podfic post: 'five times lord braxiatel had occasion to regret the doctor’s exile very deeply...'

Mar 01, 2013 18:59

Title: Five Times Lord Braxiatel Had Occasion to Regret The Doctor’s Exile Very Deeply Indeed (And One Time He Wished The Doctor Would Just Sod Off Forever)
Author: x_los
Fandom: Gallifrey/Doctor Who
Characters: Braxiatel, Susan, Delgado!Master, Four, Five, Tegan, Turlough, Ainley!master, Six, Peri, Evelyn, Romana II, Leela, Narvin, Eight, Benny
Rating: PG
Pairings: Suggestions of Doctor/Master and Brax/Romana
Text: lives here
Audio: lives here

fandom: gallifrey, fandom: doctor who, podfic, ficcage

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