Jan 01, 2009 21:39

First let's say goodbye to 2008...

Warning: contains spoilers (nothing that hasn’t aired on TV though, except a few casting spoilers)

I’m pretty sure I forgot stuff. Arghhhh.

Order is not relevant.

rumors about the movie!

movie being made!

moving to ABC to get a proper final season!

finally catching up with everything Whedonverse... can you believe I'd never seen a single Angel episode before 2008?

getting my parents into...

DOLLHOUSE: first the rumors, then the actual news, oh and Tahmoh being cast (!!!)

Dr Horrible (shocking!), which was maybe my favorite thing from 2008 overall, and its Commentary!

and her

(this one needs no words...)

(we had been waiting for them to be on screen at the same time for 2 years or sth lol. + sleeveless bonus)

looking at my and iTunes stats... once again a very fandomy year... so I'm only
going to mention the not-fandomy not-soundtrack album I've listened to the most in 2008

and now for the baaaaad (did not even try to make the pics pretty)

Pushing Daisies cancelled *is heartbroken*

Shortened TV seasons though I supported the reasons behind it (and this pic is made of epic win)

Grey’s Anatomy losing their sh*t AGAIN

Britney on HIMYM… laaaame!

The end of season 3 of Bones… what.

Private Practice is booooring

Learning about DT leaving DrWho ;___; it had to happen at some point…
but the thing that really worries me is that it means one less regeneration to go...

Heroes is confusing and sounds like The 4400 now with the formula and everyone gets powers
and numerous alternative timelines and everyone is a Petrelli no wait is not and everyone is dead no wait is not

and they bring back characters to kill them for no reason right afterwards

Our ridiculous Euro2008

Why can’t Paul Campbell be on a GOOD show? I guess we weren't specific enough in our wish to get him back on TV
(why didn't you get that role in Dollhouse, damn it)

is the best thing in that show

And why isn't this man on TV? UNFAIR.

HAPPY NEW YEAR, F-LIST! May 2009 bring you all everything you wish for ;)


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