and spine. Certainly nostalgia played a part in her setting foot into this accursed room, but her own dangerous curiosity also held out. Her fingers tightened on the book when she saw a particular moon-silver haired man. She walked towards him, and revelled in the dampening of her thrall. Her raven-hair was up with the attentive help of elegant Japanese chopsticks, she was wearing a sea-foam blue shirt under a white sleeveless vest and black three-quarter pants ( ... )


herlivinglegacy September 6 2010, 13:47:16 UTC
Sephiroth didn't shake hands (never had) but he did, at least, incline his head in her general direction. Social niceties had never been his forte, but these days he considered himself a little bit past caring how he introduced himself to another on a first meeting. "This keeps me in this room, and yet others move about freely. Do you know why?"


chinasorrows September 12 2010, 12:03:46 UTC
China lowered her hand and continued to smile without missing a beat. She registered his oddness in the way he spoke and held himself to-gether. There was an awkwardness in how he approached people. 'Yes, I am aware as to why that is. Simply put, there is a charm in place that negates a newcomers comings and goings until they've been sorted into a house. People such as myself can vote on a house we believe most suited to your faculties, but in the end it is what the sorting hat decides that matters.'


herlivinglegacy September 26 2010, 09:36:39 UTC
He blinked. "Right."

Fine, he'd play nice for the moment then. If he wanted out of this room it seemed the only way to do so was to play by their game. He gestured vaguely. "Vote as you will, then."


tallyhopippip September 6 2010, 21:39:22 UTC
"I say, that is a really big sword!"


herlivinglegacy September 7 2010, 06:15:09 UTC
Sephiroth looked at the soldier and stared blankly. His days as a general had long since gone and yet looking at the man he suddenly felt the desire to run him through with Masamune.

So he said nothing.


tallyhopippip September 7 2010, 10:55:33 UTC
"You're a rather quiet chap, aren't you? My name's George. I'm a vampire."


herlivinglegacy September 26 2010, 09:33:43 UTC
His lips parted, and he went to say something, then paused. He canted his head, just slightly.

"A vampire..."


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