((OOC - Who IS That?))

Feb 14, 2006 19:08

((Sorry for the OOC smack dab in the middle of all this fun chaos, but I basically went mad last night after getting a burning need to sate my curiosity. I've been in a bunch of fandoms for ten years now, most of that online, but I realized as I went through the character listings that even with experience, there were a bunch of characters whom I did not recognize. So, with Google, Wikipedia, and the wide world of the Internets at my disposal, I looked up every...single...character...here to try to figure out the source material. This was mostly only for myself, and possibly because I'm insomniac, but I realized after finishing that there had to be others here in the same boat as me. For example, I know next to nothing about anime, so almost all of the cute and big-eyed characters here meant nothing to me until I looked up the original shows and manga! (I now know a lot more about Yu-Gi-Oh! than I did before. Heh!) So for the sake of others who might not know where so-and-so is from, and interested in looking up more, I posted my results in my journal.

Please check the lists and feel free to correct me if I've picked the wrong source material, or I'm somehow incomplete! Some I just couldn't figure out, either, possibly because I wasn't searching properly.

Gryffindor Students

Hufflepuff Students

Ravenclaw Students

Slytherin Students

Other-Housed Students

I didn't do the Squibs, due to a mixture of exhaustion and fear of what I might find.

Thanks for any and all corrections/criticism! I now return you to your regularly-scheduled insanity.))

((ETA, Feb. 15th: Thanks for all the positive comments and helpful corrections regarding source material. I'm updating the lists to include a link to the journal for each character and clean up some weird spacing - I've only done Gryffindor so far, hopefully it looks good. I'll get to the other houses in time, and if people want, I'll keep updating these as new characters join. I'm oddly organized about fandom stuff versus, y'know, real life. *laughs*))
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