Open RP - Unpopcorning room

Dec 24, 2006 01:08

He sat on the edge of the pedistal, staring at the ceiling and taking some stock in his life. Here we go: fact, he was covered, head to toe, in some kinda oily... gook. Fact, he was kinda woozy and disorientated from the whole adventure through whatever kinda hoodoo they'd gotten their fingers into back home ( Read more... )

benton fraser, rp, ray kowalski

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themountie December 24 2006, 07:52:34 UTC
Fraser, with Diefenbaker at his side, was just on his way back to Gryffindor after a most productive evening in the library. Though it wasn't exactly on the way, most days he let his route take him by the Popcorn Room. Not only did it let him check up on things, but it was really a very scenic and pleasant walk by comparison; and as he no longer had the 20-odd blocks from the 27th to the Consulate to contend with, he welcomed the extra bit of exercise. Every little bit helped!

Most days, it was a fairly standard walk, but today things were slightly different. Most days, when Fraser passed the popcorn room, he smelled salt and the grease and terribly chemical fake butter, and beneath that the faint burnt smell of popped corn, and beneath that the scent of slightly damp stone, and that was usually it.

Today, he smelled hair gel. Well, he still smelled the salt and the butter and the popcorn and the like, but underneath all of that there was hair gel, aftershave, and a whiff of car interior that could only have come from a 1967 GTO, ( ... )


themountie December 25 2006, 05:53:41 UTC
"Don't be silly, Ray." Fraser frowned at his partner's self-deprecation, concerned. "You'll be a wonderful fit. You're one of the bravest men I know." As with everything he said, this was with an air of utmost honesty.

At the comment, he smiled a bit. "I don't think you'll need to kiss any fish any time soon. We're nearly there. I've got a towel you can borrow, and I've got some of your things in my closet."


youreafreak December 25 2006, 06:04:08 UTC
"I just don't remember the whole process, you know? I mean, I can't just tell people it was a fake me that got in there. So now I'm a replacement for a replacement for myself, and I don't even have a file so I can figure out what's goin' on."

He almost grins. "So this place is civilized, right? Hot showers an' everything?"


themountie December 25 2006, 06:10:58 UTC
"Yes, that is actually something we're going to have to figure out..." Fraser sighed thoughtfully, cracking his neck. "You see, your ringer was very good, but the problem is that since he was covering for you, he was going by the name Kowalski, not Vecchio. And yet, with the real Ray Vecchio still undercover... well, you can't go by both names, that's not really very practical." Although, he mused, it seemed to work perfectly fine in Chicago. Ray's cover as Vecchio had never been exactly rock-solid to begin with...

"Yes, Ray, hot showers," Fraser replied a touch dryly. "All the things you could ask for in a civilized living environment. Although," he added with a touch more cheer, "they do have baths as well."


youreafreak December 25 2006, 06:17:42 UTC
... huh. "So I'm Kowalski now?" At least, for the minute. "I don't think anyone from the mob is going to track us THIS far. I mean, they'd have to go through the whole hoodoo process."

.... baths. Canadians might as well come from another planet. "Just point me at the soap and hot water, I'll be fine."


themountie December 25 2006, 06:34:22 UTC
"You mean, the process by which we got here?" Fraser pointed out, raising his eyebrows. "Anyway, the decision is, I suppose, up to you, Ray. I already gave your name as Vecchio to a friend of mine, but..." But that had been to Phoebe, and as much as he did genuinely like her, he wasn't sure her memory would reach back far enough for her to remember the minor change in his story. "...I think that won't be a problem, if you choose to go by your real name again. I suppose the real question is, while we're here are you going to continue to impersonate Ray Vecchio, or your own impersonator?"

The directive was simple enough, and one that Fraser, being forced to inhale the scent of the butter over and over again, was more than happy to obey. "Understood. Just through here." They had reached the portrait. "Metheglyn," he said to the Fat Lady, and she swung open with a wink at him. Dief ran into the Tower ahead of them, going for Fraser's room.


youreafreak December 26 2006, 05:52:43 UTC
"It's going to be a little wierd going by Kowalski," he admits, with a half-grin. "But I think I'd rather do that. S'pose if anyone catches on to things, I could say I'm Vecchio pretending to be Kowalski?"

