
Oct 10, 2016 01:18

Oh, that's odd. Someone removed me from their friends list and I'm assuming its because I'm not active, so I went to their non-friends-locked top post to say "Hi, I'll miss you, sorry to have not been around etc" and it says I'm banned from commenting there. Is this something new lj has added to prevent folk from annoying those who have unfriended ( Read more... )

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Comments 17

cellio October 10 2016, 03:11:12 UTC
That's a bummer. I think one of the LJ settings is "allow only friends to comment", so maybe it wasn't a targeted ban? I mean, if you haven't been around, what could you have done?


hobbitblue October 10 2016, 03:21:35 UTC
Yeah, just odd to set your "comment here to be added" post as a friends only/don't allow folk to comment thing.. ah well, I'll assume they were just having a clear-out of presumed dead journals..


cellio October 10 2016, 03:24:24 UTC
Oh, well in that case something weird is going on. I hadn't realized the post invited comments from the not-yet-friended.

Cleanup, I guess, but eh, weird.


hobbitblue October 10 2016, 03:25:53 UTC
If i was on here more often I'd maybe press the issue but as it is...


tassie_gal October 10 2016, 03:12:58 UTC
YAH! YOU ARE ALIVE! I was thinking of you the other day!


hobbitblue October 10 2016, 03:22:10 UTC
Hey you! *squish* I must have felt the vibes and come over to post *g*


tassie_gal October 10 2016, 03:58:14 UTC
Squish GOOOD! Was thinking of you as a friend just released an EP I think you would really enjoy - go look up the preview for Instructions for Dancing by Zachary Morris and Ben Van Tienan.


hobbitblue October 12 2016, 00:58:39 UTC
That's lovely, really talented people :)


ganimede October 10 2016, 19:55:11 UTC
LJ has a setting for not allowing comments from people you've not friended so it could be that :-/ It'd be a bit weird for them to ban you when you've not been here!


hobbitblue October 12 2016, 00:46:13 UTC
They're a very private person so may just have extra high security settings as a default..


ganimede October 13 2016, 19:14:15 UTC
Could be. It seems a shame though :(


hobbitblue October 13 2016, 22:55:46 UTC


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