owl to the Furby from Dumbledore

May 13, 2007 20:18

The last of Albus's correspondence with the merchants of Diagon Alley had been concluded. The Sorting Hat's curious bribery-funded expense account would now be at the disposal of the students, within reason, for one afternoon. Now all that remained was to secure the assistance of staff chaperones for this field trip. There was also the small matter of the Headmistress's approval, but Albus had no qualms on that score. He had broached the subject with her in their prior meeting, and she had been all for the idea. Anything Albus wanted to do that did not involve work for the Furby would, it seemed, be just fine by her.

What he was about to ask of her would not require much work on her part at all. She even had Kojiro to write the owls.

To the esteemed Headmistress of Hogwarts, Kahnooloo, greetings and salutations!

The time has come to finalise arrangements for the field trip to Diagon Alley. We will need staff members to supervise the students on the trip, and I confess I have not met many of them, they not having passed through Hogwarts' halls during my time here, rather originating in the Muggle world or other worlds entirely.

To this end, I propose we hold a meeting of all faculty and staff. You need not arrange anything save the actual invitation; with Professor Evans's help, I will be able to manage the rest myself.

Your affectionate friend,
Albus Dumbledore, professor emeritus.

owl, albus dumbledore, headmistress

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