I tried to do NaNoWriMo once in 2006 and failed miserably. The idea to write a certain amount words every day, particularly if I don't really know where my story's going, doesn't really work for me. But writing (or at least working somehow on a fic) for a certain amount of time each day, as wrisomifu suggests it, seems rather reasonable to me. Perhaps I should give it a try.
I was made of fail in 06, too. But last year I made two adjustments to the rules for myself, thinking, "This is to help Me. What do I think will be most helpful to Me?" I joined the two lower word count versions concurrently with Nano-- wrisomifu got me past those most painful first 10 minutes or so, and then mini_nanowrimo kept me going long enough to get on a roll without getting overwhelmed by the 1667 figure. And I decided that Any creative writing counted-- plot notes, character sketches, even character conversations with the author telling me how much I sucked. I also allowed myself to work on different projects concurrently-- if I got blocked on one, I switched to another. Hence the Nano novel title "Triptych" last year-- one original and 2 fan fic stories all got word count from the month. That and a marathon Saturday while Wee Hob was camping with the Scouts got me there
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I haven't decided. If I do it, it's going to be my autobiography, which isn't, technically speaking, a novel. However, there's always enough fiction in biography and even autobiography to make a case for using NaNo time for it. We'll see.
I'm preaching at least twice in November, plus I'll be dealing with FEMA for hurricane stuff at the Rec. But we'll see. I made it last year when I didn't expect to. I don't know. We'll see.
I would be Delighted to have you add me to your writing buddies page, and I shall do likewise. If your little guys want to do young writers program, add Wee Hobgoblinn to their buddies list, too. If you haven't seen their site, it's really, really cool. I've downloaded the middle school writer's handbook materials, and they're wonderful, Might even help me.
Comments 13
I like your take on it, mind if I adopt it?
Do you mind if I friend you over there? Can't believe it's that time of year already!
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