Blythe House remembered ushering John onto his train, tuning out his usual complaints about how trains were too slow and how some idiot was going to do some such thing that would surely make him late. She remembered turning away from the distinctly normal-looking Amtrak train and having the idea to go to the market to buy herself some vegetables
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He smiled widely and strode across the room briskly.
"Blythe," he called as he neared her. "I'm so happy to see you!"
Then she handed him her application, asking him to put more thought into it and he raised his eyebrows.
"Uh. Well, I suppose not," he conceded, taking the sheet and holding it up, squinting at it. "Greg's in a place called Slytherin," he mumbled, looking over her answers. He put it down again.
"I don't know much about these places, but what some other folks told me is that Gryffindor is for people of courage and honor, Ravenclaw is for bookish types..." His lips quirked into a half-amused and half-disaproving smile. "And the drunks," he added. "Huffelpuff is for... people of loyalty, supposedly, but in practice, more like just plain old odd folks. And then there's Slytherin, Greg's house as I said." He sighed and handed the paper back to her. "For the, uh..." He paused, frowning, unsure what to call them. "Trouble-makers."
He could be frustratingly black and white sometimes, she knew, and one of the things she had in common with Greg was trying to get him out of that rutted thinking he tended to do. It was one of the things that seemed to annoy him most, having his beliefs challenged in any way. Of course, Greg did it a lot more often, but she certainly enjoyed watching the fray.
((And with that, I bid you good night. LJ has gone mad; we must take cover from all the anvils!))
She held up a finger, "You make claims but don't bother to back them up with proof. It's not difficult. And who says that just because you and I are married, we belong in the same place? I can't remember any time before you retired that we spent more than a few months--if that--in each other's company. It certainly didn't bother you, then. Not talking to either myself or Gregory didn't, either."
And here, she folded her arms and leveled her gaze at him. "Don't be shallow, dear."
She was being unreasonable, he thought angrily. All he'd said was that he was passing on what others had told him about the Hogwarts Houses, not passing judgments himself. And if he had passed his own judgments, then so what? What did it matter? These absurd "applications" were not briefings, so the comparison was ridiculous. And then mentioning how often he'd been away for most of their marriage, as if it'd been his choice... First Greg and that friend of his, now Blythe -- criticizing him -- accusing him.
He shook his head angrily. He'd had enough.
Also, not entirely related but in regards to some other RP stuff here, I feel I should mention that thoughts and narrations from other characters aren't really knowable to your own characters. I mean, Blythe can be fairly good at reading people in general, but she's not telepathic.))
"At any rate, I got put into Gryffindor. I want us to stay together, of course, so I'll vote for you to join that one as well."
"Frankly, I don't give a damn about what house is the 'best' and whatnot. All I know is I'm in the house I'm in, and I want you to be there with me."
"John House, don't you dare walk away from me and go sulk like a child because I didn't give you the answer you wanted to hear! Stop running away from us!"
She watched, her eyes beginning to sting as he froze again. "Stop trying to leave us behind."
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