Hey, ahhhh... Okay. Okay, whoa, ahhhh, this is... this isn't the jungle, is it?
The man is ragged, bleeding here and there, and it's been a while since he's seen anything like a bath. He looks around with a twitching, restless intensity and lights a cigarette. Unsteady hands. He manages, though, and looks around. He's smiling, genuinely glad to see people, glad to see anything that has life in it, even if he isn't at ease.
Questions? He likes questions He likes to talk. Wants to talk, maybe even needs to talk. It's been so damned long.
And all the while he seems to be searching for something or someone who simply won't appear. And maybe that's better... But here or absent, he can't shake the feeling that the eyes are watching. And the jungle is gone... Wasn't he just there? Running through the jungle, ducking past trees, tripping over those fucking roots, scrambling up, and leaving just fucking leaving that horror behind?
Well, yeah. He's left that, he's left the jungle, but this... Hey, at least there are people here! He grins; it can't be all bad.
1. What is your favorite cheese? Why is it your favorite?
I like AMERICAN! Ha ha, because I'M an American, get it? Nah, nah, I don't really like American cheese best. I mean, it's okay, and everything, but I like... Ah, I think I like Parmesan? Or maybe Provolone. Hell, I can never keep 'em straight. I mean, if it's cheese, I'll eat it, you know what I'm saying? What I really like is extra cheese on pizza, I don't care what kind of cheese, and actually, pizza sounds pretty damn good right about now. You know when the last time I had pizza was? Hell, I don't remember, I don't know why YOU would! But yeah, yeah, I like cheese.
2. Who would you kill first, Barney or Carrottop?
Oh, ah... Ha, yeah, I don't really handle the killing around here. There's a lot of killing going on, a lot of bloodshed, but I don't do any of it. I just take pictures. Ha ha, that sounds kind of heartless, but that's what I do. I'm a photojournalist! Yeah, see, that's why I went out there in the first place. Someone had to get that story. It was just sitting around, no one wanted to touch it, and that guy was brilliant and so I thought, why not me? I mean, why NOT me? And I caught a ship, and what I'm getting to is I saw a lot of blood and a lot of people killed and a lot of animals killed and so I guess it doesn't matter to me which of 'em dies first, you know?
3. What time is it where you are?
Ohhh, look, I've haven't really known what the time was in ages, man. I mean, time here... I don't even know what time IS anymore. I used to think I had some, ah, idea, some understanding, but ha!, yeah, I was wrong! It's like, once you start really hearing about time and what we think it is, you start to realize just how insane it is. I mean, we're really just fooling ourselves, thinking we can measure time like that. Because time... Time doesn't just tick of in seconds, man, we create those seconds, but what if we stop thinking about them? What if one day we just don't count seconds, then what? Then it's not... It's not time, but something's still going on there. And, ah, and- Well, I'm not saying it like it ought to be said. I can't do that, man, hey, I'm sorry. I have a watch, but it stopped working, so that's not going to help at all. But, ah, I like the watch, so I kept it!
4. If you were Albus Dumbledore returned from the dead, which member of the Order of the Phoenix would you sexually harass? How would you harass them? If you are Albus Dumbledore, please answer as if you were Sirius Black.
Ohhh-kay, see, now you've lost me. You're way out there now, I don't know what you're talking about. I don't really harass anyone like that. I mean, there was that one time in Saigon in that bar, we were all pretty drunk, ah ha, and, ah... Well, that isn't what usually happens, I mean, I'm married and, uh, I just... There's better ways to go about these things, you know what I mean?
5. If you are pushing to be in:
A. Slytherin - please state the clever, witty name of the bar in which you bartend, in the dark.
Sure, I've like to be a bartender. Only for a little while, you know, or maybe as a side job. Or as part of an investigation, hell, I'm sure youcould come up with plenty of stories about bars. Some of the places I've been, man... I tell ya. Is "Rats' Alley" too dank-sounding? Hell, I don't care, I've been in worse. It's got the right... Like, we are in rats' alley, where the dead... where the dead... Maaan, it wasn't like he didn't know what he was doing was... was different. But it wasn't wrong. You can't say it was wrong. He wasn't... No, you can't think about him like that. Like everyone else. He was beyond that.
B. Gryffindor - Debate whether Harry should ultimately end up married to Fred or George. Use examples from a variety of world mythologies to bolster your argument.
