I'm living in the Amityville horror house...

Aug 26, 2010 22:45

For the last three days, I have come home in the evening to anything between 13 and 25 dead houseflies in my kitchen. There are no houseflies around anywhere now - so where are they coming from??? I've scrubbed everywhere with bleach and have looked everywhere but have no clue where they are coming from. I know it is a sign of how I am ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

magista August 26 2010, 22:12:51 UTC
You don't happen to have a sack of potatoes in the house, do you? That's what happened to us one time. We ended up tossing the suspect into a garbage can, and fortunately only ended up opening it again when we were outside, because forty million flies came out of it!


hobbituk August 26 2010, 22:14:52 UTC
I have potatoes, but loose in a box. I don't think there is anything in there, but I will definitely look - thanks!


petzipellepingo August 26 2010, 22:37:51 UTC
Ack! I HATE flies.


curiouswombat August 26 2010, 22:54:22 UTC
We had this problem in a clinic where I worked a few years ago - which had been converted from a house. The environmental health people recognised the problem when our management/admin finally rang them - they said they are actually called Cluster Flies and they sent someone around to fumigate or something, I can't properly remember.

They recurred the next year and we just rang straight away - man came around, no more cluster flies.


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