Prompt Post 14

Dec 02, 2013 07:22

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fill: recompense: tauriel/legolas, tauriel/thranduil, tauriel/fili/kili, fili/kili (1/9) sospes December 23 2013, 22:27:29 UTC
A/N: More serious than you probably wanted, OP...


Tauriel’s busy. Her bowstring snapped this afternoon, right in the middle of a spider hunt, leaving her vulnerable and, oh, completely open to the shequeen bearing down on her from behind. The only reason she’s not high up in the branches right now, wrapped in webbing and waiting for the dinner table, is her Greenwood prince: he saved her, sending a shaft lancing straight through the beast’s gullet, and she’d just watched, pathetic and civilian, as it writhed and keened to its death, useless bow in hand. So now she’s restringing, carefully and methodically, and she really doesn’t want anybody asking foolish questions and-

“Tauriel? Are you listening to me?”

The blunt answer is no, but Legolas is looking at her with a peculiar expression in his eyes, one she can’t quite place. She says, “I am now. What is it ( ... )


Re: fill: recompense: tauriel/legolas, tauriel/thranduil, tauriel/fili/kili, fili/kili (2/9) sospes December 23 2013, 22:28:26 UTC
Tauriel can’t quite suppress a smile. She pads silently across her chambers, comes to stand at Legolas’ side, close enough that he can feel the heat of her body but not close enough to let him touch her. “See anything you like?” she asks ( ... )


Re: fill: recompense: tauriel/legolas, tauriel/thranduil, tauriel/fili/kili, fili/kili (3/9) sospes December 23 2013, 22:29:37 UTC
“I dare you.”

They’re feasting, tables groaning with the best the kitchens have to offer, and Tauriel’s plate is piled high with the particular chestnut fancies she could eat all day. It’s a celebration, a celebration of life and victory and love. Wine flows and laughter rings through the Greenwood.

Tauriel eyes Legolas with suspicion. They’re sitting together on one of the tables reserved for the guard: Legolas left high table hours ago, about when his father started calling for the dancing bears to be brought in, despite the fact that the Greenwood has no dancing bears, because I’m the king and I get what I want! Now, they’re side by side with their comrades, thigh pressed close to thigh, and Legolas’ hand is warm on her back ( ... )


Re: fill: recompense: tauriel/legolas, tauriel/thranduil, tauriel/fili/kili, fili/kili (4/9) sospes December 23 2013, 22:32:27 UTC
Thranduil catches up with Tauriel just outside the door to her chambers, and by now she’s feeling just enough of the wine-fuzz that she laughs when he catches her by the hand, spins her round to face him. Strands of her hair catch against her spit-slick lips, and the elvenking rubs his thumb against her cheek, says, “Why do you make me chase you ( ... )


Re: fill: recompense: tauriel/legolas, tauriel/thranduil, tauriel/fili/kili, fili/kili (5/9) sospes December 23 2013, 22:33:35 UTC
“They’re here.”

It’s been six months since the Battle of Five Armies, six months since Tauriel stood among the ruin of so many bodies and just couldn’t stop shaking, six months since she saw the dwarf and his nephews crowned in state on the mountains of golden treasure. Six months since the slaughter, six months since the celebration. Six months of Thranduil making tentative yet somehow still haughty advances towards the Mountain, six months of silence in return.

Or, almost six months of silence. The message crossed their borders a week ago: we accept your invitation. Nothing else ( ... )


Re: fill: recompense: tauriel/legolas, tauriel/thranduil, tauriel/fili/kili, fili/kili (6/9) sospes December 23 2013, 22:34:24 UTC
An honour guard escorts the dwarves-six in total, only two of whom she recognises-to the king’s throne, and Thranduil, rising to the occasion, doesn’t simply lounge in his seat as Tauriel feared he might. He greets the dwarves almost courteously, introduces his son and his kingdom, and Tauriel can’t help but feel like she’s just tagging along as the king takes the embassy on a brief tour of the realm. No matter. Boredom is better than war.

