Concrit Post 2

Dec 10, 2008 17:05

How's My Driving?∞ comment with all the journals you RP with (and the communities they're from ( Read more... )


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oxymoronic3 December 11 2008, 06:49:29 UTC
At onorata, I play...

Usopp longnosedliar
Roronoa Zoro resolute_edge
and Sam Vimes stonyfaced

I've also played quite a few people at PWDR--if you've seen me there (most well known as young!Miles), feel free to ask me to list who I played and I'd be happy to oblige.

Concrit please, guys? I DO THIS EVERY TIME but to no avail.


extantlaw December 11 2008, 09:46:50 UTC
Well. I only know your stuff from PWDR and you play one of THREE of my favourite Mileses there, so hey XD You have an interpretation of canon that I respect wholeheartedly (even if we differ on some key points) and some of my favourite RP moments have been with you and particularly with your child Miles. You play him as a child extremely well in my opinion and with the right balance of naivety/idealism and smarts/doubt. With so little in canon to go off of you are to be commended for what you made of him at that age. We so need to RP together more, and I wish so hard I could play a child Feens for him somewhere. At the very least it would be nice to find a home for Word and Fate - that AU could do with time to develop ( ... )


oxymoronic3 December 12 2008, 02:02:20 UTC
Oh man. I totally appreciate it, Mob--especially since it means a lot coming from you; you're pretty much my favorite person to play with ahnds down. I'd really love to play more with you sometime. After joining a new RP, I've missed somebody who will, to be frank, ask me how his shoelaces are tied. :|

and LOL oh mob that's funny 'cos most view me as quite not-sensible. WHICH MAY HAVE TO DO WITH EXCESSIVE CAPSLOCKS! ♥

Lastly, yeah, I totally agree with this point. It's difficult for me to shove my characters into tough situations, and it's something I need to work with. I think it's mostly me going OHGODTHISISSOOOC, but hey, one must take risks to improve! I'm trying to do that right now, actually, but I can always try harder.

Thanks again--I appreciate it.


mereprototype December 11 2008, 19:11:57 UTC
I don't know any of your characters' canon very well, but I love seeing Usopp played and wish I could log with him/see him more actively.


oxymoronic3 December 12 2008, 02:03:16 UTC
Ah, thanks Ken! I'd like to get Usopp more active too, actually; he's a joy to play. You ever want to log, and you feel free to just IM me. About 99.9% of the time, if someone asks me to log, I will.


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