Jan 14, 2008 12:38

Later on, it would come as no surprise to anyone that Tomo had started the fight ( Read more... )

liz of the dead, rp, sock, edward tivrusky, susan sto helit, soichiro yagami, pearl fey, jaime reyes, shaun riley, tomo takino, petulia gristle, fletcher tringham, richard the warlock

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Comments 37

papayagami January 14 2008, 21:37:38 UTC
Snowball hitting said head. The head of the elder Yagami, that it.

Soichiro blinked, wiping the snow off his face.

"What just happened?"

Then he looked around and spotted Tomo.

"Did you just throw this?"


bantersucks January 14 2008, 22:20:42 UTC
Normally, the scarab would have let Jaime know about Tomo's ambush, but they were both a bit preoccupied as he trudged through the snow.

"...yes, 'it' refers to objects, I told you that already." Jaime paused, listening to the voice only he could hear. "Well, you decided you didn't want to be a 'he' or a 'she', what else was I gonna do?"

He smirked at the response. "No, I'm not gonna make up a gender-neutral pronoun."

Shaking his head, he lowered his voice as he approached the courtyard. "Make up your mind already. First you want to be called 'he', then you don't, then you're getting offended by 'it.' Trust me, I know you're not an object. Objects don't snark back at me like--"

And then Tomo popped up with a "GOTCHA!" and Jaime instinctively ducked. Not like he had to, though, she'd aimed a bit too high anyway - which was evident when it hit Soichiro smack in the face.

Tomo pointed at Jaime. "No way! He did it!"

Pay no attention to that incriminating second snowball all ready to go in her free hand. Really.


papayagami January 14 2008, 22:29:21 UTC
"Really." Soichiro let a small smile flit across his lips. "Because the evidence does point to you, young lady," he added, gesturing to the snowball.

It's at this time that Ed brought Sparky out to play. Sparky began to dig through the snow at something (doesn't really matter what) and Ed decided to dig too. With the result that snow went flying everywhere.


tomowildcat January 14 2008, 23:29:56 UTC
((third try's a charm, stupid wireless card))

"Evidence! Ha! I scoff at your evidence! This is DEFENSIVE ARTILLERY!" Tomo said, not noticing that Jaime had yet to come out of his crouch and was scooping snow off the ground. "I'll protect you frommmphAUGH!"

The speech was abruptly cut off by a snowball smack in the face as Tomo toppled backwards and landed on her butt in the snow. Jaime smirked. "Doing a great job so far, Fido." Was it cheating to use alien aiming technology? Probably, but he didn't really care.

Of course, then a glob of snow from Sparky's digging hit him in the back of the head. "Aah! What the?"

Taking advantage of the distraction, Tomo stumbled to her feet with hands full of snow and started throwing wildly in their general direction. "I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED!"


[Up the hill, out of snowball range] mysticpearls January 15 2008, 00:02:07 UTC
Oh, it was so pretty! Pearl had never been out in snow like this because her mun is still trying to figure out how to canon-update her, so she'd nearly gone out in just her usual channeling robes. But one of the house elves had spotted her and rushed to get her a winter coat and mittens, so she was at least wearing that.

But her legs were still bare and she was still wearing sandals as she worked at building what so far resembled a small mound of snow. It aspired to be a snowman! Aspired, anyway.

((Out-of-fight-range thread. Feel free to yell at her for not dressing warmly enough. T&T canon tells us that cold really doesn't bother Pearl much.))


Re: [Up the hill, out of snowball range] pigwitch January 15 2008, 00:30:20 UTC
Petulia hadn't had much time for exploring the grounds, yet - well, actually, she'd had time, she just hadn't gotten around to it yet. But a fresh snowfall, especially when she had nothing more pressing to do, was an excellent excuse to get out and look around.

She skirted around the edge of the snow fight on the way out, and it wasn't long before she came across Pearl. She watched the little girl for a few minutes, gloved hands tucked under a warm cloak she'd found somewhere. "Aren't you cold?" she finally asked. He own toes were starting to tingle in sympathy.


