Breakfast at Tiffany's [Open Rp]

May 25, 2010 13:00

((OOC: NSFW - China's mun puts forward a warning: There will be Smut! Crowd roars. I, personally, didn't see that coming. But come on, Kuronue is in it. Speaks for itself.))

It was eight in the morning and the air was crisp and cool. China was sitting at one of the room-length tables reading the Daily Prophet. Beside her was a plate with three ( Read more... )

kuronue, china sorrows, elim garak, rubeus hagrid, rp, alan grant

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prettypendulum May 25 2010, 08:05:38 UTC
He leant back a little.

Ah. She was one of those. Like Kayo, he thought. He got the vibe that she wanted a relationship which he did not. Even if he had, Yukimura probably would have disliked the thought. He did, after all, slightly dislike the idea of Sasuke and Yukimura getting together in a more serious kind of way ( ... )


Re: [Private] prettypendulum May 26 2010, 10:27:18 UTC
He shook his head. "No apologies."

Moving slowly, he reached up to wipe away the black gunk from her eyes, what he thought was kohl, but different in substance. Surprisingly, he could be patient when it was necessary, even if it gave him blue balls. He wasn't the type to give up on something he wanted, nor was he to turn to anger if he could not get it immediately.

He had, after all, helped Yukimura with Kaga, after all. He had been one of Kaga's firsts while he was healing from his own attack, albeit from another, yet equally vicious, person. He smiled weakly.

"Some people react differently." He couldn't remember how he had reacted in his time as a slave anymore, but he remembered how it had felt. "If you need to scream, cry, do so. It's no use keeping it all to yourself, you know. I did that and four hundred years later I still have dreams."


Re: [Private] chinasorrows May 26 2010, 10:34:15 UTC
"No," she whispered, taking his hand in both of hers, she moved it over, running her fingers along the groves in his palm, the size of his hand sending tingles to her sex. "There is a time and place for that. Here, during breakfast, is not one of them."

She looked into Kuronue's eyes. "Soon," she vowed. Her icy blue eyes burned with lust, and a lurking desire.

"I need to find Apos." China blurted more to herself. The conviction in her voice was undeniable.


Re: [Private] prettypendulum May 29 2010, 12:18:13 UTC
His hand had roughened spots from dealing with weapons, and his nails were longer, sharper, than was 'normal' for a male--or a human. He squeezed her hand lightly, tried to look reassuring.

"In your own time," he said, smile softening. "We're working on a way to take him out of commission. There have been woman wasn't so lucky to escape like you." He paused, looked at his hand in both of hers. "I really would advise against it, but I understand needing to...face your fears, so to speak."


Re: [Private] chinasorrows May 31 2010, 08:56:39 UTC
They way he used '"We're working on a way..."' gave her the impression he, or others, or in general, didn't want her involved. The words blocked her out, and it made her skin crawl, making her think it was to 'protect' her. She glared.

The other woman passed by her mind's eye fleetingly, she was insubstantial. All this talk, this fears nonsense. It made her cross, mad even, at him. She stared at him, frowning.

She angrily took her hands from his, swatting them away, and then grabbed two fistfuls of his tunic in her hands and reefed him closer to her. There was hardly any air between them, their noses threatened to touch. She glowered, suddenly becoming aware of the heat between her legs. "I do not have any fears. I have resources, and standing." Her icy blue eyes were on fire, and they kept looking at his lips. "Lastly, don't presume that because I am a woman, that I am irrational, and that I can't hold my own against Apos," she spat his name. "Do I make myself clear ( ... )


Re: [Private] prettypendulum May 31 2010, 09:33:30 UTC
He hadn't meant it to seem like he was trying to keep her away from getting her revenge, like he was trying to protect her. Honestly, maybe he subconsciously was, but it wasn't out of a thought that she was weak merely because she was a woman. It was because he'd rather be at risk of dying than have any of his friends go through Apos' torture, because he didn't think he could take being abandoned again.

It certainly wasn't because she was female, because, honestly, he'd met some fucking scary demonesses and he knew not to underestimate them. If she hadn't fisted her hands in his vest, smelt still of that scent that made his head reel, and kissed him, he probably would have been speechless. At a loss.

It wasn't something that happened often.

The kiss was all that mattered for the moment. He didn't even think of arguing back, like he should have. He just reached up, covered her cheeks with his hands and let his fingertips slide into her hair as he kissed her with all equal passion.


Re: [Private] chinasorrows May 31 2010, 09:44:17 UTC
Her mind exploded with his touch.

She opened her mouth to take in a breath, still half kissing him, and a moan was emitted before she pressed her lips, again, to his. She slipped in her tongue, searching for his, and when she found it, she shivered and moaned again.

She wanted to prove she was no mere fairytale princess. That she didn't need a shining knight. She didn't need the protection. She wanted to prove herself, angrily, aggressively, sexually.

"Kuronue..." she whispered.


Re: [Private] prettypendulum May 31 2010, 09:51:52 UTC
He...wasn't used to people wanting to take over, females wanting to take over. Usually he had to ask, or at least that was how it was with Yukimura. He was a step away from doing a little victory dance in his head as it was. His hardness hadn't flagged any, he still wanted her, and my, he wanted her more and more.

