Jan 07, 2010 23:23

I know, I know, it's 2010 now... but this is taking forever to compile!

Part 1: New Celeb Crushes
Part 2: Favorite Books/Movies/Music


These are the characters that really impressed me this year. Some of them are new (new show or show I started to watch in 2009), some of them are not but became really awesome in my book. This is not a picspam of my favorite characters overall. There are 12 female and 11 male characters from 16 different shows. One actress is in there twice. Order is mostly alphabetical (file names).

SPOILER ALERT: this picspam includes images from TV shows that aired in 2009. But I don't think I used any particulary spoilery screencaps except for two characters, which I'm gonna put at the end of the picspam with a warning.
However, though there is a character from FNL included, I ignored season 4 because it's not aired on NBC yet.

Abed: I'm interested in making movies, but my dad says all media is Western propaganda that
negatively stereotypes Arabs.
Troy: You should see Aladdin. Jafar was a badass!

I can't really separate them because these two characters work so well together! They're the funniest thing about
Community and I especially love the random things they do in the ending credits everytime (not included here
because they'll be part of my TV moments picspam hehe).

Merlin: Look on the bright side: you’ve still got me!
Arthur: Is that supposed to cheer me up?
Merlin: Thought it might.
Arthur: You really are a complete idiot, aren’t you Merlin?

I can't really separate these guys either right? Both got really good material to work with this year and covered a great
range of emotions. If the show is that much fun, it's mostly because of them.

Mitchell: Just the emerald city at the end of my yellow brick road
Cameron: Wow you did it
Mitchell: What?
Cameron: You made figure skating sound even gayer.

It's very hard to pick a favorite character in that show, they're all so funny in their own way! But I really love Cameron.
He won me over with the Lion King thing in the pilot. He dresses up his daughter as famous pop icons. He likes football.
He does a talking head about the different types of clowns. He think Meryl Streep could play Batman.

Dr. Parish: Looks like a patient lost his patience.
Castle: Also his command of grammar. You're should be you-'-re as in you are, that's not even a tough one not like when to use who or whom.
Beckett: Do you really think that's the take away here Castle?
Castle: I'm just saying whoever killed her also murdered the English language.

He's Nathan Fillion. 'Nuff said. Also, one of my favorite things about that show is his relationship with his daughter & his mom.

Erica: You know that friend you have? The girl who seems to have it all figured out? She's got the great job, the great guy, the great life. Well...I'm not that girl. My name is Erica Strange. I'm 32, still working a dead end job, still sleeping with my cat. I know people wonder why the cute girl with the great education and the great friends can't get it together. There's a simple answer: bad decisions. I could teach a course on messing up your life. Really, I'm that good at getting everything wrong. The worst part is, it wasn't always like this. I used to be a rising star. But these days, I just feel like I flame out.

Erica is relatable, she's not perfect, she's not extraordinary, she wants to do the right thing but makes mistakes, she has a good
heart and you root for her.

Erica: The more predictable we are, the more vulnerable we are.

Anna: We are of peace. Always.

I put them together because they're what makes the show works for me. Two strong female characters on opposite sides of the fight. It helps that I already loved Liz & Morena for their previous roles on (respectively) LOST & Firefly.

Gwen: There's one thing I always wanted to ask Jack. Back in the old days. I wanted to know about that Doctor of his. The man who appears out of nowhere and saves the world; except sometimes he doesn't. All those times in history where there was no sign of him.. I wanted to know why not. But I don't need to ask anymore. I know the answer now: Sometimes the Doctor must look at this planet and turn away in shame.

I'd never been a big fan of Gwen. Especially when it seemed like all the writers wanted was to make her a love interest for Jack. But in Children of Earth she was awesome. She kicked ass, was great with Rhys & her emotional scenes like the quote above or when she adjusts Ianto's tie were so touching. Oh and her saying hello to Tosh&Owen's picture at the beginning like a morning ritual ♥

Sam: You can't shoot anybody else. These are our friends. This is our town.
Jason: Sometimes you need to destroy something to save it. That's in the Bible or the Constitution.

He's just my favorite idiot. What a team with Andy haha.

Sawyer: How'd you learn to speak Latin?
Juliet: Others 101. It's the language of the enlightened.
Sawyer: Enlightened, my ass.

Yes Elizabeth Mitchell is there twice. That's how awesome she is.

Leslie: I think this is gonna be a really good bonding experience with Ron. Guys love it when you can show them you're better than they are at something they love.

Parks&Recreation wins at "best improved show"! And the way they differentiated Leslie Knope from a "female Michael Scott" has to do with it.
She actually works & is good at it. She's a bit of a dork and takes her job too seriously (which makes the whole thing funny), finding
inspiration in famous politician women.

