Office Hours

May 09, 2009 13:11

Despite the things going on, Kusuriyuri knew his duty as a professor. He opened his office door, placing a small sign just outside stating his office was open and to please remove shoes as it was entered ( Read more... )

vladimir harkonnen, the corinthian, elizabeth bennet, kusuriyuri, mail jeevas, rp

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i_am_harkonnen May 10 2009, 09:21:37 UTC
Sure, he'd claimed he was going to spend the next few days in bed due to an overly strenuous couple of days, but, Baron Vladimir Harkonnen wasn't the sort to enjoy looking at the same rather dull and disappointing walls for that long. Reading material passed the time, as well as attempting to make small objects move and hover with ever improving results, but, things got dull anyway. He wasn't used to spending lengthy amounts of time alone. So, despite feeling stiff and unpleasant, he had hauled himself out of his new sheets, which he had to admit were of exceptional quality, made himself presentable, and went to see a bit more of the castle ( ... )


i_am_harkonnen May 11 2009, 00:50:31 UTC
Vladimir wasn't sure what the term 'deshi' meant, but, from context, he presumed that Kusuriyuri referred to A. It sounded as if Kusuriyuri was possible speaking of his interpretation of the subject of Divination, which sounded like probability tracking. So perhaps it wasn't so much like the Spacing Guild's prescience, as a portion of the work of a mentat, the computation of possibilities in order to determine the most likely outcomes. This seemed more sensible, considering spice was supposed to be invariably involved with the Guild's practices ( ... )


edomedpeddler May 11 2009, 01:14:28 UTC
Kusuriyuri nodded in acknowledgment of the Baron's assessment. "This one once fought a mononoke who sought that same goal. When the family had been removed, it revealed its own truth that this one could exorcise it before its vengeance extended farther."

He bowed slightly. "This one has digressed."

He paused, taking a sip of tea. "From what this one was told, what he has observed, Deshi was not permitted much interaction, nor was he allowed outside. That he has learned so much in a short time..." he let the compliment trail off as he was still uncomfortable with them. "He has been this one's student a year."

It then occurred to him that he'd called A 'Deshi'. "Deshi refers to one who is a student, a disciple, who will one day become a master. It is this one's desire that A will not require his guidance at some point. However, while it is needed, it will be given."


i_am_harkonnen May 11 2009, 02:35:45 UTC
Vladimir nodded at Kusuriyuri's explanation about 'deshi'- the context wasn't entirely clear previously, but now it was. It still seemed best not to ask about mononoke. With exorcism involved, it sounded like literal religion again, and he'd already heard more than he'd like to about that.

"Considering the details you tell me, it's remarkable he's done as well as he has." He swirled about the tea remaining the cup before drinking it, replacing it with meticulous deliberation. "I'm pleased to see that there's some actual education going on here. I've been starting to get the impression that the organization isn't what it could be, but, it appears that those who are making an effort are doing so effectively. At least in some cases. I haven't seen that many yet."


edomedpeddler May 11 2009, 10:44:19 UTC
"This one has found that if education is desired, it may be found in any place. If it is not wanted, it will be found nowhere."

He tilted his head, considering a moment just how much he should tell this Baron. Granted, his cultural background insisted that a ruler was to be told anything they desired to know, but there was also the matter of A's privacy.

"Reiki, a type of healing, was a large part of the beginning, with much counseling. It is not that Deshi needs to learn medicine, it is that he needs to learn to be."

He picked up his own tea and drank it, thinking some more. "It was also afforded him the opportunity for as effective a revenge as this place will allow. This one does not know the details, only that it served to give Deshi more confidence. Mello was there, if details are desired."


i_am_harkonnen May 11 2009, 15:51:39 UTC
"Well, I don't see where education is an option. Everyone has to do something, it's the only way for any to run an efficient society." He smirked slightly, contemplating his homeworld's sensible system. Either you did what you were supposed to, or you learned why it was a bad idea to refuse. At least things would eventually improve, he thought. After most of humanity gets slaughtered by thinking machines.

He sighed- whoever this man was, A was far too young to be encouraged to get himself into any serious trouble. Especially with his friend, who appeared to have a bad destiny stamped on him if he didn't learn discipline. "No one should be encouraging A to get 'revenge' unless it's done correctly. Any partial or childish form will be almost guaranteed to backfire in the long run. Children shouldn't play games intended for adults. A's friend Mello needs to learn a few things before he makes a fatal mistake as well. I've seen his type meet an unfortunate end most of the time, and hope he doesn't drag anyone else's potential down with ( ... )


edomedpeddler May 11 2009, 16:05:29 UTC
"This one thinks you have misjudged both A and Mello," Kusuriyuri said softly. "And overestimated the type of revenge afforded to those who arrive her after their life is complete. What was done was effective, both in resolving the situation that brought about its need and in preventing further issues."

He picked up his tea cup, sipping before he continued. "Deshi learns medicine because he will and in the learning of it, learns to be. The latter being far more valuable a skill than the former. The latter would be meaningless without the former, only Form with no Truth."

He looked up, bowing slightly. "This one is concerned that he fulfill his appointed task and doing so to the best of his ability lest he make himself and his task a mockery."


i_am_harkonnen May 11 2009, 18:25:57 UTC
Vladimir had to agree with Kusuriyuri- he'd possibly misjudged them both in believing them salvagable. But now he was forced to put A into the 'maybe' bin, admitting that it wasn't that likely to happen. He did appear to be surrounded by questionable influences who'd gotten to him first.

The more he spoke to Kusuriyuri, the more Vladimir seemed to be growing irritated. He realized why after the man said 'Truth' yet again. He wasn't any better than the Bene Gesserit he was used to having to deal with. In fact, it sounded like he was trying hard to be like one. The same convuluted speech, the same attempt to sound wise and mysterious while not saying much of anything sensible. At least he didn't appear to be a glorified, fancy-talking whore, which was all the Sisterhood really was in his mind. But as Bene Gesserit were bad enough, people who wanted to be like them could potentially be much worse. Of course, he'd dealt with enough of the Sisterhood to not show an ounce of his feelings about matters if he didn't want to. Their existence ( ... )


edomedpeddler May 11 2009, 19:26:34 UTC
Kusuriyuri could see that the Baron had mistaken what he'd said, something that would have been clear in his own culture, but he allowed it to pass. If the Baron wished to know, he could ask again, or ask another.

He rose. "I look forward to working with you," he said as he bowed, deep enough for an equal, but not deep enough for a superior, though, unless the Baron knew his culture, he would miss the implications.


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