I have a Greek exam in two days, or, in another way of looking at it, just under 40 hours. I have Guards! Guards! rehearsals every night next week. I have a presentation on Friday which I've barely begun to research for.
And yet, god help me, I'm going to try liveblogging the Superbowl again.
If I've posted this, it hasn't been a disaster. )
Comments 4
I'm so serious. There was a loose ball and the entirety of each team tried to jump on it, and it took all the referees and at least three minutes to pull all of the guys off of one another. It was hot ridiculous.
You should have stayed up for the last half! It was so insane down here in Louisiana, I don't even want to think about Bourbon street right now. The downtown area here is already crazy enough! Like, people are drunkenly dancing in the streets. Yeah.
Seriously, everyone on both teams was in one giant manpile. In theory the ball was there as well... but it could have snuck out and no one would have noticed because there was so much groping, and it lasted about 20 minutes! (erm... or not cos that would be a whole quarter and then some, and that much subtext isn't allowed)
I'm glad I vaguely woke up for it... stupid body telling me midnight is sleep time!
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