Phil: I'm cool dad, that's my thang. I'm hip, I surf the web, I text. LOL: laugh out loud, OMG: oh my god, WTF: why the face.

Phil: Claire likes to say "You can be part of the problem, or part of the solution." But I happen to believe you can be both.

Another member of the Modern Family! Basically Phil can be summed up by the 1st quote. He thinks he's a cool dad but he's not. And it's hilarious.

Linda: You guys are thinking about antlers and tails, aren't you?
Phil: Why do animals get all the best stuff attached to their bodies?
Lem: I would love to have a blowhole.

Phil: No, no, it was a good thing. He saw me as a threat. I'm a scientist, Lem. I've been a threat to humanity, the environment, even Jupiter once. But never new to a hot girl's boyfriend.

Lem: It can find the subject in a crowded stadium, in the background of home movies, security cameras, webcams. It's like having eyes everywhere, but not in a bad way, like that time we spilled that container full of eyes.

I could add dozens and dozens of quotes! I don't even know how to describe Phil&Lem but I can't separate them. Watch this show!

Sue: Caning works! And I think it's about time we did a little more of it right here... yes, we cane!

Sue: Schuester! Yeah? I'll need to see that set list for Sectionals after all, and I want it on my desk, warm from the laminator at 5:00 p.m. And if it is one minute late, I will go to the animal shelter and get you a kitty cat. I will let you fall in love with that kitty cat, and then, on some dark, cold night, I will steal away into your home and punch you in the face.

What would Glee be without Sue? Jane Lynch FTW.

Tami: You are a teacher first, and you are a molder of men.

Tyra: What's the big deal?
Tami: The big deal is it's part of my job, to make sure that you don't grow up stupid. It's bad for the world.

When I grow up, I want to be Tami Taylor. ♥ Mr&Mrs Coach are parents to the whole city of Dillon and they're the best.

Dr. Ocean: It's just one of your alters showing a side we've never seen.
Tara: Great, now my alters have alters.

Toni Collette is just fantastic as Tara and her alters, especially T the teenager and Buck the... guy.

Female Lawyer: Were you involved in the development of this product?
Veronica: Yes.
Female Lawyer: And how would you summarize the company's reaction when they found out that the women who used this product were savagely attacked by insects?
Veronica: Ouch.
Female Lawyer: Will you elaborate on that, please?
Veronica: No.
Female Lawyer: Can you describe your job?
Veronica: Yes.
Female Lawyer: How would you describe your job?
Veronica: Cleverly.

Veronica: Chu, chu, chu, chu.
Ted: What are you doing?
Veronica: That's the sound of me deflecting the whiny bitching with my happiness shield.

Yay again for Better Off Ted! You thought Portia de Rossi was at her best as Lindsay Bluth? Well here she's even more awesome.
Everything she says or does is freaking hilarious.

Victor: I'm Anthony, by the way. You can call me Tony.
Sierra: Priya.
Victor: Nice to meet you. (shoots) So you're from Australia?
Sierra: Maybe we should save the small talk until after the gunfight.




Boyd: Echo took the mission parameter and made it better. She seems to have the ability to think outside of the pieces that we give her and create.
Dr. Saunders: Create a new approach to the problem.
Boyd: It's impressive. I don't know what it means, but it's impressive. She really is special.
Dr. Saunders: Special isn't always a good thing here, Boyd.
Boyd: DeWitt's a business woman. Is she really going to harm her best Active?
Dr. Saunders: Echo wasn't always the best.
Boyd: You're talking about Alpha.
Dr. Saunders: I'm just saying, sometimes the best thing to hope for is "good enough."

Claire Saunders was straight away mysterious because of her scars and her link to Alpha. And then came the twist! She was a doll by the name of
Whiskey! And now that she knows about it it brings so many questions that are at the center of the show like what makes a person. And of course
Amy Acker is fantastic at playing all these conflicting feelings/personalities.




Ellen Tigh: Whether you remember that life or not, at least you must understand what we were trying to do. We wanted to end the cycle of war between man and machine.
Saul Tigh: That was a bust.
Ellen: Yes, we failed, but we have a second chance now: Hera. Without her our children are going to die off one by one, just like they're dying right now in Cottle's sickbay.
Tigh: I had a child. He died.
Ellen: You're wrong Saul. You have millions.

Ellen's return to the show was awesome. Initially I was not totally sold on the reveal but she convinced me. Kate Vernon's acting was brilliant. Ellen was different, knowing her true nature and all, but also the same somehow. And I love how she was all "mother of all Cylons" with her "children" and how attached to the other Four she was, especially when she saw them for the 1st time. And it's a 2,000 year-old love story you guys!


coming next...
Part 4: Best TV Moments (which actually is probably gonna be in several parts... with categories such as (working titles) omgwtf, sadface, epic cool & lolz)

fandom:picspam, tv

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