Lain looked around but couldn't see her.
It had been a long time since she had last seen Lain around and it was staring to get lonely.
Where'd she go?
She spun back all that had happened over the past few months and watched.
"Hogwarts?" She spoke. Her lips turned upwards slightly in a sly grin.
Then what are you? )
Comments 117
Pleased to meet you. Name's Meyd.
Lain's smile from mocking her other-self was still to leave her face.
"Perhaps you could tell me a little bit about Hogwarts as she is being most uncooperative." She nodded towards Lain.
"I know of the houses but other then that I was blocked before I could find out more"
((OOC - Kingdom Hearts… Squeeeeeeee! (Fanboying) Last post tonight, tis two in the morn and I need sleep.))
*He shakes his head.* Houses? Well, there's Gryffindor, for brave people and the ones who just like dressing in spandex. Hufflepuff's for loyal friends, hard workers, psychos, and me. Ravenclaw's for geniuses and drunks, and Slytherin's for cunning, ambitious types, and pretty boys.
Lain giggled slightly.
"So that is why Lain is in Ravenclaw."
Again, she giggled as if it were one big joke.
"And so what are you then, Loyal? Hard working? Or a psycho?"
"Above needing food?" Dean asked with a cocked eyebrow, and these applicants were getting weirder by the day. Except for maybe Tinky Winky - he took the cake. "The hell is that supposed to mean?"
Her grin returned again.
"But one time when I was Lain and she wasn't, I did eat a bento that contained some Sakura cheese. It was tasty but I haven’t eaten since."
"Hi there. I'm Jadzia Dax."
"I'm Lain and your not Human" Again, she was grinning.
"How many gods have you met before?"
Therefore, unless we are incorrect in this assessment, we ask that you take this application down. That said, you are absolutely welcome to play all three personalities within the initial character of Lain that you applied. There is precedent at Hogwarts Hocus for people to play characters with multiple personalities within one account. For example, Quaxo from Cats! has an alter-ego of sorts called Mr. Mistofeeles, and both personalities are played from the same character and LJ ( ... )
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