"Hmm," was all he could manage in reply. He didn't want to talk, he wanted to fuck, but he didn't want her to freak out again. So he let her do as she wanted with him, touching 'safe' places until she indicated, or told him otherwise.


Re: [Private] chinasorrows May 31 2010, 09:57:38 UTC
She wanted to just kiss him, but she was liking this determination, this annoyance. It was nice to drop that charming façade and be dominant. But she had to tell him. "Take off your clothes, now." She panted, moving to his neck, suckling and grazing her teeth across his skin. She knew that this would make things difficult, but as soon as he took direction she would stop. Until then, she wanted to feel, to taste his skin.


Re: [Private] prettypendulum May 31 2010, 10:09:43 UTC
He moaned, turned his head a little to give her better access. His mark was on that side, the hickey-like bruise, where he knew if she passed over it, he'd feel nothing. With Yukimura, the maker, his mate, it would have been an erogenous zone, but not with her.

He reached up to pull at the ties to his vest, undoing the criss-crossing of leather that held it closed, rolled his shoulders to let it fall off to bare his top half to her. He worked at his lower belts, the ones that held his wrap in place, as he arched up a little, wordlessly asking her to explore.


Re: [Private] chinasorrows May 31 2010, 10:22:12 UTC
As he begun to disrobe, her hand drifted between his shoulder blades and held him there. She knew that with no tunic as a support, she would end up falling into him, and that would entail a certain damsel-quality she was in no mood to enter. She smirked into the kiss, banishing such negative thoughts, yet harbouring the aggression that flared in her chest, between her thighs ( ... )


Re: [Private] prettypendulum May 31 2010, 10:37:31 UTC
He was...a little shocked, stared up at her, eyes wide. Never pissing her off, he thought. The thing with the toast was, okay different, but he said nothing, not wanting to startle her out of whatever mood she was in. He'd been right not to underestimate her.

He panted through her new kiss, letting himself fall into it. It wasn't often a female took control, and Yukimura was too...inexperienced to do so. Suffice to say he was so hard it hurt and his leathers were far too tight. He picked at the ties to his leather pants, kicked them off with a little difficulty.

The thing with the toast was different. It took him a moment to work out what it was, then all of his control to not say something smart that would usually get him more harsh treatment. He had to be careful. Unsure of what to do with his hands, he let his arms rest by his head, kissing her back greedily, hungrily, and moaning, arching into her touches.


Re: [Private] chinasorrows May 31 2010, 10:42:27 UTC
The symbols on her hands were still bright against the black of the tattoos, which made her next move that much more controlling. She gathered his hands togther in hers and kept them by his head, whilst she moved down, kissing his neck, his clavicle. As she got to his nipple with the marmalade smeared over it, she took it in her mouth, licking the breakfast spread off his hard, yet soft, nipple. She moaned and kissed open-mouth kisses. She shifted away, smirking at his eagerness.

She released his hands, so she could explore. She was leaning over his hard cock now, she smirked at him after looking down at it. She let her tongue slip out and then she licked the expanse of his bare side, gathering the orange marmalade and taking it into her mouth, swallowing.

Her eyes were on him the entire time.


Re: [Private] prettypendulum May 31 2010, 10:56:11 UTC
His hips wanted to roll up into her, his feet having found purchase on the bench by the table. He didn't roll his head back, as he might have with Yukimura, even though he kind of almost wanted to when her mouth closed over his nipple. It tore a moan from him and he fisted his hands, but didn't fight her.

His muscles twitched involuntarily beneath her tongue as she licked his side, and he stared down at her, flushed and needy and thisdamnclose to begging, asking for more. He moaned instead, twisted his arms to grip at the other end of the table with his hands to keep them occupied.


Re: [Private] chinasorrows June 1 2010, 04:33:02 UTC
She arched into him and froze. Through her pants she felt his erection, hard and heated. She looked up at him, mid lick, and smirked.

He was all spread out for her, naked, heated and as she looked into his eyes, needy. She laughed. She had been in his shoes not too long ago. She pressed her sheathed sex against his cock, resting her hands either side of his head and leaning down until their lips were almost touching. She smirking, her hot breath caressing his cheeks in beats. Their noses grazed. She stared into his eyes.

"Something..." Her mind spaced, she felt his twitching member against her and her sex lit up. "Um.." she breathed. "Something on your mind, Kuronue?"


Re: [Private] prettypendulum June 6 2010, 13:01:08 UTC
He couldn't quite remember if any female had ever dominated him. It made him hot as all hell, and she was jumping up his interest scale in leaps and bounds more and more. He swallowed thickly and wondered if he should chance speaking, moving, lest she lose her nerve. He licked his lips before he spoke, saying hoarsely, "I want more..."

He rocked his hips up a little, pressing his cock up against her, and his eyes wanted to close, wanted to roll back in his head. "Please, more," he begged, because he wasn't above acting like a whorish submissive if it got him what he wanted and pleased her as well. He tilted his head a little so their noses wouldn't clash and licked at her lips, asking for a kiss wordlessly as he writhed again, wanting touch and contact to the point where his cock began to leak and ached.


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