When they’re halfway to the grand hall (neatly bypassing the cells, Tauriel notices with a smile), Kili drops back, falls into step with her. Or tries to, but seeing as his legs are so much shorter she finds herself taking pity and instead falling into step with him. He looks up at her wryly, says, “Thanks for that. And for before.”

She cocks her head. “You don’t have to thank me,” she says. “Saving my life was enough.”

“I want to,” Kili says, then corrects himself: “We want to.” His gaze flickers almost unconsciously to his brother, deep in conversation with Thranduil. “Any way we can. We ( ... )


Re: fill: recompense: tauriel/legolas, tauriel/thranduil, tauriel/fili/kili, fili/kili (7/9) sospes December 23 2013, 22:36:49 UTC
Tauriel sits alone in her rooms that night, unstrung bow across her lap, and works the new bowstring between her fingers, checks it for weaknesses and unevenness, winds the ends around her hands and stretches it taught. It’s not perfect, but it’s acceptable, and she begins the process of restringing her bow. It’s a simple task, yes, but she pours herself into it because she still remembers the day her bowstring broke, remembers the humiliation and the fear and the anger. She has worked so hard for who she is ( ... )


Re: fill: recompense: tauriel/legolas, tauriel/thranduil, tauriel/fili/kili, fili/kili (8/9) sospes December 23 2013, 22:38:22 UTC
Fili picks dark blue Easterling glass shot through with darts of silver without a second’s thought, places it silently on the ground next to his brother’s knees, looks up at Tauriel for her approval. She doesn’t give it, not yet, just waits for Kili. He’s more thoughtful, forehead furrowed with a concentration that doesn’t really fit with his nakedness, but he finally reaches out, picks bronze burnished to such a sheen that it gleams like fiery gold. He shares a look with his brother as he places it next to his knees, a look that Tauriel doesn’t understand, couldn’t understand: a look of longing and joy and love, of long nights by the fire and long days under the burning sun ( ... )


Re: fill: recompense: tauriel/legolas, tauriel/thranduil, tauriel/fili/kili, fili/kili (9/9) sospes December 23 2013, 22:39:03 UTC
After, Tauriel lets them sleep, curled around each other in the centre of her bed, and goes out into the night, nothing but a thin gown between her and the spring chill. She runs her fingers through her hair, feels the dwarven braids between her fingers: they’re thicker than the ones her mother taught her, thicker and rougher and somehow more honest, and they’re finished with the silver clasps that could never be hers. She goes to the feast hall, wanders through the mess left by the revel, doesn’t leave a footprint behind her ( ... )


Re: fill: recompense: tauriel/legolas, tauriel/thranduil, tauriel/fili/kili, fili/kili (9/9) msilverstar December 25 2013, 07:08:49 UTC
Wow. Just, wow. Fabulous and unexpected.


Re: fill: recompense: tauriel/legolas, tauriel/thranduil, tauriel/fili/kili, fili/kili (9/9) sospes December 25 2013, 22:56:20 UTC
Thank you!


Re: fill: recompense: tauriel/legolas, tauriel/thranduil, tauriel/fili/kili, fili/kili (9/9) msilverstar December 27 2013, 01:09:26 UTC
Any chance you'll post this at AO3? I'd like to link to it there.


Re: fill: recompense: tauriel/legolas, tauriel/thranduil, tauriel/fili/kili, fili/kili (9/9) sospes December 27 2013, 17:52:04 UTC
Sure! Here's the link: If you link it, do you mind letting me know? Thanks.


Re: fill: recompense: tauriel/legolas, tauriel/thranduil, tauriel/fili/kili, fili/kili (9/9) msilverstar December 28 2013, 02:54:05 UTC
Re: fill: recompense: tauriel/legolas, tauriel/thranduil, tauriel/fili/kili, fili/kili (9/9) sospes January 14 2015, 09:08:25 UTC
Oh hells YES


Re: fill: recompense: tauriel/legolas, tauriel/thranduil, tauriel/fili/kili, fili/kili (8/9) glimmerella December 24 2013, 04:29:27 UTC
Tauriel, you bad, BAD girl...


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