He was getting a headache.

"Meth... what?" He stares at the painting, then comes through the door, shaking his head. "We sure this place isn't in Canada?"


themountie December 26 2006, 06:19:30 UTC
"Then you'll be Ray Kowalski pretending to be Ray Vecchio pretending to be Ray Kowalski?" Even Fraser, stoic as he usually was, had to smile at that. Really, it was just silly enough to work. It reminded him of something he'd seen once, in fact. "I wonder, Ray, are you familiar with the play Victor/Victoria?"

He stepped through the portrait, glancing curiously at his partner. "No, Ray. We're in Scotland." He glanced around the room, brow furrowing slightly. This didn't look anything like Canada to him...


youreafreak December 26 2006, 06:42:00 UTC
"You know I don't do any of that theatre crap." He shrugs a little, but he's smiling too. Heh. This is totally soap opera crap, right here.

"It's just kinda clean here, that's all. And people talk funny."


themountie December 26 2006, 06:53:36 UTC
"Well, they did also make it into a movie," he pointed out in return, in what might have been a slightly sarcastic manner if Benton Fraser knew how to be sarcastic. "Anyway, it's a very interesting little story about a woman, a singer, who, not being able to find work, pretends to be a female impersonator in order to gain notoreity. In other words, it's a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman -- not that different from the situation you and Ray Vecchio are in right now."

"As far as I know, I'm the only one you've talked to so far." Although he had, of course, heard before that he 'talked funny' -- from Ray himself, no less. Shaking his head, bemused, he led Ray through the rather easier-to-navigate halls of Gryffindor till they reached his room. Dief waited at the door; Fraser let him in, then held the door open for Ray.


youreafreak December 26 2006, 07:12:40 UTC
"... so now I'm like a fake transvestite." Great. Fraser always came up with the most flattering metaphors.

"Yeah, but we walked past some people back there," he pointed out, "And they were all talkin' like Bond." He followed them into the room, and glanced around. Yeeep. This is Fraser's room.

"Where's the shower?" He shrugged off his coat, and then peeled off the shoulder holster. Aw hell, his weapon! He pulled it out to inspect the popcorn-butter damage.


themountie December 26 2006, 07:49:45 UTC
"Well, only in the sense that the woman in the play is pretending to be faking that which she truly is, much as you are pretending to be assuming the identity of Ray Kowalski," he explained, as though the analogy were perfectly normal. To him, it was entirely logical; but then, he could never quite figure out what would or wouldn't offend Ray ( ... )


youreafreak December 26 2006, 13:20:00 UTC
"... right. You know what? We're just gonna let that go." He sets his sunglasses on the edge of the desk, and frowns as he examines the weapon; when he tilts it, more butter oozes out of the barrel.

"'course I brought it. We didn't know where we were actually gonna land," he points out. This is reasonable to him, of course. He shakes his head and sets it on the desk as well. "Have to clean it and pray, I guess." He strips off his shirt as he heads out and up the hallway to the shower.


themountie December 26 2006, 17:39:34 UTC
Oh, dear. Fraser sighed and went to the closet, grabbing a towel. "Ray. Ray. Ray. Ray." He kept repeating the name till the man turned back to him, then tossed it over.

Turning back to the room at large, he clasped his hands and surveyed the damage. Butter. Wonderful. He went for his books, and in short order had discovered the Scourgify charm, which took care of that nicely. As for the gun... Fraser checked it carefully, then promptly unloaded it and tucked it away in his desk.

When Ray returned from the shower, his jacket was clean and laid neatly atop the bed, and Fraser was looking through a small bag that appeared to be his.


youreafreak December 26 2006, 19:19:28 UTC
He caught the towel, shrugged a thank you, and headed down to take his time and scrub every damn inch to get the butter out of his ears, and navel and every other really awkward place. Half an hour of really hot water and way too much soap did it.

He wandered back up the hall with the towel wrapped around his waist. "You said you had other clothes?" He grabbed his jacket and examined it.... holy crap! "... you're good."


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