How's My Driving?
∞ comment with all the journals you RP with (and the communities they're from).
∞ reply to other people's comments (anon or logged in) with constructive criticism
∞ learn from the suggestions and profit!
► play nice! flaming will not be tolerated, and threads with such will be deleted. Save the wank for
roleplaysecrets► IP addresses are not
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Toshiko Sato / torchwoodgenius
Trisana Chandler / yerui
(and if you want to throw concrit for Donna or the Master at me, go for it.)
Martha Jones / marthajonesmd
Gene Hunt / havinhoops
Toshiko Sato / geekgirltosh
George Lass / notsosupertemp
Peter Carlisle / dicarlisle
And any number of other characters that like to make appearances anywhere and everywhere.
Anyway! I love the characters of yours that I do know, and I also adore George despite having never seen her canon. And we still need to do that Ianto and Tosh thread.
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