Concrit Post 6

May 21, 2009 07:56

How's My Driving?

∞ comment with all the journals you RP with (and the communities they're from).
∞ reply to other people's comments (anon or logged in) with constructive criticism
∞ learn from the suggestions and profit!

► play nice! flaming will not be tolerated, and threads with such will be deleted. Save the wank for rp-anonmeme/roleplaysecrets► IP addresses are not ( Read more... )


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offensive May 22 2009, 02:11:03 UTC
I have a munhead @ primavista, if I don't list anyone there here that you wish to comment on, feel free :x


- Rebecca Chambers clevermedic
- Heather Mason godless
- Claire Redfield redfield
- Kate Bishop takingtheshot
- River Tam theluckybird
- Penny apennysaved
- Yuna herstorynow


- Sheva Alomar fightingchance

homeless but eventually headin' over to a_trialbyfire

- Elle Holloway bahdababa


ormery May 22 2009, 03:40:31 UTC
I dig your Kate when she's around but it's a shame we can't see more of her? I might be biased here but I feel like she needs to be a little more active to be IC - a lot of the time it seems like she's only reacting to the things the other members of the team do rather than doing much of her own thing and I kind of feel as if Billy's ... shouldering a lot of the responsibility for the team, or what of it exists here, that ought to be more shared. THAT IS MY TUPPENCE ON THE ONLY CHARACTER OF YOURS I'M ACTUALLY FAMILIAR WITH

.... also I like how your DC characters' names decrease in length in a neat diagonal line there


offensive May 22 2009, 03:43:31 UTC
YEAH I'M STILL KIND OF TERRIFIED OF HER VOICE. I know she needs to be out there more and I suck sob. It also doesn't help that whenever something big she'd respond to happens I'm not online and it's kind of impossible for me to have her be the first to something if I'm not physically around to have her jump into it. You're around when I'm not, so Billy typically gets there first :/

Yeah I do that on purpose. it was unintentional how like, the order in which I apped them their names neatly diagonalized like that, and Kate screwed the order up so I just... move her so it's still all diagonal. 8D


ormery May 22 2009, 03:50:46 UTC
Yeahh I do realise it doesn't really help that I'm like usually like THINGS HAPPENING? I AM SO IMMEDIATELY THERE!! Uh. >>; BUT! Don't be terrified! When you do let her out she is pretty swish. I'd just like to know what she's doing more often even if your schedule doesn't let you get at stuff with great swiftness.

lmao 8D I LOVE YOU FOR IT I am easily pleased


offensive May 22 2009, 03:54:57 UTC
I'm getting feedback from someone who's played Kate in the past and loves her about stuff I can work on, so yeah. I will def work on getting her out there more.

dude when I realized their names did that the first time I posted for AC I giggled for like ten minutes.


ormery May 22 2009, 03:58:44 UTC
THAT IS GOOD TO KNOW <3 I hope you do!

I do not blame you


loveotter May 22 2009, 04:30:35 UTC
It was really fun to be girly!friends with Rebecca back when I was playing Tifa, and I think you've heard me rave about how spot-on your River voice is. My only wish would be to see more of her.


demonborntwice May 22 2009, 05:39:49 UTC
I'll comment only on who I know, so this'll be kinda short.

I dunno Rebecca's canon personality, but here, she strikes me as independent, spunky, smart, but still pretty darn girly! You strike a good balance, and I like that. The relationship with Billy's cute too. Kudos. If there's anything that needs to be improved...okay, so I dunno RE canon, so I can't much say, but Rebecca is appealing.

As for River, I have seen Firefly and the Big Damn Movie, so here I can comment. Sadly, I have to say that...I have no con/crit to offer. She's pitch-perfect. You have done incredibly well with her from what I've seen. Her dialogue is great, and she's got that River feel to her.

...Sadly, that's all I know. Sorry if this is inadequate.


ggmoonycrisco May 22 2009, 06:40:01 UTC
I'm gonna say this and you're gonna punch me right in the goddamn mouth because I'm pretty sure it's partially my fault.

I'd love to see everybody more active.

(now I will ice my jaw)

I absolutely adore your Rebecca, and she is the best Rebecca I could ever hope for in the history of ever. It's mind-boggling how you get her down so well and then how you move on to River and still the voice just sounds so good.

I think that was pretty much gibberish but hey you know you can always ask me for more detailed crit!


lunais_cross May 22 2009, 09:11:07 UTC

You are the best Penny a Dr. Horrible could ever hope for.

She's the right amount of that incredible sweetness and compassion we see all the time in the series, she's cheerful and optimistic even in the face of the utter ruin that Manhattan's in and I get so nervous tagging you sometimes because I am worried about matching up to you. Thank you so much for putting up with my slow tagging and my general activity fail.


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


blckblooded May 23 2009, 00:28:20 UTC
You're pretty new to Taedium, but so far I'm liking Sheva. It's good to have some kick ass women around and she's definitely one of them.

I'm really looking forward to what you do with her in the comm.


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