Well, actually, it's not much, but I absolutely think Brienne should meet Murphy. I know she's one of the ones you're keeping, but I thought I'd throw it out there, because Brienne needs to hang out with more kick-ass-and-take-names people. Also, personally, I'd hate to see Jon Snow go, but except for another session of boozing with Tyrion I'm not sure I have any ideas for RPing... Which totally isn't helpful, and I'm sorry. I tried, though.
I wouldn't mind more Jon and Arya RPing (or Arya and Ray), though Arya's default right now seems to be "angst angst my family won't want me anymore KILL ALL LANNISTERS" so I'm not sure what can really be done from there right now, plot wise.
I'm going on a mini-hiatus until finals are over (May 9th), but if you're going to popcorn Bruce, I'd love to squeeze in one last Steph and Bruce rp. I love their interactions, and around Mother's Day, Steph'll be suffering from a case of the emo, and will be jonesing to kick something.
Incidentally, I would love to get in a Crowley/Eris/Fee RP before she goes. And maybe Fraser and Jon should have some... closure, or something. :( IDK. Jon: *becomes the new Ray Vecchio*
Comments 12
I'm at a creative ebb and I need some prompting to actually get game going.
I am way up for Brienne and Murph meeting. Should I chuck Murph at her unpopcorning?
And yay Crowley/Eris/Fee!
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