Man, I'm married. I wasn't never married to no guy, but all I can say is you know when you've found the right one. So maybe Harry should just, ah, look inside himself. I mean if he wants, if he needs... He can talk to the Sibyl, man. The Sibyl. She knows things. I mean, you don't want to BE the Sibyl, you don't want the- the knowledge like that, and you don't want to be that way, like, forever, because that's what she had, she had an eternity of, ah... of... Shelia used to tell me I've got nice eyes. But then she also took to calling me chicken. I mean, I've seen guys get their legs chopped off, right in front of me. And I didn't wet myself or scream or nothing. Just had another cigarette. Like I'm gonna do now.
C. Ravenclaw - You guys are supposed to be smart. Explain why my desk is inundated with paperwork at all times, even though I’m constantly disposing of it.
Did you try torching it? Just set fire to everything, whoosh! Up in flames! That'd be easy enough, wouldn't it? I guess that's not an explanation. But, hey, I'm just here to help with a solution!
D. Hufflepuff - Prove you are not useless.
Sometimes I feel pretty useless. Like I'm just some kind of fly, sitting on the wall and waiting... Just waiting for someone to step on me, you know? Or swat at me, ha ha, no, I'd be a pretty piss-poor fly, sitting on the floor. But I'm just in the way sometimes. I mean, I'm here, or I was there, and I kept taking pictures and keeping journals and I've probably still got those journals somewhere, but what did any of that matter? I mean, he, he... He showed me what someone can do, really DO, and taking pictures is nothing next to that, and then I'd get in his way but then at least he'd notice me and he'd sometimes start saying things to me and I really think he needed that so, you know, maybe I wasn't so useless after all? Ha ha, I can hope not. Ha ha.
6. Offer a bribe to the members of this community so that they will not squib you. Items used in bribery do not necessarily have to belong to the person offering the bribe. Do not threaten us rather than offering a bribe. A threat indicates you either don't really want to be here, or don't have enough sense to answer the question properly. The hat will automatically squib you, regardless of other votes, if you do.
I've got, um, I've got some packs of cigarettes? Yeah, that guy, that crazy guy? Well, no, he wasn't crazy, maybe the REST of us were crazy, but he knew what was going on. Not as much as the Colonel, but no one knows as much of the Colonel. Um. He brought me cigarettes, so everyone can have a smoke on me! I hope you've got more here somewhere? I keep landing in these places that don't have any, and man, I almost wish I could just sort of magically create cigarettes or conjure them or something. Just so I have something. Man, I used to have all kinds of weed and, well, pretty much anything you could ASK for, but I blew through that a long time ago. Ahhh... Yeah, I've got my cameras... Hey, any of you want your pictures taken? I mean, since I got here I started thinking maybe I'd do some sort of piece on this place, so what do you say? Want to be a part of it? Hey, I'm a friendly guy. Like I said, I'm an AMERICAN, ha ha. But I also like non-Americans. I mean, I like people. Here, let me take your picture. And if you want to SEE any pictures, I've got everything I took over there. I've got... Man, if only I could talk to you like he talks. That'd be something. But I can't. I'm not... my mind, my mind doesn't WORK like that, you know?, and I can't say the kinds of things he does, not the way he does... But like I said, I've got cigarettes and my cameras and pictures, so that's got to be a start!
"I have read the [info]hogwarts_hocus faq, and understand it is a crazy, cracktastic sorting community and RPG. Just, um... Just call me a Photojournalist, all right?.
I have read the [info]hogwarts_hocus rules and agree to abide by each and every one of them. The Photojournalist.
I agree to be a good sport and not get my knickers in a bunch. Your friendly neighborhood Photojournalist.
One day, marmalade will rule the world. Man, I take pictures of pretty much everything."
((OOC: Ummmm yes, here's-him? Apologies in advance for any inconsistencies in voice or time-of-response... This may have been a poor choice on my part? But he wanted to play, and I apparently wanted to give him a try. So hopefully it won't be a problem? Erm, yes, just apped for Roma, so if it IS a problem having both, please do tell. Do intend to continue with both at least in terms of responding to sorting, and they may venture into other-RP things if brain is feeling adventurous or whatever. But yes. If having both = bad, shall go all OKAY and... banish, or soemthing, I don't know. OTHERWISE, I'm just going to shut up, now. And if you have any interest in a general introduction from this guy, he's got one up in his journal. Yerp. Danke, et all.