Prompt Post 1 (closed to new prompts)

Dec 13, 2012 01:53

Welcome to the Hobbit Kink Meme! Here you can post prompts for anything related to the Hobbit!
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fill: fili/kili: watch and learn (1/2) sospes December 22 2012, 16:42:38 UTC
As always, Fili and Kili share third watch, crouched close to the embers of the fire in the small hours of the night ( ... )


Re: fill: fili/kili: watch and learn (2/2) sospes December 22 2012, 16:44:10 UTC
Fili sits up, turns round to face his brother. He tugs the clasp off the end of one of his braids, separates the strands - and he reaches out, takes Kili’s hands, pulls them close. “Unravel it,” he says, and keeps his brother’s gaze, heavy and dark in the night. “Slowly ( ... )


bettiebloodshed December 22 2012, 16:47:27 UTC
You are a gift, seriously. I track a lot of threads here, and every time you pop up in my inbox I get so excited.

Another great fill, really. I love the ease that you give these two brothers, how comfortable they are around one another, how loving. It hurts my heart in such good ways.

So please keep writing <3

--Also, are you/do you keep a list of fills you've completed? I don't want to miss any!


sospes December 22 2012, 16:54:31 UTC
Oh, thank you. It means so much that people enjoy what I write - and I'm just loving writing these two so much right now. I plan to keep writing!

I link all my fills on my journal, mainly to pander to my own need to have everything neat and in one place... Nothing's f'locked, so feel free to use my archive system as your own. :) Again, thank you!


Re: fill: fili/kili: watch and learn (2/2) sospes December 22 2012, 16:56:49 UTC
wait a minute, that wasn't horribly depressing...WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH SOSPES

ok but seriously that was fucking adorable and I'm flailing so much over here aaaaa <3


Re: fill: fili/kili: watch and learn (2/2) sospes December 22 2012, 16:58:43 UTC
Haha I'm glad I can still surprise... I tend to seesaw between horribly depressing and tooth-rottingly sweet, and I'm okay with this. :) Thank you!


Re: fill: fili/kili: watch and learn (2/2) sospes December 22 2012, 17:27:18 UTC
Thank you! Thank you for writing fanfiction for this pairing, and thank you for being excellent at it!

I'm ashamed to say this but I have hanged around your page for like the whole day hoping that a new fanfiction would pop up and when it did..... all I can say is that I adore your work!

Stay perfect! ;)


Re: fill: fili/kili: watch and learn (2/2) sospes December 22 2012, 17:38:51 UTC
I have hanged around your page for like the whole day hoping that a new fanfiction would pop up
*blush* Thank you so much! :)


Re: fill: fili/kili: watch and learn (2/2) reykir December 22 2012, 22:13:22 UTC
Oh dear, thank you ever so much for a fill! I really adore your writing and also what you did with my little prompt. /o/ Thank you again !!


Re: fill: fili/kili: watch and learn (2/2) sospes December 22 2012, 22:34:49 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it - thank you! :)


Re: fill: fili/kili: watch and learn (2/2) mikihisha December 22 2012, 23:45:38 UTC
I'm seriously following your fics from now on, I love your Fili/Kili and your headcanon you told me about xD
I'm totally glued to your butt right now,lol


Re: fill: fili/kili: watch and learn (2/2) sospes December 22 2012, 23:58:50 UTC
My bum's flattered. ;) Thank you!


Re: fill: fili/kili: watch and learn (2/2) finy December 23 2012, 01:56:42 UTC
I love you for writing these two. seriously!
you're fics are beyond perfect! <3
you've got their character spot on, it's brilliant. :D


Re: fill: fili/kili: watch and learn (2/2) sospes December 23 2012, 12:08:33 UTC
Thank you! :)


Re: fill: fili/kili: watch and learn (2/2) plingo_kat December 23 2012, 04:11:52 UTC
Oho, I read it and it was wonderful and then I decided to look up in case the author wasn't anon, and look! IT'S YOU. Your fic is consistently well-written and full of feels, and I love it. <3


Re: fill: fili/kili: watch and learn (2/2) sospes December 23 2012, 12:09:24 UTC
Me, and not horrendously depressing! It's a miracle! :) Thank you.


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