I was going to put up a notice for the next meme, unfortunately, the LJ-notification problem, coupled with mod's real-life business kind of prevented that. But since we're so much later than usual, I'm just going to put the post up. I'm sorry I haven't been around to respond to you guys. We should be back on track now!
How's My Driving?∞ comment
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Rei Hino | Sailor Moon - manga | luvu2bby
Remus Lupins | Harry Potter - Marauders era | very_literate
Rogue | X-Men - Rogue miniseries | mississippikiss
Selene | Underworld | deals_death
Lawrence Hill | Boy's Next Door | tagged_tongue
Soubi Agatsuma | Loveless | wants_ur_ears
sortinghat_rp (au)
Peony Empori IX | Tales of the Abyss | rappigemperorix
I also keep meaning to link you to fabulous sexified icons of Rogue. Next time I see some I will!
Also: PLEASE for Rogue icons. I had such a hard time even find the ones I have.
And animonic is where I've seen some beautiful Rouge icons :3
Got about 20 really nice ones! THANK YOU!!
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