Open RP: When good Jedi go bad

Oct 31, 2007 10:10

Aayla had been puttering around Gryffindor, half-listening to WART as she practiced casting the Patronus charm. At the end of the broadcast, she stared blankly ahead of her and her hawk-bat patronus popped out of existence. In those seconds, thirteen years of experience and memory were brushed aside. She was once again the Aayla who sought revenge on Quinlan Vos for the loss of her uncle, and who served the Dark Jedi Volfe Karkko. Except that she knew that Vos wasn't here and was now also responsible for Karkko's death.

If Vos wasn't here, than what was she to do? The answer came quickly: find others like her and take control of this school, and destroy those who got in their way. And then it was a simple matter of eliminating her competition until she was in complete power. It wasn't revenge, but it would do. She left her wand where it fell and headed towards the main corridors of Hogwarts. She didn't need magic tricks. They were no match for the Dark Side of the Force. She smiled. Her teeth were sharper than normal. Between that and the whites of her sclera turning dark, she looked like a predator. This was going to be fun.

charles foster ofdensen, daniel jackson, rp, aayla secura, jaime reyes, tenel ka djo, demyx, janet fraiser

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