So, it seemed that Shito was stuck in this weird place, unable to leave. It bothered him that his right hand didn't bother him. Shouldn't that mean Akatsuki was near, but he hadn't heard him (and with as loud as the blond was prone to be, he should have), but his hand wasn't starting to rot off like it had when they had been separated, like he
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Comments 16
Grima gave a reassuring smile to the young- well, he'd certainly be a scholar, wouldn't he? In this place? "There are certainly places to warm yourself, though I find the common room to be the warmest."
The young man did seem to be keeping some distance between them. Grima gave another little, wry smile, this one to himself. He pointed the way, for Shito's benifit.
"I am Grima, by the way. I don't believe I know your name or have seen you here before." He cocked his head curiously. Old habits were hard to change and as a councilor it always payed to know your kingdom.
Shito nodded. "That is usually the way, is it not?" he mused. "What does one need to do to secure their place, if not tend bar?" he asked. To him, this was a logical question. The last dorms he lived in were only for those that were useful. "And, I am Tachibana Shito."
She had been thinking of the ingredients she was going to need when she rounded the corner, and took in the exceptionally woeful form that was Tachibana Shito. She stopped, her hand gravitating to her yew wand. He didn't seem ... right.
She moved closer, slowly. "Hello?" she ventured.
"Are you lost?" she inquired, subtly working through a mental list on possible, and warranted reasons as to strapping lads interest in a dark part of a school, before she would jump to things like Death Eater, or .... vampire, she shivered at the thought.
Vile creatures, those.
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