6 Reasons Why You Should Be Watching Being Erica: a picspam

Mar 31, 2009 01:15

for picspammy's challenge #8

01. Because Erica Strange is a very relatable heroine.
She’s a 30-something over-educated underachieving too nice for her own good real who values the opinions of others too much. And Erin Karpluk is awesome as Erica, you really root for her.

Erica: You know that friend you have? The girl who seems to have it all figured out? She's got the great job, the great guy, the great life. Well...I'm not that girl. My name is Erica Strange. I'm 32, still working a dead end job, still sleeping with my cat. I know people wonder why the cute girl with the great education and the great friends can't get it together. There's a simple answer: bad decisions. I could teach a course on messing up your life. Really, I'm that good at getting everything wrong. The worst part is, it wasn't always like this. I used to be a rising star. But these days, I just feel like I flame out.

02. Because the plot is better than it sounds.
Feeling that her life is a result of numerous bad decisions, Erica meets Dr. Tom, a mysterious therapist who makes her list her regrets… and actually make her go back in time to each of these moments to try and “fix things”.

Erica: What about paradoxes, huh? Butterfly Effect, Back to the Future?
Dr. Tom: I love that movie.
Erica: If I change the past, if I don't get drunk, would that cause, like, World War III in the present?
Dr. Tom: Or, is it possible that your alcohol consumption, though very important to you, might not play a role in influencing world events?

03. Because Time Travel is cool and we get flashback wigs and 90’s music and 80’s clothes!

04. Because Dr Tom is hilarious with his mysterious office location (it keeps changing), his ridiculous outfits and his random quotes, from Plato to Britney Spears or Yoda.

Dr Tom: "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." Albert Einstein.

05. Because Tyron Leitso is hot and adorable and needed to be more on TV
(people who like good cancelled too soon TV will remember him from Wonderfalls!)

06. Because in this television world of crime or medical shows, it’s cute and fun and refreshing and it leaves you warm and fuzzy. Thank you Canada!

fandom:picspam, tv:being erica

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