open RP for Slytherins: Common room redecoration!

Nov 25, 2006 22:39

Strong Bad had owled the Slytherin prefects more than once. He was sick and tired of hearing about how the Ravenclaw bar was such a happening place. In Free Country USA, you didn't need anything fancy like a bar, or Feegles, or whatever those Ravenclaws had going on over there. A good sturdy Stick was gathering place enough ( Read more... )

gregory house, skip, rp, chiana, slytherin, tyrion lannister, strong bad

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Comments 36

rogue_nebari November 26 2006, 04:09:03 UTC
Chiana bounds into the room and perches on a chair, head cocked to the side. "Hey there. What's the paint for?"


sbisawesome November 26 2006, 04:15:20 UTC
"The Slytherin common room is getting ... a makeover!" panted Strong Bad, trying to lug a paint bucket with his puny arms.


rogue_nebari November 26 2006, 04:22:28 UTC
Chiana's been bored lately, and this sounds like something interesting to do for at least a little while. "Nice." She picks up one of the buckets. "How about we snurch the Ravenclaw bar while we're at it?"


sbisawesome November 26 2006, 04:28:30 UTC
Strong Bad smirked. "I like your style." He didn't know what snurching was, but it sounded like a good idea.


ugly_imp November 26 2006, 04:13:06 UTC
Tyrion spoke the password and strode into the common room. He looked around curiously, then arched an eyebrow at Strong Bad. "This is... different," he observed. "I think I quite like what you've done so far."


sbisawesome November 26 2006, 04:20:28 UTC
"Thank you," said Strong Bad, pleased and proud. "It's clear you have good taste!"

Tyrion's appearance didn't give Strong Bad pause. Tyrion wasn't that much shorter than Homsar. Plus, he made a lot more sense when he talked.


ugly_imp November 26 2006, 04:34:59 UTC
Tyrion grinned. "So how long until you're finished... doing whatever it is you're doing... to this room?"


sbisawesome November 26 2006, 12:09:26 UTC
"However long it takes!" proclaimed Strong Bad. "Whatever it takes to make it the best common room it can be, that's what I'm gonna do." He shook one boxing glove in the air. "I will spare no effort, even unto the extent of making a new 'No Loafing' sign! There will be cold ones for all!"


canes_can_kill November 26 2006, 04:19:01 UTC
((Hah! Awesome. Can we have a giant Trogdor statue? XD))

Well, this was an interesting sight to encounter while wandering out of his room. House blinked, momentarily taken aback, and scowled heavily. "What the hell is this?" He said to nobody in particular, and then noticed that a small giant-helmeted man appeared to be overlording everything. "Are you turning this place into some kind of disco revival? Because disco is dead, no matter how much you think otherwise."


sbisawesome November 26 2006, 04:27:58 UTC
(( TROGDORRRR!!! Why not? And a mural, and maybe little Trogdor-shaped party favors at holiday-time ... ))

Strong Bad regarded the cranky crippled guy. "I'm turning this place into a common room. It's got to have pizzazz. Do you have any suggestions?" He wondered if the cane could be pressed into service as a paint stirrer.


canes_can_kill November 26 2006, 04:35:32 UTC
"What about a mirror ball and giant flashing lights?" House was clearly being sarcastic. "Or stippers?" Here, he was very obviously not. He prodded a paint can with the tip of his cane, coming dangerously close to tipping it over but never letting it do so. "On the other hand, giant flashing lights could be fun. They'd send susceptible people into seizures, and they're hilarious to watch."


sbisawesome November 26 2006, 05:27:59 UTC
Strong Bad thought this was a great idea, and wished The Cheat were here to throw a lightswitch rave. Just then, the other cranky crippled guy spoke up.


ugly_imp November 26 2006, 04:44:19 UTC
Naturally, the presence of a habitually cranky man with a cane was bound to attract Tyrion's attention, as he was a habitually cranky, rather deformed dwarf. So he couldn't help interjecting a comment.

"Where is the fun in watching people have seizures?" he inquired dryly. "Someone would have to remove them after a while, since people having fits tend to disturb the local ambiance, at least in my experience."


canes_can_kill November 26 2006, 05:33:34 UTC
"It's fun for the first minute or so, and after that I always have an excuse not to help with taking them away," House hefted his cane slightly, smirking. "And then there's the by-product of flailing limbs; bruises everywhere!" He considered the tiny man standing in front of him, raising an interested eyebrow. "Do you have Dwarfism or are you not human?"


ugly_imp November 26 2006, 06:30:03 UTC
"Well, I was called the Imp back home," Tyrion remarked caustically, meeting the man with the cane's intent stare with one of his own. "But my parents were human. Clearly, you can see that I got the looks in the family." He sketched a more than slightly mocking bow. "Tyrion Lannister, the imp of Casterly Rock at your service. Who do I have pleasure of addressing?"


canes_can_kill November 26 2006, 06:37:12 UTC
A tiny, sarcastic man. Awesome. A grin, deeply pleased, spread across House's face. "Greg House, one of the redundant doctors around here; only I prove to be yet more redundant as I'm a Diagnostician." He returned the mocking bow with a slight nod. "If we ever get really bored, we could form a band," he feigned sincerity. "We could call it... Dissatisfied and Disable. The Cranky Cripples. Damn, what's a word that implies a deep annoyance with everything in general that starts with 'I'?"


flameofdecember November 26 2006, 13:09:11 UTC
*Skip wanders in, looking around curiously. Apparently, the redecorating Strong Bad had been talking about had taken place. Now there was what Skip liked to see. A man (thing?) of action.*

Hey, you know what we still need? A big coffin, right where that coffee table there is now. Could use it for the same thing, too.

*It's hard to tell whether Skip's joking or not.*


sbisawesome November 26 2006, 13:17:34 UTC
If Skip was joking, Strong Bad certainly didn't register the humor. "That's a great idea!" he enthused. "It can be a coffin for Homsar after I kill him again!" The no-kill rule hadn't really sunk in, clearly. Then again, it wasn't like Strong Bad really expected Homsar to stay dead. He'd dropped a Heavy Lourde on the little weirdo and Homsar was still blibbling around unscathed.


flameofdecember November 26 2006, 13:23:24 UTC
Oh, it doesn't have to be a coffin for anybody; I used to keep old newspaper clippings of the articles I wrote in mine. It's just there to seriously creep people out. Although I occasionally manage that without any coffin. I'd suggest just using me as a piece of furniture except that I expect being a piece of furniture is really boring.


sbisawesome November 26 2006, 13:36:21 UTC
Strong Bad considered this. "We're Slytherin and we live in the dungeons. Having a coffin in our common room could boost our reputation for being seriously scary and formidable characters! I wouldn't want to use you for a coffee table. Maybe a sarcophagus shaped like you..."


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