Nov 01, 2009 09:26
It's still more than a week away and everybody is commenting on the promo that was just released. And they are posting screencaps of it. Which is just as bad, IMO.
So, I think I'll go hide under a rock for another week. OY!
How is everybody else doing?
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Comments 7
What makes me agitated about it is that we wouldn't have to avoid all those places if everyone in the fandom was as considerate as all those posters and communities using warning tags and squeeing behind a lj-cut, I mean it's not that hard and it doesn't take their fun away to take a few seconds and think of those of us who're spoilerphobes^^. I even got insulted at times for not reading spoilers:
"Well, what are you doing in a House community then" and the like
...WTF??? as if arguing and whining about spoilers is what being a House fan should be about
*rolls eyes*
I am glad that many communities and forums have some guidelines when it comes to spoilers, but there are always people who don't care or don't read the rules or whatever.
And it sucks even worse when you don't live in the US and don't have to watch promos and still get spoiled by it, since often promos are not considered to be spoilers. :(
I'll have to avoid almost every community I love for the next weeks, because there's always someone who's posting stuff without caring whether people get spoiled or not (I mean, for example: is it that hard to use a freaking lj-cut or read the damn forum rules before babbling on and on about what Cuddy is doing/wearing/whatever? ).
The screen-cap thing happened quite a few times to me this season :(
Luckily I didn't get spoiled on anything major (yet) though...
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