Re: [Up the hill, out of snowball range] mysticpearls January 15 2008, 00:48:12 UTC
Pearl looked up and peered over the slowly growing mound to see who was speaking. "Hello!" she greeted, surprised; she'd been so intent on her work that she hadn't heard Petulia approach. "A little bit. But if I have to stand under freezing waterfalls when I train, I need to get used to the cold!"

This was not an understatement; the "Special Course" at Hazakurain designed to increase one's spirit energy involved sitting on a block of ice and chanting while being doused with cold water.

If nothing else, it helped one focus.


Re: [Up the hill, out of snowball range] pigwitch January 15 2008, 00:58:41 UTC
"Um, what are you training for, then?" Petulia asked. She wasn't particularly surprised that a girl Pearl's age was undergoing a program like that; Petulia had been only a couple of years older, if that, when she'd been apprenticed to the local witch.


usethepoker January 15 2008, 00:55:39 UTC
Shaun and Liz had been spending a disgusting amount of time together, exploring the castle and wandering around Hogsmeade. Today they'd decided it was time to go collect Susan--a Susan who seemed much happier with that Charles bloke around, and who was quite willing to go for a walk in the snow.

What none of them had counted on was a barrage of snowballs. Seemingly out of the blue, one smacked Shaun square in the face, while another exploded when it hit Susan's hair, which coiled angrily and tried to shake the snowflakes out. Her eyes narrowed as she hunted for the source of the thing, while Liz--who was trying not to laugh, and failing utterly--wiped at Shaun's now-frozen face with the end of her scarf.

"Somebody's gonna pay for that," he spluttered, blinking. "Dunno who, but they'll pay."


bantersucks January 15 2008, 01:18:44 UTC
Jaime had taken cover behind the nearest bench, his back to the three of them as he was focusing on Tomo (and partly on Sparky due to the random snow barrage). He didn't have the fine art of snowball-packing down yet, but the ones he did manage to make that didn't fall apart hit their target every time. Using one's sentient alien biotech to help aim didn't count as cheating when you also used it to ensure there weren't any rocks in the snowballs you threw. So there.

He glanced back at them - and winced as a snowball hit him in the side of the head. "Ack!" Wiping his face, he ducked and ran over to take cover behind a larger statue, closer to where they were standing. "Sorry. She's got a huge stockpile and really bad aim. Usually."


dont_exacerbate January 15 2008, 02:52:10 UTC
The three of them joined Jaime behind the bench, Shaun still wiping snow from his face, Susan with her hair still coiling like a nest of angry snakes. Liz alone had escaped the barrage unscathed, and she peered over the bench at the girl with the mountain of snowballs at her disposal.

"Good grief, she must have been making those for hours," she said, ducking as a stray round came flying by.

"We need to go over the top," Shaun said, busily packing a massive snowball of his own. "Come on, we can take her."

"Shaun, she's a teenager," Liz said severely--or started to; another stray snowball caught her smack in the face.

Shaun laughed. "You were saying?" he said, as she sat and shook her head, wiping snow out of her ears.

"How do we do this, Jaime?" Susan asked. He clearly knew the girl, even if none of the rest of them did. She hadn't fought in a snowball war she she was very, very little, but the basic principle was the same no matter how old you were.


bantersucks January 15 2008, 03:14:41 UTC
Knowing Tomo didn't always help; it just meant you knew her idea of strategy was to be completely random. The only reason she was managing to hit anyone was because she wasn't bothering to aim and just throwing wildly ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

bantersucks January 15 2008, 23:13:28 UTC
At this point, snow was flying everywhere from both sides of the courtyard. Between the wild volleys coming from Tomo's fort, Sparky spraying snow everywhere and the people who'd already been ambushed, Fletcher would be hard pressed to pin that particular snowball on anyone in particular.

Jaime looked up from behind the bench, noticing Fletcher just as the scarab chittered a warning at him. He turned to yell, "Hey, kid, take cover!" - and got a snowball in the side of the head for his trouble as another spread of wildly-aimed snowballs came flying over Tomo's fort. One of them actually had a chunk of ice in it. It didn't break skin, but it hurt. "Ow! Dammit!"

"Well, it's about time one of those hit," Richard mused on the other side of Tomo's makeshift fort.


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