The time table may be a little askew at the moment, but we're trying not to let that stop the fun.
You wont be able to submit an icon until the results of the previous challenge have been announced, but we believe that it's such a worthy theme that we hope you'll get started on it straight away...
One last thing: There are NO MORE SKIPS. If you are eligible to participate and fail to enter an icon for this challenge, then you will be disqualified. So you must enter an icon to stand a chance of winning.
The theme for this challenge is Oliver Wood.
Who doesn’t love the former captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team? He deserves more icons, so this week he is the focus of our attention & love. Feel free to interpret the theme any way you please. You can show him in a favourable light, or as a villain. You can use any images of him that you find, or perhaps you’d prefer a text-only quote? Get creative & have fun!
You need to use this handy little Text Area Box when you submit your icon. Just copy & paste the contents into a comment & fill in your details.
Your Character:
Name // HiH House
Please note;
• You may only submit an icon for Challenge #09 if you survived Challenge #08.
• You may submit one (1) icon using the theme provided in this post. You will use your own image to make your icon. You can also use stock images, brushes, and textures. Please be sure your icon contains all necessary details for the challenge.
• Your icon must conform to LiveJournal standards; 100x100 and 40 kb or less.
• Do not promote your icon, and do not post, display, or otherwise use your icon anywhere on the Internet until after this Round is over and the results have been posted, or you will be disqualified from the round. This includes telling your friends about your icon. You may not reveal your character at any point until the Round is over.
• There are no more skips left, therefore you must enter an icon, or you will be disqualified from the competition.
• To submit, reply normally to this screened post using the information in the textarea above. Then add the image and URL of your icon, as well as your name and House if you are a sorted member of
hogwartsishome, and any additional information that is required of this Week's Challenge. If for any reason you need to resubmit, please delete your prior submission comment before posting a new one. You may resubmit as many times as you'd like until the deadline.
• The deadline for this challenge is Wednesday June 24 at 15:00 EST (20:00 GMT). If we get everyone's submissions and/or bye confirmations before the deadline, we will post voting early.
Good luck!