Hogwarts365. Where we love Hogwarts and everything Harry Potter 365 days a year!

Sep 10, 2013 14:23

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Fandom: Harry Potter

What is ? It’s an exciting new community that celebrates all the slash fanfiction love in the Harry Potter universe.


1. All works of fiction must be 365 words.
2. This is a prompt based community and prompts will be posted on a weekly basis and everyone is welcome to participate.  Sometimes we will post simply prompts, sometimes we will post pairings or characters! Prompts are just jumping off points so you don't have to take them to heart. Use them however you'd like.
3. This is a slash only comm. That’s m/m or f/f. [FYI: This indicates that the main pairing has to be m/m or f/f but side characters and background pairings can of any sexual orientation]
4. Threesome centric stories are allowed as long as all the three characters are of the same gender. (Exception to the rule can be made if your character ends up being transgender or gender queer, etc… Feel free to ask us questions about it).
5. All Ratings are allowed, please post warnings if your posts are higher than PG-13
6. More than one entry per prompt is allowed. Series/Continuing stories are allowed. (365 words per post!)
7. You are more than welcome to collaborate with other prompts with other communities. (365 words per post!)
8. The stories can take place anywhere, they can be non-magical AU, they don’t necessarily have to take place at Hogwarts! (We just like the name).
9. LJ Cut is your friend.
10. Posting Header: Please use this form (or something close to it) when posting your submission

Beta: (if used)
Rating: (G to NC-17)
Warnings: (as needed)
Word Count: Must be 365
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction created for fun and no profit has been made.

You can always email us at hogwarts365mods@gmail.com

11. If you want to 'promote' your comm or fest, email us or send us a PM and we'll be happy to do it for you!
12. If you need, you can use this WORD COUNTER where you can copy and paste your content to get the word count.
13. Stories don’t need to be romance or high rating: gen fic focusing on a trans (or lgbtq in general) is also very much allowed.

Official AO3 collection is here.

year: 2013, mod post, introduction, rules

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