The Baron leaves the sorting room (Open RP)

Apr 21, 2009 00:17

The Baron was exceptionally relieved to leave the sorting room, which had been getting rather cramped.  Although it had been a somewhat enlightening experience, he now found himself filled with a great deal of questions, such as where to find decent rooms, where that library was, and, how to find the Muggle Studies Department. The hat had left him ( Read more... )

gwendal von voltaire, vladimir harkonnen, jasper hale, rp, a

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Comments 114

i_am_an_hero April 21 2009, 05:36:34 UTC
A had been in his garden when the house elf came to find him and hadn't stopped to change; his brightly-colored kitten t-shirt and cargo pants were both liberally smeared with newly turned earth, and while he'd washed his hands, there was still dirt on his forearms.

It was spring, after all.

"You're sorted, then?" he said in greeting. "Has someone shown you to where you'll be staying?"


i_am_harkonnen April 21 2009, 05:54:15 UTC
The Baron was a bit surprised to see A arrive covered with dirt (as this would have been unthinkable at home), but, he realized this must have meant he came quickly, and, this he appreciated. He smiled at A, and said, "It is good to see you, my dear boy- I'm supposed to find somewhere, apparently. I need to find a few places, in fact. The talking hat put me in the house called Slytherin." The way he says "talking hat" suggests that he's still not quite over holding a conversation with sentient headwear.


i_am_an_hero April 21 2009, 06:00:45 UTC
"I have friends that are in Slytherin, but they don't stay there. Mello is, he, he's with Near, and Kurama is with Kusuriyuri, and they're in Ravenclaw. Kusuriyuri and Kurama are both professors now, anyway." This was a clear source of pride. "I know where it is more or less, but I've never been there."


i_am_harkonnen April 21 2009, 06:09:34 UTC
"I expect I'm likely to meet them, then." He considers A's remark a bit further, and asks, "Is there a reason they don't stay there? I did try and tell the hat that I needed adequate rooms and would prefer a good view, but, the hat was, hrm, eccentric. I've heard there's a bar."


sir_knits_a_lot April 21 2009, 11:33:52 UTC
So, Gwendal has been hiding enough for now. His room threatens to overflow with knit creations that may or may not resemble what they are meant to. Usually not. He is a little pale from not having gone about much over the winter, but clean, presentable, walking with an air that suits a royal administrator. It is time to practice, to get the cobwebs out before they can overtake him.

A huge man floating in the middle of the hallway isn't the strangest thing he's seen, but there isn't much stranger, nothing he can think of at the moment. A giant skeleton of trash might take the cake for all time weirdest and otherwise superlative sights.

The way this man was dressed, though, there would probably have to be some kind of courtly manners displayed, much like the baring of teeth when two or more felines were first put into each other's company.

He bowed. "Excuse me," he said politely enough.


i_am_harkonnen April 21 2009, 15:18:41 UTC
The Baron was pleased to see a display of proper manners, at least. He shifted slightly in suspensors and looked over Gwendal, attempting to quickly assess this new stranger. A bit pale, but, rather pretty, he thought. But it does look like he's probably well-aware of it. At least he's not a talking hat.

Slipping on his best courtly smile, he nodded politely to Gwendal. "Greetings." He made no particular move to get out of Gwendal's way, being used to people finding their way around him.


sir_knits_a_lot April 21 2009, 15:29:28 UTC
Gwendal looked around. It was then he realized where he was. "You just arrived?" he asked. "I am Gwendal von Voltaire," he offered by way of introduction, not sure if he should hold out his hand or bow or any of a number of other absurd customs some countries had. He almost winced as he asked, "You haven't had the...pleasure of meeting someone named Yuri, have you?" He wanted to know if he should apologize now or not for his Lord's behavior.


i_am_harkonnen April 21 2009, 15:55:06 UTC
"Baron Vladimir Harkonnen." He inclined his head slightly, sensing he was dealing with someone who at least moved in noble circles, but failed to bow, as, no title had been mentioned. "A pleasure to meet you, Gwendal von Voltaire. I have just recently arrived- I suppose it is more obvious than I'd like it to be." A wry smile creased his lips, and he tried to think back to the sorting. "Unless Yuri was invisible, or that's the hat's name, I don't believe that I have."


j_whitlock April 23 2009, 03:06:32 UTC
Jasper could certainly relate to the Baron's relief upon being freed from the Sorting Room, though likely for different reasons. Having so many delicious-smelling humans packed into a small space with a vampire possessing dubious self-control was just encouraging trouble of the most violent, messy sort.

He carefully made his way by the Baron-vampiric strength meant even bumping someone too hard could literally break fragile human bones-and quietly murmured, "Excuse me," so as not to startle the man. Jasper moved silently, and knew from experience it tended to startle humans if he didn't announce his presence in some manner.

As he passed, he was reading the man's mood. It was simply second nature by then, being an empath. He noted the Baron seemed expectant, and maybe a touch impatient about something, but couldn't guess the source. He paused and turned back to face the man. "Do you need help?" he asked with a trace of concern in his voice.


i_am_harkonnen April 23 2009, 03:49:32 UTC
The Baron bounced slightly in his suspensors, having not noticed Jasper's approach. He was typically rather alert, given the Imperial traditions involving daggers in the back, so somewhat discomfited by a stranger's sudden appearance. Looking over the man, he had to concede that there were far worse things he could be startled by, and regained his composure with the ease of many years of practice.

He smiled politely and replied, "It all depends on what you mean. I'm waiting on someone to show me around, but I expect I need a great deal of general assistance. I just finished speaking with a talking hat, and, have only a general idea of where or when I am. I do appreciate your asking." Really he did appreciate it. He was swiftly realizing his title didn't mean much here, and, there was no specific reason why this attractive young man should bother to inquire.


j_whitlock April 23 2009, 05:13:55 UTC
"That would be the Sorting Hat," he said and shook his head without elaborating. He still wasn't sure the Hat hadn't molested him, and assumed it might likely be some bizarre rite of passage for every Hogwarts student.

"This is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, located in Scotland. The year is 2009 A.D. Although if you're from another world," here he gave the Baron a cursory once-over with a genial smile, to hopefully lessen the impression of predatory appraisal, "none of that may matter very much to you. This is a boarding school of sorts, but from what I hear classes are rarely held. I've gone the independent study route, myself-the library is impressive." He held up the thick tome he was carrying as though to illustrate this.

"I'm happy to help however else I can until the person you're waiting for arrives," he offered with another pleasant smile. Assuming the desired form of 'help' didn't involve activities best abstained from when in the middle of a public hallway, of course.


i_am_harkonnen April 23 2009, 07:53:34 UTC
Vladimir returned Jasper's smile with a thankful one of his own, incredibly relieved to hear a clearly worded explanation of exactly where he was, from someone who appeared normal enough. This wasn't an easy place to believe, but, he'd already had indications that he was not only far away from his own world, but also his own time.

"You've already been exceptionally helpful. That's about the most thorough explanation of the facts I've heard so far. They're hard to believe, but, so's the rest of this situation." He rubbed at his forehead one-handedly, confessing, "It's all been a bit much, and, I can't figure out why I'm here. And to all appearances, stuck here- I believe that my home's in a distant galaxy, and doesn't exist yet. But things could be worse."

There were definitely far worse things than speaking to such a lovely man that he didn't own, who was offering assistance for no reason, and, was he even showing some vague sense of interest? He was certain that it was just a general curiosity, and not the incredibly unlikely sort ( ... )


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