Closed RP: Stephen and mini!Susan

Apr 14, 2007 11:42

Susan, having snagged a chocolate egg for study, put the thing down on her dresser and stared at it. She didn't even know where to begin, but she damn well knew better than to sample it.

Sighing, she got a glass of water, and that, really, was her mistake. Unbeknownst to her, she'd gotten chocolate residue on her fingers, and what little transferred to the glass was enough to hit her system like a freight train. For a moment everything went white, the glass dropping to smash on the floor, and when she woke up she felt...strange. For one thing, she was only about three feet tall, and for another, she had no idea what she'd been doing, or why.

Well, this was no good. Her suddenly childish brain realized that all her clothes were now too big, so she went to rummage through her dresser, and came up with a T-shirt she'd bought as a gag. It came down to her ankles, and the sleeves were almost to her wrists--she was too short now to survey herself in the mirror, but that was okay. Suddenly, what she wanted more than anything was to run around, and chase whatever she might find.

Giggling, she ran through the door--literally through it, as she could no longer remember that doors were supposed to be solid--and raced barefoot down the hallway. Enough of her memory was still her own that she wanted to go play, and she headed for the one person who could be almost certain to do so. Perhaps fortunately, she couldn't have lifted the poker, or she would have been highly delighted to go attack the Whomping Willow again.

rp, stephen maturin, susan sto helit

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