Emo Poetry Slam, yo! (Open RP!)

Jan 12, 2007 17:55

Sure, magic was interesting enough, but Strong Sad's true love was poetry, and it was high time he held one of his fabled poetry slams. He was sure that some students, and maybe even a professor or two, held the same adoration of rhyme, the same devotion to meter, the same respect for depressing themes that he did ( Read more... )

strong sad, ford prefect, rp, phoebe buffay, morfin gaunt, toki wartooth, all school, abby sciuto, jilly coppercorn

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Comments 48

mightymorfin January 13 2007, 05:51:24 UTC
There were people who were depressed at Hogwarts? Morfin had clearly been neglecting his calling! He put on his favorite cardigan and rushed down to the Emo Poetry Slam.

"Hi! I'm Morfin! I'm a Hufflepuff!" He waved to the elephantine creature who seemed to be the only person present, and who indeed sounded quite depressed.


so_strong_sad January 13 2007, 05:57:45 UTC
Strong Sad had been on the verge of reciting a haiku he had written about what it feels like to have one's hands glued to one's butt and/or face when Morfin walked in.

"Um...hi. Ummmmm...I'm Strong Sad, and I'm a Gryffindor. Did you have some emo poetry you wanted to recite? Maybe a limerick...or free verse...an epic poem...or even an acrostic poem?" He looked at Morfin expectantly (well, as expectantly as a guy whose facial expression hardly changes can get).


mightymorfin January 13 2007, 06:05:53 UTC
Morfin beamed his most soothing smile, trying to emanate vibrations of friendliness and comfort. "Oh, no, there's no need to be emo! The world can be a wonderful place if you only think positively!"


so_strong_sad January 13 2007, 06:40:48 UTC
Strong Sad sighed heavily. "And that's when your brother comes over and puts wildebeest pheremones into your laundry or forces you to be a DJ," Strong Sad intoned morosely. "In fact, I've got a haiku about the latter!"

He took a deep breath and recited the following:

"He babbles fool-like
As if his head is empty
Forced to DJ, woe!"

He sighed again and then stood there staring at Morfin.


drphilange January 13 2007, 06:02:18 UTC
Phoebe walked in the room - an Emo Poetry Slam sounded, to her, like the perfect opportunity to try out some of her new songs! - just in time to hear the last part of Strong Sad's poem. Clapping loudly, Phoebe cheered, "ALL RIGHT! ROCK ON!"

Yay poetry!


artsy_jilly January 13 2007, 06:07:41 UTC
Jilly wasn't much of a poet but she'd decided, hey, why not? And so she turned up at the poetry slam. She ended up standing next to Phoebe, and joined in the applause.

"That was pretty cool," she agreed, beaming at Strong Sad. Then she turned her smile on Phoebe. "Hi, I'm Jilly. I don't think we've met."


drphilange January 13 2007, 06:11:47 UTC
"Ooh, no, we haven't!" Phoebe said, grinning at Jilly. There was a moment where Phoebe just stood, staring, before she caught herself with a slight jump. "Oh! Right! I'm Phoebe." She rolled her eyes at herself, "My aura is pleased to encounter yours."


artsy_jilly January 13 2007, 06:14:42 UTC
Jilly stuck out her hand, which sported a smudge of green paint. "Yeah, mine too. So are you a poet, or are you just here to listen? Because I do better with paint and canvas than words."


secondfastest January 13 2007, 06:12:40 UTC
Toki searches for Hufflepuff, dragging his bag, his guitar, and an amp along with him. And then he hears that voice... "So the bloods was good, but the rest was sort of stupids."


so_strong_sad January 13 2007, 06:52:32 UTC
Strong Sad looked over at Toki. "Ummmm...so was that your poem?" He thought it was really lousy, but he wasn't about to say that out loud. Unless Toki were to throw a dodgeball at him. Then all bets would be off.

Noticing the guitar, he added, "Are you going to freestyle to music?" Oh, no, please don't let this be a Coach Z type of thing. Please don't let him rap about hip-hop dances.


secondfastest January 13 2007, 18:42:51 UTC
"Poems is lame and not metal. I don't do's poems." He looks insulted that this guy would even suggest that he did poems. "Poems never haves, like, people's intestine being pulled out their noses or nothings. You can't headbangs to them."


so_strong_sad January 13 2007, 21:00:29 UTC
"Oh, I imagine you could write metal poems. There is overlap between metal and emo, you know." Of course, a marriage of sorts between Morrissey and Limozeen was pretty brain breaky, but...Strong Sad supposed it was possible.

"And you certainly can write poems about people's intestines being pulled out of their nose. In fact, I think Strong Bad tried to do that to me one time." Well, Strong Sad didn't really have a nose, but...he was sure something like this had once happened to him. It was just so hard to keep track of the multitude of abuses Strong Bad heaped on him on a daily basis! "Here, I'll show you."

Strong Sad cleared his throat and recited,

"A boxing glove approaches my face.
Will it punch me?
Or will it reach into one of my orifices?
Time will only tell
whether it is my lungs he is aiming for
or whether he prefers my intestines.
It's also possible he might be faking me out
so he can instead slam The Cheat into my face
with his other hand.
Ah, 9:32 am pummeling.
You are the most mysterious of all!Strong Sad took a moment ( ... )


researcher42 January 13 2007, 06:19:26 UTC
Curious, Ford wandered into the room to see what was going on. Upon hearing the bad poetry he had a very vivid flashback to his encounter with the Vogons and began to scream, loudly and embarrassingly.



so_strong_sad January 13 2007, 06:44:38 UTC
For a moment, Strong Sad stared. Then, loudly, he said, "I know the definition of 'poetry' on the banner was pretty loose, but one word...isn't really a poem."

Still, he didn't want to seem unwelcoming, so he added, "If you need more inspiration, I could recite something else for you. I've got a limerick about when my bellybutton got drilled into my stomach." He sighed heavily.


researcher42 January 13 2007, 07:10:28 UTC
Large, grayish creature... oh no! "Aaaaaaaaaah Vogon! Vogon! Wait..." Ford got a hold of himself and Didn't Panic. "...not a Vogon." In an instant he went from completely hysterical to trying to act cool.

"Sorry man. You scared me there." Calmly, he took his towel off of his head. "I thought you might have been a Vogon," Ford added, as though that wasn't already obvious. "You aren't are you? Or like... half-Vogon?" He'd never heard of a half-Vogon. They probably didn't exist as the concept implied that some other species would have to actually mate with a Vogon.


so_strong_sad January 13 2007, 15:28:02 UTC
Why did everyone always think that Strong Sad was some kind of animal that he wasn't??? With an indignant sort of edge to his voice, he said loudly, "No! I'm not a Vogon...whatever that is. I'm not a rhinoceros. I'm not a hippo. I'm not an elephant. And I'm not half of any one of those things either! I'm just me, Strong Sad!"

Already, he was composing a bit of free verse in his head about how he was constantly a victim of mistaken identity when he noticed Ford's towel. "Oh, no! You're not a coach, are you? Because I am not cramming any oom-pah down my pants and climbing up a rope, no matter how hard you try to persuade me. I don't even wear pants!"


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