[App] Wishbone, from Wishbone

Aug 20, 2007 17:28

A Jack Russell Terrier was rolling around a little bit when he suddenly sat up at feeling cold stone. He sniffed around a bit, ran around a bit, and jumped up on the table. He nudged the Dictaquill, which sprang to life.

Oh!Wishbone thought. The Dictaquill wrote that down. Also the 'hmmmm' he thought after that. Then it pointed at the application.

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wishbone, nemo, bun-bun, application, zelgadiss graywords, oz, tomo takino, simba, sarge, john zoidberg

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Comments 64

2bking August 21 2007, 05:42:18 UTC
Simba's ears perked up a little at the sight of this newest applicant -- he was Simba's size! And... close enough in shape! Maybe they could be friends and hang out, find some cool stuff together.

"Hey," he called cheerfully as he approached. "I'm Simba." Then he cocked his head to the side and scrunched up his nose; he had a question. "What's a chew toy?"


woocha August 22 2007, 04:22:58 UTC
Dilemma! On the one paw, CAT! On the other paw, LION!

Eh, lion.

Something that I can chew on and the owners won't get mad at me about it.


2bking August 27 2007, 01:52:07 UTC
Simba sat back on his haunches, a confused look on his face.

"Owners? Who are they? I get to chew on whatever I want."

Well, unless it was food that someone else had caught, in which case, he really shouldn't take it, because then they'd get mad and try to steal it back and he wasn't really supposed to go around challenging people to fights... Not that he couldn't win! But... It wasn't a good idea. But food had never been a problem for him, with his Dad being who he was.


redsarge August 22 2007, 01:48:05 UTC
Diabolical so dogs are joining the ranks as well. Well I can see right through your l’ill ploy
You invade one at a time. Shur you seem Harmless enough until that one day when you out number us then you raze up and over through the Human empire.
Well luckily I have discovered you evil ploy and after long and hard thought I finally decided to hereby accept your unconditional surrender to the newly formed unofficial Hogwarts Red Army.

I'll have Private Groupie bring you the paper work.


woocha August 22 2007, 04:24:39 UTC
Uh....surrender? Invasion? Private Groupie? What just happened?

[[Oh Sarge.]]


Huffly-Dor redsarge August 24 2007, 16:13:52 UTC
I, Sarge, am tha commanding officar of tha newly formed, but as yet unofficial, Hogwarts Red Army.
I hav' accepted your'a unconditional surrender and membership.

You, private Chew-toy, are now tha third in command an' commanding officar of tha K nine division effective thirty seconds ago.

Now tha best place to put ya would be with either me or with Private Groupie. At least then one’ve us could show ya the ropes.
And so is only logical ta vote ya into Huffly-Dor.

Once I inform Private Groupie of ya membership I’ll finalise details. Until then, ya on vacation… Unpaid!


Re: Huffly-Dor woocha August 26 2007, 01:38:07 UTC
What just happened?


tomowildcat August 24 2007, 18:53:07 UTC
((Manga/anime character, Wishbone wouldn't know her from Adam. And Tomo's actually a dog person according to canon.))

Fortunately, the forced imprisonment in the tent village did not apply to attending Sortings, even if the House Elves insisted on escorting her. Sure, driving Dwight crazy was fun, but Tomo was sick and tired of beets.

She came into the Sorting a little late, looked at the application, looked at the applicant, and came up with the most profound greeting ever.

"A talking dog? AWESOME!"

Okay, "profound" was a relative measure.


woocha August 25 2007, 23:45:28 UTC
Well, yes. yes, I am.


tomowildcat August 26 2007, 00:32:16 UTC
"Cool. Hey, do you fight crime? Are you a super dog? I bet you could dig really deep holes!" Like an escape tunnel. Possibly through Douche's beet garden.

"Can I pet you? My dog Kuro's back home in Japan. He always likes ear scratches."


woocha August 26 2007, 01:39:35 UTC
Well, I dabble a bit in mystery solving. And yes, I could dig gigantic holes if someone let me. Wishbone rolled up on his back. I prefer tummy rubs, myself


ugly_old_hat August 29 2007, 04:08:36 UTC
"If you're in favor of kidnapping, how am I to know that you're to be trusted, hm?" The Hat was still rather sore about its beloved Virginia. "What kind of guarantee can you give me that you won't go around kidnapping students willy-nilly for your nefarious doggy plots?"


woocha September 4 2007, 00:52:08 UTC
I'm sorry, but it was the best example I can think of for a couple with two men. Most of the stories I'm familiar with have a couple with a man and a woman.


ugly_old_hat September 5 2007, 03:22:03 UTC
"Hmph. Maybe you should write your own stories, then. Can dogs write?"


woocha September 9 2007, 00:00:38 UTC
Maybe if I borrowed one of these, I could. Wishbone nudged the Dictaquill.


ugly_old_hat September 9 2007, 01:28:40 UTC
Your bribe has been accepted!

Welcome to Ravenclaw!


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