Mini Nano Saturday word count - 419

Nov 04, 2006 19:57

Since LJ was out all day, and I was for most of it, too, I wrote out a character sketch of Giles, similar to the ones I've seen Antenna do. I was surprised at how helpful I found it-- more so, I think, than if I had just gone with the first couple of sentences and tried to work it into a narrative. I need to go deeper, but this is a start.

And hey, does anyone know if the Buffy comic is out yet? And if so, if it's suitable for children? My little imp was recently turned on to graphic novels by one of his school buddies, and hey-- he's reading. I just need to know if this is something I need to read in the store, or actually buy and bring home.

Oh hey-- I'm going to get Jossed, aren't I? I was always sorry I missed out on that delight of contemporary fandom... Cool.

3008 / 50000

And now-- feel free to ignore this....

My Giles (2 years Post Chosen)
Gets up before dawn every morning and jogs through *some area of London plausibly near the new Council HQ*
Pretends he is unaware that two Slayers are shadowing him at a discrete distance
Was genuinely puzzled that the group turned to him for leadership once the Sunnydale crisis was past
Was not sure he Wanted the Council re-established
Took the job to prevent the abuses of the Old Council from gaining a foothold
Is out of his depth as an administrator, and knows it
Understands now why Travers and his ilk held the attitudes they did. Sending a tool to its destruction is easier than sending a girl to her death
Attends every funeral, and delivers condolences to the family in person
Feels it’s the least he can do, and that he deserves it
Sometimes feels as if he is about to explode. Other times, that he is a wraith, growing ever more insubstantial as his Slayer and friends drift away from him
Was relieved when they all left
Doesn’t realize his emotional distance pushed them away
Doesn’t realize how much he resents them, that their consciences allow most of them to sleep soundly at night
Grieves and feels guilty that he and Willow have some things in common he would have spared her.
Busies his hands and mind to try to escape his pain and grief and guilt
Has been running on empty for so long he doesn’t remember ever feeling normal or decent or good
Wishes Buffy would come back and take charge of the Council
Will never ask it of her
Resents that she can just walk away from their calling, and him
Refuses to admit the former, even in his thoughts, and is unaware of the latter
Has reverted to the braces and suits and ties of the last year at Sunnydale High. Unconsciously draws strength from that time, when his purpose was clear, his family close, and his enemies easily recognized
Has quite a bit more grey at his temples these days
Often feels a burning in his chest at night, and has nightmares about the day Willow nearly killed them all
Sometimes gets flashes of emotion from Willow when she is close by
Finds them very unsettling
Tries to eradicate all emotion in himself
Is so very, very tired
Sees a child with his eyes, and does not know what to do, or say, or be
Feels Willow’s hand on his shoulder, and breathes.

giles, character, nano06

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