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Comments 29

totallyluminous February 3 2008, 19:17:43 UTC
The first time Mel tries to speak, it comes out as '...'. She clears her throat, and tries again. 'Yeah.' Well, she's as ready as she's ever going to be, even if she's still reeling from the revelation that Obi's not even an angel. Hopefully after this journey, she won't have any more huge worries to deal with.


Okay, everyone who's finished Feeling the Vibes may laugh now.

Mel is still blissfully unaware, though, more focused on keeping Obi safe and breathing evenly. 'Is Reuben ready?'


cosmicteddy February 3 2008, 19:59:53 UTC
Michael nodded. "He and Obi will meet you two at Departures."

The portal shimmered into existence before them, an orb of golden glass that, upon appearing, seemed like it had always been there.

"Excellent, on time..." said the archangel and ushered his students towards it. He noticed Brice's pale, determined face, and put his hand on the boy's shoulder. It seemed to calm him slightly, but he still had dark shadows under his eyes. He hadn't slept well.

"It shouldn't take you long to reach Heaven," said Michael. "Lola, your portal will take off as soon as you have arrived. I suggest you say your goodbyes as quick as possible. I shall be over here, making sure everything is ready to go."

He turned his back, pretending to tend to the portal, but really giving them privacy to say goodbye.


totallyluminous February 3 2008, 20:06:04 UTC
Mel notices, and appreciates it. She draws in breath, looking nervous but prepared. Hey, she's Mel Beeby, cosmic agent. She can totally deal with this. It has to be said, though, that looking after someone you KNOW is much harder than someone you've been assigned to.

'Well...' she hesitates. 'When we get back, I suggest we all go out to a club or something. I'm willing to bet we'll all need a bit of dancing afterwards.' She clasps Lola's arm, and then hugs her once more. 'I'll see you, Lollie,' she finishes, smiling. Yeah, she's gonna take this place on and make it so much better...


nicknamegirl February 3 2008, 20:51:12 UTC
Lola hugged Mel back, tightly. "Oh yeah, definitely," she agreed firmly. "Take loads of pictures of Kashmir for me! And if you meet any Bollywood stars while in India..." She grinned, a flirty glint in her eyes. "You send me a pic immediately! And text me! I want to know how Obi's doing."

She went over to hug Brice. "Take care of her, okay?" she murmured in his ear. "Make sure nothing happens."

Yeah, Lola wished very much that she could come with on this one. The thought of leaving Mel on her own... Well, last time it had happened, Maia had come along. Lola just hopened that Brice wouldn't have to turn into a cat at any point during this mission. It was kind of annoying to not be able to talk to Mel.


bantersucks February 3 2008, 21:39:03 UTC
Jaime was in his room, and had just sent Sancho off with a message to whoever was in charge of Herbology demanding to know why they didn't feed the man-eating plants that were trying to eat students when he got the owl. When he read it, he completely forgot about carnivorous foliage. What? Gone? When? How long ago had she written this? "Is she still here?" he asked the Scarab ( ... )


nicknamegirl February 3 2008, 22:32:17 UTC
Lola's attention snapped away from the task at hand. What? Jaime? Here? Could Jaime be here? She had been slipping into cosmic agent mode already, much too busy thinking about her assigned human and what she had to do to think about the stuff that belonged to her life at Hogwarts. But now that life returned to her very quickly, in the shape of a running boyfriend, and she hurried to meet him, completely beaming. The others would have to wait just for a few short little minutes.

Teenagers. One would hope that after millennia of teaching, Michael would at least be used to stuff like these happening.

"What are you doing here?" Lola asked happily, even though it should have been painfully obvious. She wrinkled her nose, and then put her hand in his. She was wearing gloves, and maybe she could warm his hands. It was something. "You could at least have put a jacket on," she commented mildly. "You'll catch your death." Not always a bad thing, but still, it was best to avoid it.


bantersucks February 3 2008, 22:45:51 UTC
Jaime grinned, relieved. She hadn't left yet. Good. "What do you think I'm doing? I just got your owl, like, five minutes ago." Oh, yeah. He knew he'd forgotten something. "I'll be okay," he assured her, squeezing her hand. "Was in a hurry and had to take a shortcut."

Cold? It was cold outside? He hadn't noticed.


nicknamegirl February 3 2008, 23:20:59 UTC
She sighed. "Yeah. I'm sorry it was so fast; I just got the Call this morning, and then it got a bit hectic." Oh yeah. Starting to see brief flashes of scenes from another time and place, hearing voices and scattered melodies from far away, like a distant radio that tried to tune into lots of different stations at once... Lola had dropped her breakfast toast in her tea. It had been a bit of a mess.

"I'm glad you made it anyway," she said with a smile. "It didn't really feel right, not saying goodbye properly before I left." She glanced back at the others. Yeah, they didn't look angry yet. Well, except for Brice, but that was normal. He'd just have to live with this.


nicknamegirl February 4 2008, 21:01:38 UTC
Eeek! Okay, okay... After having said goodbye to Jaime and kissed him - not for long enough, but considering she hadn't planned on getting to kiss him at all until she got back, she sure wasn't going to complain - Lola came running back to the other three angels. Despite her still looking stressed, she was now also completely smiley. She'd gotten to say goodbye. She was feeling better.

"Sorry," she said, blushing a bit. "Really, really sorry, you guys... I'm ready now."


totallyluminous February 4 2008, 21:06:06 UTC
Mel can't help but smile, her nerves temporarily taking a backseat. 'No problem,' she lies a little, and squeezes Lola's hand. If she'd be going alone, she would have wanted to say goodbye to Brice...and hey, she can tease Lola later if need be.

Mel squares her shoulders and steps into the golden light, making room for the others. Hey, Scotland looks even more beautiful through a golden veil. She hums 'You're Not Alone' even as she prepares for takeoff. Goodbye, Hogwarts...


cosmicteddy February 4 2008, 22:08:01 UTC
"Quite alright," said Michael and returned to his students, pretending that he hadn't even noticed Jaime and Lola kissing. Brice also grumped something that was probably "no problem," but he did mutter something teasingly that made Lola poke her tongue out at him.

Michael pretended not to notice that either. He went into the portal last of all, and waited until everyone's seat belts were properly buckled. Then he murmured, very softly, "We're ready."

The portal lit up like a string of Christmas lights and hummed into life. The people inside it were for a moment visible like beings made of pure light, rosy halos surrounding them and white wings rising behind them. Michael's aura shone like a beacon, while the other three's were less spectacular, but they were all quite a sight.

One of the less powerful angels stood and looked down at the castle as the golden orb floated into the sky and faded. She raised her hand, waving... And then the portal winked out of existence, and was gone.


bantersucks February 4 2008, 22:53:39 UTC
((And I'm home and just going to tag this down here for order's sake. Yes, I put this icon back just for this. Edited because... I don't want to review the PSA right now.))

Jaime grinned in spite of himself as Lola wrinkled her nose. It hadn't even been five minutes yet. Good thing he had taken the shortcut or he'd have missed them completely. "See you," he was all he managed to get out before the blur that was his girlfriend hurried off. I hope.

All his worries about whether or not Lola would come back were temporarily forgotten as the portal hummed to life. "Dios Mio..." Jaime murmured, transfixed by the sight. Even the Scarab was speechless for a second. He numbly returned the wave as the orb rose into the sky and then disappeared.

Only then, when the portal was gone and he was standing alone in the cold that was finally starting to register, did he realize what Lola had just said. "...wait. What?"


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